Обсуждение: index on array?


index on array?

"none none"

currently i try to implement a data structure for tracking my websites traffic
i'm using a key/value table which contains e.g. http header and/or GET/POST data
a request table (1 request per row) references to the key/value pairs using an bigint[] array

the problem seems to be that query's on the array are very slow

what i tried to achive:
store every request and it's metadata in the database to generate statistics
since one request can have 1 to many key/value pairs i try to "artificially" broaden the table by using an array to reference to the request's metadata

the metadata table grows slowly and querys are fast on this table
request table grows very fast and timely statistics on time periods are very slow (e.g. how many users used a proxy yesterday,...)

Q1: is there an easy possibility to create an index for the array?
Q2: if yes, how? are there any special query functions for using such indexes?
Q3: anybody knows an alternative way to store such data without arrays?
Q4: what would be a (in sense of performance) fast alternative (w.o. arrays)?
Q5: what would be a space saving (e.g. slow growing table) alternative (w.o. arrays)?


Re: index on array?

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 01:36:51PM +0100, none none wrote:
> hi@ll
> currently i try to implement a data structure for tracking my websites
> traffic
> i'm using a key/value table which contains e.g. http header and/or GET/POST
> data
> a request table (1 request per row) references to the key/value pairs using
> an bigint[] array

In contrib there is the hstore module (for key/value lists) and
intarray module for indexing arrays of integers. Either of these may

Hope this helps,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
>  -- John F Kennedy
