Обсуждение: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?


PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

I read something from http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/SQL/Benchmark/TPCH/index.html saying that PostgreSQL can't give the correct result of the some TPC-H queries, I wonder is there any official statements about this, because it will affect our plane of using PostgreSQL as an alternative because it's usability. BTW I don't think PostgreSQL performances worse because the default configuration usually can't use enough resources of the computer, as as memory.

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 07:59:49PM +0800, Amber wrote:

> I read something from
> http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/SQL/Benchmark/TPCH/index.html

Given that the point of that "study" is to prove something about
performance, one should be leery of any claims based on an "out of the
box" comparison.  Particularly since the "box" their own product comes
out of is "compiled from CVS checkout".  Their argument seems to be
that people can learn how to drive CVS and to compile software under
active development, but can't read the manual that comes with Postgres
(and a release of Postgres well over a year old, at that).

I didn't get any further in reading the claims, because it's obviously
nothing more than a marketing effort using the principle that deriding
everyone else will make them look better.  Whether they have a good
product is another question entirely.

Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Yes, we don't care about the performance results, but we do care about the point that PostgreSQL can't give the correct
resultsof TPC-H queries.

From: "Andrew Sullivan" <ajs@commandprompt.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 8:39 PM
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

> On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 07:59:49PM +0800, Amber wrote:
>> I read something from
>> http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/SQL/Benchmark/TPCH/index.html
> Given that the point of that "study" is to prove something about
> performance, one should be leery of any claims based on an "out of the
> box" comparison.  Particularly since the "box" their own product comes
> out of is "compiled from CVS checkout".  Their argument seems to be
> that people can learn how to drive CVS and to compile software under
> active development, but can't read the manual that comes with Postgres
> (and a release of Postgres well over a year old, at that).  
> I didn't get any further in reading the claims, because it's obviously
> nothing more than a marketing effort using the principle that deriding
> everyone else will make them look better.  Whether they have a good
> product is another question entirely.
> A
> -- 
> Andrew Sullivan
> ajs@commandprompt.com
> +1 503 667 4564 x104
> http://www.commandprompt.com/
> -- 
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
> To make changes to your subscription:
> http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

"Richard Broersma"
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 7:06 AM, Amber <guxiaobo1982@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, we don't care about the performance results, but we do care about the point that PostgreSQL can't give the
correctresults of TPC-H queries. 

It would be nice to know about the data, queries, and the expected
results of their tests just so we could see this for ourselves.

Richard Broersma Jr.

Visit the Los Angeles PostgreSQL Users Group (LAPUG)

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

"Merlin Moncure"
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Amber <guxiaobo1982@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, we don't care about the performance results, but we do care about the point that PostgreSQL can't give the
correctresults of TPC-H queries. 

PostgreSQL, at least in terms of the open source databases, is
probably your best bet if you are all concerned about correctness.  Do
not give any credence to a vendor published benchmark unless the test
is published and can be independently verifed.


Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 10:06:01PM +0800, Amber wrote:
> Yes, we don't care about the performance results, but we do care about the point that PostgreSQL can't give the
correctresults of TPC-H queries. 

I have never heard a reputable source claim this.  I have grave doubts
about their claim: they don't specify what implementation of TPC-H
they use.  They don't actually have the right, AIUI, to claim they
tested under TPC-H, since their results aren't listed anywhere on
http://www.tpc.org/tpch/results/tpch_results.asp?orderby=dbms.  It
could well be that they made up something that kinda does something
like TPC-H, tailored to how their database works, and then claimed
others can't do the job.  That's nice marketing material, but it's not
a meaningful test result.

Without access to the methodology, you should be wary of accepting any
of the conclusions.

There is, I understand, an implementation of something like TPC-H that
you could use to test it yourself.  http://osdldbt.sourceforge.net/.
DBT-3 is supposed to be that workload.  Please note that the license
does not allow you to publish competitive tests for marketing
reasons.  but you could see for yourself whether the claim is true
that way.

Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Robert Treat
On Tuesday 09 September 2008 10:06:01 Amber wrote:
> From: "Andrew Sullivan" <ajs@commandprompt.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 8:39 PM
> To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?
> > On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 07:59:49PM +0800, Amber wrote:
> >> I read something from
> >> http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/SQL/Benchmark/TPCH/index.html
> >
> > Given that the point of that "study" is to prove something about
> > performance, one should be leery of any claims based on an "out of the
> > box" comparison.  Particularly since the "box" their own product comes
> > out of is "compiled from CVS checkout".  Their argument seems to be
> > that people can learn how to drive CVS and to compile software under
> > active development, but can't read the manual that comes with Postgres
> > (and a release of Postgres well over a year old, at that).
> >
> > I didn't get any further in reading the claims, because it's obviously
> > nothing more than a marketing effort using the principle that deriding
> > everyone else will make them look better.  Whether they have a good
> > product is another question entirely.
> >
> > >Yes, we don't care about the performance results, but we do care
> > >about the
> > > point that PostgreSQL can't give the correct results of TPC-H queries.

