Обсуждение: information related to blobs


information related to blobs

aravind chandu

          Blobs stores large amount can you please tell me what is the limit i.e hw many kb of data can it store ? say 4000k like that.

         For suppose if a 4000kb data can be stored using blob and the data stored in blob is 3600k what about the remaining data? will it allocates all the 4000kb data or will it allocates only 3600kb data? Like char(100) it will allocates all 100 bytes in memory and  varchar(100) which is variable memory?

Re: information related to blobs

"Albe Laurenz"
aravind chandu wrote:
>           Blobs stores large amount can you please tell me
> what is the limit i.e hw many kb of data can it store ? say
> 4000k like that.
>          For suppose if a 4000kb data can be stored using
> blob and the data stored in blob is 3600k what about the
> remaining data? will it allocates all the 4000kb data or will
> it allocates only 3600kb data? Like char(100) it will
> allocates all 100 bytes in memory and  varchar(100) which is
> variable memory?

There are actually two data types that provide BLOB functionality:

Large Objects, which can be up to 2GB in size
and bytea, which can be up to 1GB in size

Read the documentation for the pros and cons of each.

Both will only use (about) as much disk space as the actual object needs.

Laurenz Albe