Обсуждение: a LEFT JOIN problem


a LEFT JOIN problem


I have the following tables:

Product(id, title, price)
Item(id, product_id, order_id, quantity)
Order(id, user_id, amount, paid)
User(id, name)

What I want to achieve is a query on a specific Product based in its
title. If the product has at least 1 order in which it appears, then
return the Product and Order details, if the product has no paid order
associated, then only return the Product fields.

I have tried the following query:
SELECT products.*, paid FROM "products"
LEFT OUTER JOIN items ON products.id = items.product_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON items.order_id = orders.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON orders.user_id = users.id
WHERE (title = E'some-product' AND paid = 1 AND name = 'thomas')

The problem with my query, is that if there are no paid associated
orders, then the WHERE will drop every returned line that has paid =
0, therefore I don't get anything at all, but I would like to have at
least the products field.

Moreover, the "name" argument in the WHERE comes from the user logged
in data. So if the user is not logged in, no fields are returned.

Is that possible to achieve in only one query? What is the correct way
of doing it?

Re: a LEFT JOIN problem

"Tony Wasson"
On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Thomas <iamkenzo@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following tables:
> Product(id, title, price)
> Item(id, product_id, order_id, quantity)
> Order(id, user_id, amount, paid)
> User(id, name)
> What I want to achieve is a query on a specific Product based in its
> title. If the product has at least 1 order in which it appears, then
> return the Product and Order details, if the product has no paid order
> associated, then only return the Product fields.
> I have tried the following query:
> --
> SELECT products.*, paid FROM "products"
> LEFT OUTER JOIN items ON products.id = items.product_id
> LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON items.order_id = orders.id
> LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON orders.user_id = users.id
> WHERE (title = E'some-product' AND paid = 1 AND name = 'thomas')
> --
> The problem with my query, is that if there are no paid associated
> orders, then the WHERE will drop every returned line that has paid =
> 0, therefore I don't get anything at all, but I would like to have at
> least the products field.

Put the filtering in your ON clauses. The WHERE clause is processed
after the JOINs are done, and is eliminating your results. Without
knowing your schema, this is just a guess..

SELECT products.*, paid FROM "products"
LEFT OUTER JOIN items ON (products.id = items.product_id AND title =
LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON (items.order_id = orders.id AND paid = 1)
LEFT OUTER JOIN users ON (orders.user_id = users.id AND name = 'thomas')

> Moreover, the "name" argument in the WHERE comes from the user logged
> in data. So if the user is not logged in, no fields are returned.

I suspect your app will need to to run the query and compare that
against the user(s) currently logged in.

Hope this helps!
Tony Wasson

Re: a LEFT JOIN problem

Hi Tony,

You nailed it! That's the piece of the puzzle I was missing. Moving
the filtering inside the ON clause was the solution.

Re: a LEFT JOIN problem

Unfortunately, I cannot use >= in the ON clause when making a search
on a date range.

Re: a LEFT JOIN problem

Sam Mason
On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:47:13AM +0100, Thomas wrote:
> Unfortunately, I cannot use >= in the ON clause when making a search
> on a date range.

The right-hand-side of an ON clause is a general expression; you can
include (and I regularly do) arbitrary functions and operators.

I'm probably missing something obvious; but if you included a little
more detail in your message and preferably some context you'd get a more
useful response.


Re: a LEFT JOIN problem

For some reason, I now can include the date range search in my ON (...) clause.

However I would like to know if there is a limit to the number of
conditions I can put. It seems that more than 2 conditions misses some

Re: a LEFT JOIN problem

Here is the SQL I am working with:
SELECT products.*, orders.response_code FROM "products" JOIN items ON
products.id = items.product_id
 LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON (items.order_id = orders.id AND
 orders.response_code = '0' AND orders.user_id = 2) WHERE (permalink =
E'product-1' AND products.site_id = 1) LIMIT 1

An order has been paid when its response_code is 0.

One problem I have is that, if the user has not placed an order for
the product, than I still want the product fields to be returned so I
can't put this condition in a WHERE. If a user has paid an order for
that product, I want all fields from Product to be returned and I want
also the response_code to be returned (it will obviously be 0). But in
the current state of the query, even if there exists a paid order for
the current user_id, then the query misses it and therefore never
returns the response_code.

What's wrong with it?

Re: a LEFT JOIN problem

Ok I get the problem. It is the LIMIT 1 which was misleading me.

If I remove this limit, I get many returned results, some where orders
were paid, some where orders were not paid, therefore the LIMIT1 picks
the first one, and by chance it lands on an unpaid order.

Am I trying to achieve something which is not possible to do? Do I
compulsory need to make 2 queries? One for the order only and one for
the product only?

Re: a LEFT JOIN problem

I have found a trick to fool the system: I use an ORDER BY
response_code 0 ASC LIMIT 1

As unpaid orders receive a response_code > 0, then necessarily the
first record has response_code of 0.

However if more and more orders come into the equation, this means
PgSQL will have to process more records, how is it optimized? I guess
PgSQL will have to find all the records, than order them by
response_code ASC, and then pick the first one.

This is probably not a good practice? Should I go for 2 distinct queries?

Re: a LEFT JOIN problem

Sam Mason
On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:53:48PM +0100, Thomas wrote:
> Here is the SQL I am working with:
> SELECT products.*, orders.response_code FROM "products" JOIN items ON
> products.id = items.product_id
>  LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON (items.order_id = orders.id AND
>  orders.response_code = '0' AND orders.user_id = 2) WHERE (permalink =
> E'product-1' AND products.site_id = 1) LIMIT 1

I find this formatting slightly unreadable, I find it much easier to
read code when it's formatted nicely:

  SELECT p.*, o.response_code
  FROM products p
    INNER JOIN items  i ON p.id = i.product_id
     LEFT JOIN orders o ON i.order_id      = o.id AND
                           o.user_id       = 2    AND
                           o.response_code = '0'
  WHERE p.permalink = 'product-1'
    AND p.site_id = 1
  LIMIT 1;

I'm guessing that "permalink" comes from the "products" relation, you
don't specify anywhere.  Also, is "response_code" of some string type,
or is it a number?

If you've not used subqueries, an option could be:

  SELECT *, (
    SELECT MIN(response_code)
    FROM items i, orders o
    WHERE p.id       = i.product_id
      AND i.order_id = o.id
      AND o.user_id  = 2) AS response_code
  FROM products p
  WHERE permalink = 'product-1'
    AND site_id   = 1;

This will give you the minimum response code, as in later posts you
seemed to want to know this.

There are lots of options in SQL to write things differently, optimizing
for different things as well as just plain doing something else.  I'd
also recommend going through a few SQL tutorials to get ideas of how to
solve different problems.
