Обсуждение: table column reordering


table column reordering

Josh Trutwin
I was following the posts from a month or two ago about reordering
columns using syntax similar to MySQL's:


I have been working on a new project that adds some functionality to
an existing database schema, which caused some tables to expand with
new columns.  As I was adding columns to these tables on my dev
server I was updating the orignal CREATE TABLE install script placing
the new columns next to existing columns where they made sense to be
(as opposed to dumping them all on the end) - so I wound up with
something like:

CREATE TABLE newtable (
   oldcol1 INT
   newcol1 TEXT
   oldcol2 INT
   oldcol3 TEXT
   newcol2 INT

This is fine, but I had a problem when I went to copy the database
from the test server to a production server that had a fresh install
using the CREATE TABLE above.  I only needed to copy data from
certain tables from the old data to the new and I couldn't use PG
Dump because I had to preserve what was already there.  Long story
short, I had a horrible time because COPY TABLE copied the data in
the order of the columns I had on the dev server which didn't match
the order on the production server.  Both servers are running 8.1.

A couple things would have saved me lots of time and head scratching:

Being able to execute COPY TABLE where table name is a view - not
sure why this isn't possible.

Being able to COPY TABLE with the result of a SELECT command where I
can specify the column order (I think this is in 8.3, great feature)

Being able to alter the table to re-order the columns.

I also just thought of another scenario, I could've created a temp
table from a SELECT with the correct column order - wish I had
thought of that before writing this email.

Anyway, sorry to beat a dead horse, but I do believe this is a valid
use-case for being able to alter the column order in a table,
something I was opposed to before.  :)


Re: table column reordering

Gregory Stark
"Josh Trutwin" <josh@trutwins.homeip.net> writes:

> A couple things would have saved me lots of time and head scratching:
> Being able to execute COPY TABLE where table name is a view - not
> sure why this isn't possible.
> Being able to COPY TABLE with the result of a SELECT command where I
> can specify the column order (I think this is in 8.3, great feature)

Even in 8.1 and for as long as I can remember you could specify the columns
you wanted to include and the order they should appear in the copy command.
Try \h COPY in psql (which is similar but not quite the same as \copy)

> Being able to COPY TABLE with the result of a SELECT command where I
> can specify the column order (I think this is in 8.3, great feature)

In fact it's in 8.2 so you could get this feature now by updating to 8.2.5
instead of waiting for 8.3.

> I also just thought of another scenario, I could've created a temp
> table from a SELECT with the correct column order - wish I had
> thought of that before writing this email.

When you think of it put it in an email :)

  Gregory Stark
  EnterpriseDB          http://www.enterprisedb.com