Given the point of those benchmarks is to make other systems look bad, I think
you have to take them with a grain of salt. Since we don't know what the
errors/results were, and no information is giving, we are left to wonder if
this is a problem with the software or the tester. The site would have us
believe the former, but I think I would lean toward the latter... case in
point, I did a quick google and turned up this link:
It isn't terribly informative, but it doesindicate one thing, someone else
was able to run query #6 correctly, while the above site claims it returns an
error. Now when I look at query#6 from that site, I notice it shows the
following syntax:

interval '1' year.

when I saw that, it jumped out at me as something that could be an issue, and
it is:

pagila=# select now() - interval '1' year, now() - interval '1 year';
           ?column?            |           ?column?
 2008-09-09 11:28:46.938209-04 | 2007-09-09 11:28:46.938209-04
(1 row)

Now, I'm not sure if there is an issue that monet supports the first syntax
and so when they ran thier test on postgres this query produced wrong
results, but that seems possible. In this case I would wonder if the first
syntax is sql compliant, but it doesn't really matter, the tpc-h allows for
changes to queries to support syntax variations between databases; I'm pretty
sure I could make suttle changes to "break" other databases as well.

Incidentally, I poked Mark Wong, who used to work at the OSDL (big linux
kernel hacking shop), and he noted he has successfully run the tpc-h tests
before on postgres.

In the end, I can't speak to what the issues are wrt monet and postgres and
thier tpc-h benchmarks, but personally I don't think they are worth worring

Robert Treat
Database: Scalability: Consulting:

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

"Brent Wood"
My 02c,

Pg does itself no favours by sticking with such pessimistic defaults, and a novice user wanting to try it out will find
tweakingthe pg configuration files for performance quite complicated. 

Given the general increase in typical hardware specs these days, perhaps the default pg specs could be set for higher

Or perhaps the standard install could come with 2 or 3 versions of the config files, & the user can simply
rename/invokethe one that fits their system best? I figure (somewhat simplistically) that most settings are more
relatedto available memory than anything else, so perhaps config files for typical 1Gb, 4Gb & 8Gb systems could be
providedout of the box to make initial installs simpler? 


  Brent Wood

Brent Wood
DBA/GIS consultant
NIWA, Wellington
New Zealand
>>> Andrew Sullivan <ajs@commandprompt.com> 09/10/08 3:47 AM >>>
On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 07:59:49PM +0800, Amber wrote:

> I read something from
> http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/SQL/Benchmark/TPCH/index.html

Given that the point of that "study" is to prove something about
performance, one should be leery of any claims based on an "out of the
box" comparison.  Particularly since the "box" their own product comes
out of is "compiled from CVS checkout".  Their argument seems to be
that people can learn how to drive CVS and to compile software under
active development, but can't read the manual that comes with Postgres
(and a release of Postgres well over a year old, at that).

I didn't get any further in reading the claims, because it's obviously
nothing more than a marketing effort using the principle that deriding
everyone else will make them look better.  Whether they have a good
product is another question entirely.

Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 07:16:35AM +1200, Brent Wood wrote:
> Given the general increase in typical hardware specs these days,
> perhaps the default pg specs could be set for higher spec systems?

Given the default shmem configuration on operating systems these days,
upping the default will likely cause postgresql to not run at all.

For some reason the shmem defaults in OSes have not been increased in
line with the hardware specs, not sure what can be done about that.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> Please line up in a tree and maintain the heap invariant while
> boarding. Thank you for flying nlogn airlines.


Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 07:16:35AM +1200, Brent Wood wrote:
> Pg does itself no favours by sticking with such pessimistic
> defaults, and a novice user wanting to try it out will find tweaking
> the pg configuration files for performance quite complicated.

You do know that at install time, Pg does some elementary
investigation of the system to see what it can set its defaults to,

In addition, every time this comes up I find it perplexing.  The idea
seems to be that "novices" in databases should be excused from
learning about their system and should expect a nearly-optimally tuned
system out of the box.  But there are so many variables involved in
database tuning as to make such a claim hard to swallow.  For instance
. . .

