Обсуждение: Need software infrastructure advice


Need software infrastructure advice

"Aaron Zeitler"
Note: The meat and potatoes of my request is in the "What I would like" section.  Everything else is just explanation.

Currently my company is using software that really isn't meeting our needs.  We have tried to get the 3rd party to allow us to help with their source, but they won't allow us to help with it (even after we offered to sign non-disclosure and non-competition contracts).  Because of a number of issues we are looking at developing our own solution.  I have been thinking for sometime about PostgreSQL to help with the solution.  I'm just looking for some advice on how I might pull off the features we would like.

What I would like:
-Data sharing between locations.
-Offline availability (in case Internet connection goes down).
-The ability to make a change at the home office, and have that change made at the applicable (not necessarily all) remote locations.  Currently we have to log in (VNC) to each location to make a change, I would like to remove this requirement.
-Company-wide querying built in.

What I have now:
-60 remote locations (in different states) with ADSL or Cable Internet connection (connection reliability is just like it is for a home user, sometimes great, sometimes "flakey").
-Each remote location has at least 2 computers, most have 3, a few have 4, and one has 5.  The naming structure is station-##-1, station-##-2, etc. where the ## is the store number.  Computers have Windows 2000 or Windows XP Pro.
-The current application we have is a MS Access front-end, with a MS Access back-end shared peer-to-peer.  The back end is located on the station 1 of each location.  The other stations at the location link to this back-end.  Each store's data is separate, they do not share data between locations (though they may share actual clients).
-Backups consist of a batch file that zips the back-end and transfers the file to our home office via sftp.
-We run MS SQL Server 2000 at the home office.  I have connected the MS Access back-ends as linked servers and run Stored Procedures to combine the data from the various back-ends into single tables in MS SQL Server.  I then can run company-wide reports against this combined data (something not normally possible or provided by the software as they are essentially separate databases).

What I have considered:
-At the most basic I could use the same setup we have now.  MS Access front-end and back-end, but it just be OUR application running it.  But this doesn't meet other "wants" I would like to fulfill.
-Central database at the home office.  This would allow us to share data between stores (which is desirable).  The front-end could simply be a web application.  Or it could be a Java app that connects over the Internet.  We used software like this before our current solution years ago (but it wasn't OUR software).  The problem with this was that if the store lost their Internet connection, they could not help customers.  This was not acceptable.
-Same setup as now (using the Access databases), but providing a web page linked to the MS SQL Server at the home office.  This would allow separate stores to look up (and thus share) information between each other.  The problems with this is that the data would only be updated daily (I would like it to be hourly at least) and the data is not integrated into the software.  Integration into the software would be best in my opinion (no need to log onto a site for each check, no way to forget checking against other store's data).
-PostgreSQL as a back-end.  Each store would have its own PostgreSQL back-end that would then be replicated to the home office into it's own database or schema or table.  At the home office I would combine the data into "unioned" versions of what exists locally at each location.  I could then replicate these "unioned" tables back to the remote locations.  So a store would be the master of it's own data, and a slave to the "unioned" tables, while the home office was a slave to store tables, but a master for the "unioned" tables.  The software would store it's customer's data in its regular tables, but would perform checks against the "master" tables to see the customer currently has data somewhere else.  I feel that this would allow data to be available, and customers could still be helped, even if the Internet went down for a few minutes (or days).  The main problem with this solution is that Slony-1 says that you really shouldn't have more than a dozen places that you replicate to, and I have 60.  I would also like to be able to go well beyond 60 (so I am looking for a scalable solution).  Also, sometimes the Internet connection to a location goes down.  Some are more "flakey" than others.  Slony-1 says it is not for this type of situation.

What I need:
-Suggestions.  I am open to just about anything.  This is a long-term project.  We certainly don't have unlimited resources, but we've paid around $300k (most of the cost being custom programming) over the last 4 years for a solution that doesn't really work for us.  I'm sure that we could spend some decent money on something that we will own forever.  I could use Java, AJAX, C++, plain HTML, or whatever as the front-end (I may need to learn it or hire help for it).  I'm open to any kind of back-end, but I was looking to open source (specifically PostgreSQL) to save on licensing costs.

Any advice is appreciated. 

Re: Need software infrastructure advice

Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, May 23, 2007 at 01:51:28PM -0500, Aaron Zeitler wrote:
> Internet went down for a few minutes (or days).  The main problem with this
> solution is that Slony-1 says that you really shouldn't have more than a
> dozen places that you replicate to, and I have 60.  I would also like to be
> able to go well beyond 60 (so I am looking for a scalable solution).  Also,
> sometimes the Internet connection to a location goes down.  Some are more
> "flakey" than others.  Slony-1 says it is not for this type of situation.

This is a bit of a kludge -- ok, a _lot_ of a kludge -- but you
could probably do this with Slony using the log shipping features
instead.  That would solve your "60 locations" issue, I think.
Alternatively, you might be able to do this by sort of summarizing in
a few locations, so that you do have 60 nodes, but not all nodes have
to talk to all other nodes.  (I think the flakey network might bite
you here, though.)


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs@crankycanuck.ca
If they don't do anything, we don't need their acronym.
        --Josh Hamilton, on the US FEMA