Обсуждение: pg_dump and pg_restore problem


pg_dump and pg_restore problem

Michele Petrazzo - Unipex
Hi all,
I had a big problem that made me crazy... I want to simple backup some
tables from a my db and restore them to another.

My db:
     id serial PRIMARY KEY,
table_one (
     id serial PRIMARY KEY,
     real_name text NOT NULL,
     username text NOT NULL,
     id_table_two integer REFERENCES table_two(id),
table_three (
     id serial PRIMARY KEY,
     id_user integer REFERENCES table_one (id) NOT NULL,

For do this, I use pg_dump with two pass:
pg_dump --format=c --schema-only my_db > file_schema
pg_dump --format=c -a -t table_one -t table_two -t table_three > file_data

when I, into another host (same 8.3.7 version), execute the pg_restore I
receive a striking reply:

(drop db && create db && pg_restore -d my_db file_schema &&
pg_restore -d my_db file_data)

g_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 1877; 0 16395 TABLE
DATA table_thee my_db
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] COPY failed: ERROR:  insert or update on
table "table_three" violates foreign key constraint
DETAIL:  Key (id_user)=(644) is not present in table "table_one".
WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 1

On the 2^th host whit a "select id from table_one where id=644" I see
the data
there! And on table_three (of course?) there is no data...

Moving the pg_dump to the standard sql format, inside the sql file I see
that the table_three id_user=644 are the first of the exported records

The unique solution that I found it's that to export with pg_dump all my
tables except the table_three and, after, exporting only that and on the
other host and import that alone...

It's this a normal behavior, a "missing feature", or...?


Re: pg_dump and pg_restore problem

Alan Hodgson
On Wednesday 29 April 2009, "Michele Petrazzo - Unipex"
<michele.petrazzo@unipex.it> wrote:
> The unique solution that I found it's that to export with pg_dump all my
> tables except the table_three and, after, exporting only that and on the
> other host and import that alone...
> It's this a normal behavior, a "missing feature", or...?

pg_dump and pg_restore correctly backup and restore complete databases.
Partial backups and restores work, but of course can create expected
dependency problems that only the operator is in a position to resolve.

In your case you restored the complete schema and then tried to import data,
which failed due to a foreign key constraint. In a full backup and restore,
all the table data would have been restored prior to that constraint being

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