> fits their system best? I figure (somewhat simplistically) that most
> settings are more related to available memory than anything else, so

. . . your figuring here is indeed simplistic.  Every day I see
requests for help from people who have followed the rule of thumb "1/4
of memory for shared_buffers", except that they're also running
apache+jakarta, MySQL, and a mail server on the same box.  They wonder
why the stock advice is so wrong.  It's wrong because a
general-purpose tool is almost never going to come pre-set for every
possible workload you might want to throw at it.  So even "how much
memory" there is on the machine is a question that is harder to answer
than it might seem.  Disk layout, data access patterns, even the
filesystem you choose can make significant differences in how the
system performs.

Finally, part of the reason people make these claims is because they
tend to hold Postgres up against toy systems that are _not_ designed
to scale up.  A certain well known database product, for instance, has
been struggling for the last several years to turn itself into a
full-featured, high-volume, safe transactional system.  But the seams
keep showing, because it just wasn't designed for this workload in the
first place.  But it sure is fast out of the box on a single-user


Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Tom Lane
Robert Treat <robert@omniti.com> writes:
> http://www.it.iitb.ac.in/~chetanv/personal/acads/db/report_html/node10.html.
> It isn't terribly informative, but it doesindicate one thing, someone else
> was able to run query #6 correctly, while the above site claims it returns an
> error. Now when I look at query#6 from that site, I notice it shows the
> following syntax:

> interval '1' year.

> when I saw that, it jumped out at me as something that could be an issue, and
> it is:

Yeah.  This is SQL spec syntax, but it's not fully implemented in
Postgres: the grammar supports it but the info doesn't get propagated to
interval_in, and interval_in wouldn't know what to do even if it did
have the information that there was a YEAR qualifier after the literal.

That's probably not good because it *looks* like we support the syntax,
but in fact produce non-spec-compliant results.  I think it might be
better if we threw an error.

Or someone could try to make it work, but given that no one has taken
the slightest interest since Tom Lockhart left the project, I wouldn't
hold my breath waiting for that.

            regards, tom lane

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

"Scott Marlowe"
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 2:07 PM, Andrew Sullivan <ajs@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> . . . your figuring here is indeed simplistic.  Every day I see
> requests for help from people who have followed the rule of thumb "1/4
> of memory for shared_buffers", except that they're also running
> apache+jakarta, MySQL, and a mail server on the same box.  They wonder
> why the stock advice is so wrong.  It's wrong because a
> general-purpose tool is almost never going to come pre-set for every
> possible workload you might want to throw at it.  So even "how much
> memory" there is on the machine is a question that is harder to answer
> than it might seem.  Disk layout, data access patterns, even the
> filesystem you choose can make significant differences in how the
> system performs.

Just as common is the beginner showing up with an 8 core opteron
server with 64 Gigs of ram trying to get fast write transactions on a
single 7200 rpm 500G sata drive.

> Finally, part of the reason people make these claims is because they
> tend to hold Postgres up against toy systems that are _not_ designed
> to scale up.  A certain well known database product, for instance, has
> been struggling for the last several years to turn itself into a
> full-featured, high-volume, safe transactional system.  But the seams
> keep showing, because it just wasn't designed for this workload in the
> first place.  But it sure is fast out of the box on a single-user
> system!

reference tweakers.net


Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Greg Smith
On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Amber wrote:

> I read something from
> http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/SQL/Benchmark/TPCH/index.html
> saying that PostgreSQL can't give the correct result of the some TPC-H
> queries

Jignesh Shah at Sun ran into that same problem.  It's mentioned briefly in
his presentation at
http://blogs.sun.com/jkshah/entry/postgresql_east_2008_talk_postgresql on
pages 26 and 27.  5 of the 22 reference TCP-H queries (4, 5, 6, 10, 14)
returned zero rows immediately for his tests.  Looks like the MonetDB crew
is saying it does that on queries 4,5,6,10,12,14,15 and that 20 takes too
long to run to generate a result.  Maybe 12/15/20 were fixed by changes in
8.3, or perhaps there were subtle errors there that Jignesh didn't
catch--it's not like he did a formal submission run, was just kicking the
tires.  I suspect the difference on 20 was that his hardware and tuning
was much better, so it probably did execute fast enough.

While some of the MonetDB bashing in this thread was unwarranted, it is
quite inappropriate that they published performance results here.  Would
be nice if someone in the community were to grab ahold of the TPC-H
problems and try to shake them out.

