Обсуждение: [pg_gen] what was the "issue" with the 8.3.2 bundle ?


[pg_gen] what was the "issue" with the 8.3.2 bundle ?

greetings, all ---

in the announcement for the 8.3.3 bundle,
   about four weeks ago, now,
   it was stated that the 8.3.2 bundle had "issues",
   but, their nature was not described.

it was stated that
   these tarballs were only available for "a few days".

so, the cat in me being curious,
   today, i went looking in the -bugs list archives
   from may_30 to jun_13, by date,
   examining only the initial post for each thread [ to save time ].
i find no entries that refer to a member of the bundle in question.
i did the same for the -general list archives, from jun_13,
   but, i stopped on jun_05 when i found the post asking
   when 8.3.2 would be released.

i was wondering:  what was it ?
further, is this, per_chance, described, in excruciating detail,
   in a location where i did not tread ?

keep up the good work.

please cc.



Re: [pg_gen] what was the "issue" with the 8.3.2 bundle ?

"Scott Marlowe"
I do believe this was discussed in hackers or thereabouts.  Not that
familiar with it myself, but that's where I'd start my search

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 1:51 PM, spellberg_robert <emailrob@emailrob.com> wrote:
> greetings, all ---
> in the announcement for the 8.3.3 bundle,
>  about four weeks ago, now,
>  it was stated that the 8.3.2 bundle had "issues",
>  but, their nature was not described.
> it was stated that
>  these tarballs were only available for "a few days".
> so, the cat in me being curious,
>  today, i went looking in the -bugs list archives
>  from may_30 to jun_13, by date,
>  examining only the initial post for each thread [ to save time ].
> i find no entries that refer to a member of the bundle in question.
> i did the same for the -general list archives, from jun_13,
>  but, i stopped on jun_05 when i found the post asking
>  when 8.3.2 would be released.
> i was wondering:  what was it ?
> further, is this, per_chance, described, in excruciating detail,
>  in a location where i did not tread ?

Re: [pg_gen] what was the "issue" with the 8.3.2 bundle ?

Tom Lane
spellberg_robert <emailrob@emailrob.com> writes:
> i was wondering:  what was it ?
> further, is this, per_chance, described, in excruciating detail,
>    in a location where i did not tread ?

Did you read the 8.3.3 release notes?


            regards, tom lane

Re: [pg_gen] what was the "issue" with the 8.3.2 bundle ?

Tom Lane wrote:
> spellberg_robert <emailrob@emailrob.com> writes:
>>i was wondering:  what was it ?
>>further, is this, per_chance, described, in excruciating detail,
>>   in a location where i did not tread ?
> Did you read the 8.3.3 release notes?
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/release-8-3-3.html
>             regards, tom lane

hi, tom ---

no. i hadn't.
i just did.

at the risk of ridicule, i don't read release notes online.
i read them when i unpack a tarball.

the first place i tried was the -bugs list for jun_11, the ftp date for 8.3.3.
then, i worked back in time for a couple of weeks.
not finding anything there, i tried -general.

at that point,
   i decided the better course of valor was to ask someone to point the way.
otherwise, i would have tried another list.
i had a feeling it would be someplace "obvious".

per mr. marlowe's suggestion, i was perusing -hackers.
i had just found your original post of jun_06 when your e_mail arrived.

i thank you and him.

while i was reading -hackers, i came across justin's post of jun_07.
i've dealt with this aggravation.
i don't consider myself to be qualified to post to -hackers, yet,
   so, i'll toss my two u_s_a_denominated copper pieces into this ring.

physically, regardless of currency, money is an integer thing.
use a floating_point representation --only-- for intermediate results
   that involve log [ or trig, etc. ] calculations
   [ e. g., in a present_value analysis ].
once you have the final answer, convert it into an integer.
in usa terms, the unit may be dollars, centi_dollars or micro_dollars,
   as three examples, according to your application.
what is important is that it be stored as an integer.
then, you may safely add thousands of them in a loop.

floating_point round_off error has been a pet peeve of mine for decades.

hope this helps.


Re: [pg_gen] what was the "issue" with the 8.3.2 bundle ?

"Henry - Zen Search SA"
On Tue, July 8, 2008 3:14 am, spellberg_robert wrote:
> at the risk of ridicule, i don't read release notes online.
> i read them when i unpack a tarball.

Consider yourself ridiculed! :))

I remember years ago (must be 6.x days) moaning about (to the pg people,
either in the list, or as an email to the site, or something) the fact
that the download site *didn't* have a link with the latest changes - I
hated having to download the entire ball of wax just so I could read the

good times.


Re: [pg_gen] what was the "issue" with the 8.3.2 bundle ?

"Scott Marlowe"
On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 7:21 PM, Henry - Zen Search SA <henry@zen.co.za> wrote:
> On Tue, July 8, 2008 3:14 am, spellberg_robert wrote:
>> at the risk of ridicule, i don't read release notes online.
>> i read them when i unpack a tarball.
> Consider yourself ridiculed! :))
> I remember years ago (must be 6.x days) moaning about (to the pg people,
> either in the list, or as an email to the site, or something) the fact
> that the download site *didn't* have a link with the latest changes - I
> hated having to download the entire ball of wax just so I could read the
> changelog...

I remember that!  I recall we also wore onions on our belts as well.  :)