Обсуждение: Data Mart with Postgres


Data Mart with Postgres

André Volpato
<div class="moz-text-flowed" lang="x-western" style="font-family: -moz-fixed; font-size: 13px;">Hello everybody, <br
/><br/> I´m working with a small project to a client, using Postgres to store data in a dimensional model,
fact-oriented,e.g., a Datamart. <br /><br /> At this time, all I have is a populated database, with the "star schemma"
commonrelations (PK´s / FK´s). <br /><br /> Below is a list of the main goals of this project : <br /> 1. Front-end app
(PHP5)<br /> 2. Transactional database for this app (Postgres) <br /> 3. Datamart in Postgres (described above) <br />
4.ROLAP server that supports Postgres (Java - Mondrian) <br /> 5. Front-end app to manage querys to the ROLAP server
(JSP- JPivot) <br /><br /> Users will have web access to (1), and will be enable to create views using (5). <br /><br
/>It seems like I´m trying to reinvent the wheel, but the point here is that the client can´t afford to use proprietary
BIsolutions, nor proprietary OS. <br /> What I have read all across the internet is that Postgres does not support this
kindof application, wich demands materialyzed views, built-in bitmap index, and so on. In the open-source world, I find
thosemissing features with Mondrian/JPivot. <br /><br /> Does anyone has ever used this structure before ? At least
Mondrianand JPivot ? <br /><br /><div class="moz-txt-sig"><span class="moz-txt-tag">-- <br /></span>[]´s, <br /> André
Volpato<br /></div></div> 

Re: Data Mart with Postgres

On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 08:56:47AM -0300, Andr? Volpato wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I�m working with a small project to a client, using Postgres to
> store data in a dimensional model, fact-oriented, e.g., a Datamart.
> At this time, all I have is a populated database, with the "star
> schemma" common relations (PK�s / FK�s).
> Below is a list of the main goals of this project :
> 1. Front-end app (PHP5)
> 2. Transactional database for this app (Postgres)
> 3. Datamart in Postgres (described above)
> 4. ROLAP server that supports Postgres (Java - Mondrian)
> 5. Front-end app to manage querys to the ROLAP server (JSP - JPivot)
> Users will have web access to (1), and will be enable to create
> views using (5).
> It seems like I�m trying to reinvent the wheel, but the point here
> is that the client can�t afford to use proprietary BI solutions, nor
> proprietary OS.
> What I have read all across the internet is that Postgres does not
> support this kind of application, wich demands materialyzed views,
> built-in bitmap index, and so on. In the open-source world, I find
> those missing features with Mondrian/JPivot.
> Does anyone has ever used this structure before ? At least Mondrian
> and JPivot ?

I haven't but it's certainly possible to build a datamart without bitmap
indexes or mviews, it's just a question of performance. MViews you can
build yourself easily enough; as for bitmap indexes, IIRC you can get
those in Bizgres.
Decibel!, aka Jim Nasby                        decibel@decibel.org
EnterpriseDB      http://enterprisedb.com      512.569.9461 (cell)


Re: Data Mart with Postgres

André Volpato
Decibel! escreveu: <blockquote cite="mid20070808220305.GY20424@nasby.net" type="cite"><pre wrap="">On Wed, Aug 08,
2007at 08:56:47AM -0300, Andr? Volpato wrote: </pre><blockquote type="cite"><pre wrap="">Hello everybody,
I�m working with a small project to a client, using Postgres to
store data in a dimensional model, fact-oriented, e.g., a Datamart.
At this time, all I have is a populated database, with the "star
schemma" common relations (PK�s / FK�s).
Below is a list of the main goals of this project :
1. Front-end app (PHP5)
2. Transactional database for this app (Postgres)
3. Datamart in Postgres (described above)
4. ROLAP server that supports Postgres (Java - Mondrian)
5. Front-end app to manage querys to the ROLAP server (JSP - JPivot)
Users will have web access to (1), and will be enable to create
views using (5).
It seems like I�m trying to reinvent the wheel, but the point here
is that the client can�t afford to use proprietary BI solutions, nor
proprietary OS.
What I have read all across the internet is that Postgres does not
support this kind of application, wich demands materialyzed views,
built-in bitmap index, and so on. In the open-source world, I find
those missing features with Mondrian/JPivot.
Does anyone has ever used this structure before ? At least Mondrian
and JPivot ?   </pre></blockquote><pre wrap="">
I haven't but it's certainly possible to build a datamart without bitmap
indexes or mviews, it's just a question of performance. MViews you can
build yourself easily enough; as for bitmap indexes, IIRC you can get
those in Bizgres. </pre></blockquote><br /> That´s right, I´m pretty sure Postgres could be used as ROLAP server in
thiscase. <br /> Performance is not a problem in this project.<br /><br /> The reason why I suggest using Mondrian [1]
isthe ability to have a tool such as JPivot [2], wich implements <br /> tipicaly OLAP navigations, like drill-down and
slice/dice.<br/><br /> Can anyone point out another OLAP tool, that works with Postgres ? <br /><br /> [1] <a
class="moz-txt-link-freetext"href="http://mondrian.pentaho.org/">http://mondrian.pentaho.org/</a><br /> [2] <a
class="moz-txt-link-freetext"href="http://jpivot.sourceforge.net">http://jpivot.sourceforge.net</a><br /><br /><pre

André Volpato
ECOM Tecnologia Ltda
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
(41) 3014 2322</pre>