* Greg Smith gsmith@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

"Jignesh K. Shah"

Greg Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Amber wrote:
>> I read something from
>> http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/SQL/Benchmark/TPCH/index.html
>> saying that PostgreSQL can't give the correct result of the some
>> TPC-H queries
> Jignesh Shah at Sun ran into that same problem.  It's mentioned
> briefly in his presentation at
> http://blogs.sun.com/jkshah/entry/postgresql_east_2008_talk_postgresql
> on pages 26 and 27.  5 of the 22 reference TCP-H queries (4, 5, 6, 10,
> 14) returned zero rows immediately for his tests.  Looks like the
> MonetDB crew is saying it does that on queries 4,5,6,10,12,14,15 and
> that 20 takes too long to run to generate a result.  Maybe 12/15/20
> were fixed by changes in 8.3, or perhaps there were subtle errors
> there that Jignesh didn't catch--it's not like he did a formal
> submission run, was just kicking the tires.  I suspect the difference
> on 20 was that his hardware and tuning was much better, so it probably
> did execute fast enough.
> While some of the MonetDB bashing in this thread was unwarranted, it
> is quite inappropriate that they published performance results here.
> Would be nice if someone in the community were to grab ahold of the
> TPC-H problems and try to shake them out.

Hmm This is the second time MonetDB has published PostgreSQL numbers. I
think I will try to spend few days on TPC-H again on a much smaller
scale (to match what MonetDB used) and start discussions on solving the
problem.. Keep tuned.


Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

"Merlin Moncure"
On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Martijn van Oosterhout
<kleptog@svana.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 07:16:35AM +1200, Brent Wood wrote:
>> Given the general increase in typical hardware specs these days,
>> perhaps the default pg specs could be set for higher spec systems?
> Given the default shmem configuration on operating systems these days,
> upping the default will likely cause postgresql to not run at all.

And it wont change the results much either.  Changing shared_buffers
is very nuanced and can help or hurt performance, but it isn't tuning
in the sense it's a level you can pull to make the database 'go
faster' like magic.  A lot of the obsessing about shared_buffers
resolves around the fact that remarkably few people understand how
memory works in modern operating systems.

The 'big ticket' .conf items are those that affect syncing in write
heavy enviroments (fsync, etc) and planner affecting settings
(work_mem, effective_cache_size).   That said, PostgreSQL requires
very little tuning outside of the obvious tradeoffs between speed and
safety.  This is an ongoing process...in the old days I had to agonize
about dealing with the stats collector...in modern terms there is much
less to 'trade off' (hopefully less still with 8.4).


Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Simon Riggs
On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 16:26 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:

> That's probably not good because it *looks* like we support the syntax,
> but in fact produce non-spec-compliant results.  I think it might be
> better if we threw an error.

Definitely. If we accept SQL Standard syntax like this but then not do
what we should, it is clearly an ERROR. Our reputation will be damaged
if we don't, since people will think that we are blase about standards
compliance and about query correctness. Please lets move swiftly to plug
this hole, as if it were a data loss bug (it is, if it causes wrong
answers to queries for unsuspecting users).

 Simon Riggs           www.2ndQuadrant.com
 PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Sep 09, 2008 at 05:42:50PM -0400, Greg Smith wrote:
> While some of the MonetDB bashing in this thread was unwarranted,

What bashing?  I didn't see any bashing of them.

Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Ron Mayer
Tom Lane wrote:
>> interval '1' year.
> ...is SQL spec syntax, but it's not fully implemented in Postgres...
> Or someone could try to make it work, but given that no one has taken
> the slightest interest since Tom Lockhart left the project, I wouldn't
> hold my breath waiting for that.

I have interest. For 5 years I've been maintaining a patch for a client
that allows the input of ISO-8601 intervals (like 'P1YT1M') rather than
the nonstandard shorthand ('1Y1M') that postgresql supports[1].

I'd be interested in working on this. Especially if supporting SQL
standard interval syntax could improve the chances of getting my
ISO-8601-interval-syntax replacing nonstandard-postgres-shorthand-intervals
patch accepted again, I'd be quite happy work on it.

Tom in 2003 said my code looked cleaner than the current code[2], and
the patch was accepted[3] for a while before being rejected - I believe
because Peter said he'd like to see the SQL standard intervals first.
I see it's still a TODO, though.

> the grammar supports it but the info doesn't get propagated to
> interval_in, and interval_in wouldn't know what to do even if it did
> have the information that there was a YEAR qualifier after the literal.

Any hints on how best to propagate the needed info from the grammar?
Or should it be obvious to me from reading the code?

[1] http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2003-09/msg00119.php
[2] http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2003-09/msg00121.php
[3] http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-patches/2003-12/msg00253.php

   Ron Mayer
   (formerly ron@intervideo.com who
   posted those ISO-8601 interval patches)

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

Ron Mayer
Ron Mayer wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Or someone could try to make it work, but given that no one has taken
>> the slightest interest since Tom Lockhart left the project, I wouldn't
>> hold my breath waiting for that.
> I have interest. For 5 years I've been maintaining a patch for a client

Doh.  Now that I catch up on emails I see Tom has a patch
in a different thread.  I'll follow up there...

Re: PostgreSQL TPC-H test result?

"Jignesh K. Shah"
Moving this thread to Performance alias as it might make more sense for
folks searching on this topic:

Greg Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Sep 2008, Amber wrote:
>> I read something from
>> http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/SQL/Benchmark/TPCH/index.html
>> saying that PostgreSQL can't give the correct result of the some
>> TPC-H queries
> Jignesh Shah at Sun ran into that same problem.  It's mentioned
> briefly in his presentation at
> http://blogs.sun.com/jkshah/entry/postgresql_east_2008_talk_postgresql
> on pages 26 and 27.  5 of the 22 reference TCP-H queries (4, 5, 6, 10,
> 14) returned zero rows immediately for his tests.  Looks like the
> MonetDB crew is saying it does that on queries 4,5,6,10,12,14,15 and
> that 20 takes too long to run to generate a result.  Maybe 12/15/20
> were fixed by changes in 8.3, or perhaps there were subtle errors
> there that Jignesh didn't catch--it's not like he did a formal
> submission run, was just kicking the tires.  I suspect the difference
> on 20 was that his hardware and tuning was much better, so it probably
> did execute fast enough.

I redid a quick test with the same workload on one of my systems with SF
10 which is about 10GB
(I hope it comes out properly displayed)

     Jignesh        From Monet     (8.3T/8.2.9)

Q  Time PG8.3.3    Time PG8.2.9     Ratio

1    429.01              510        0.84

2      3.65               54        0.07

3     33.49              798        0.04

4      6.53    Empty      35  (E)   0.19

5      8.45    Empty       5.5(E)   1.54

6     32.84    Empty     172  (E)   0.19

7    477.95              439        1.09

8     58.55              251        0.23

9    781.96             2240        0.35

10     9.03    Empty       6.1(E)   1.48

11     3.57    Empty      25        0.14

12    56.11    Empty     179  (E)   0.31

13    61.01              140        0.44

14    30.69    Empty     169  (E)   0.18

15    32.81    Empty     168  (E)   0.2

16    23.98              115        0.21

17    Did not finish     Did not finish

18    58.93              882        0.07

19    71.55              218        0.33

20    Did not finish     Did not finish

21   550.51              477        1.15

22     6.21         Did not finish

All time is in seconds (sub seconds where availabe)
Ratio > 1 means 8.3.3 is slower and <1 means 8.3.3 is faster

My take on the results:

* I had to tweak the statement of Q1 in order to execute it.
  (TPC-H kit does not directly support POSTGRESQL statements)

* Timings with 8.3.3 and bit of tuning gives much better time overall
  This was expected (Some queries finish in 7% of the time than what
  MonetDB reported. From the queries that worked only Q7 & Q21 seem to
  have regressed)

* However Empty rows results is occuring consistently
  (Infact Q11 also returned empty for me while it worked in their test)
  Queries: 4,5,6,10,11,12,14,15
  (ACTION ITEM: I will start separate threads for each of those queries in
   HACKERS alias to figure out the problem since it looks like Functional
   problem to me and should be interesting to hackers alias)

* Two queries 17,20 looks like will not finish (I let Q17 to run for 18
hrs and
  yet it had not completed. As for Q20 I killed it as it was approaching
an hour.)
  (ACTION ITEM: Not sure whether debugging for these queries will go in
hackers or
   perform alias but I will start a thread on them too.)

* Looks like bit of tuning is required for Q1, Q7, Q9, Q21 to improve their
  overall time. Specially understanding if PostgreSQL is missing a more
  plan for them.
  (ACTION ITEM: I will start separate threads on performance alias to
dig into
   those queries)

I hope to start separate threads for each queries so we can track them
easier. I hope to provide explain analyze outputs for each one of them
and lets see if there are any problems.

Feedback welcome on what you want to see for each threads.


Jignesh Shah           http://blogs.sun.com/jkshah
Sun Microsystems,Inc   http://sun.com/postgresql