Обсуждение: Converting each item in array to a query result row


Converting each item in array to a query result row

Postgres User

I'd writing a query against a function (pg_proc) that contains 2
fields of an array type.  Ideally, I'd like to select 1 row from the
table, but return a query row for each item in the array.

For example, if one row contains the array {"a", "b", "c"}
I'd like the query to return 3 rows, one for each of these elements.

Any idea if this is possible?


Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

p { margin: 0; }

----- Original Message -----
From: "Postgres User" <postgres.developer@gmail.com>
To: "pgsql-general" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 12:21:11 AM GMT -08:00 Tijuana / Baja California
Subject: [GENERAL] Converting each item in array to a query result row


I'd writing a query against a function (pg_proc) that contains 2
fields of an array type.  Ideally, I'd like to select 1 row from the
table, but return a query row for each item in the array.

For example, if one row contains the array {"a", "b", "c"}
I'd like the query to return 3 rows, one for each of these elements.

Any idea if this is possible?

Not sure exactly what you want, but this should get you in the ball park
SELECT f.my_field[i] AS value, 
(array['I am one','I am two','I am three'])[i] AS description
FROM my_func(foo) f
JOIN generate_series(1,3) i ON 1=1

Postgres 8.4 will has an unpack() function to convert an array to a set. Pavel has a write up about doing this in 8.3 and lower here:


I've got some examples of pulling data ouf of arrays here:


Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Gevik Babakhani
Postgres User wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd writing a query against a function (pg_proc) that contains 2
> fields of an array type.  Ideally, I'd like to select 1 row from the
> table, but return a query row for each item in the array.
> For example, if one row contains the array {"a", "b", "c"}
> I'd like the query to return 3 rows, one for each of these elements.
> Any idea if this is possible?
> Thanks.

No matter how you create your sub query results, you still have to
create a sub result record by record.

Perhaps the following helps:

Note that the input parameter is not an array but a string that looks
like an array

create or replace function convert_to_query(p_array varchar) returns
setof record as
     result record;
     return query
as enumerator(counter),
        string_to_array(p_array,',') as data(idx);
language plpgsql;

select result.field1 from convert_to_query('a,c,b,d,e,f') as
result(field1 varchar);



Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Adam Ruth
I needed to do this just the other day, here's what I did:

create or replace function explode(_a anyarray) returns setof anyelement as $$
for i in array_lower(_a,1) .. array_upper(_a,1) loop
return next _a[i];
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql strict immutable;

select * from explode((select col from table where id = whatever)) as Exploded;

On 29/05/2009, at 6:52 PM, artacus@comcast.net wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Postgres User" <postgres.developer@gmail.com>
To: "pgsql-general" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 12:21:11 AM GMT -08:00 Tijuana / Baja California
Subject: [GENERAL] Converting each item in array to a query result row


I'd writing a query against a function (pg_proc) that contains 2
fields of an array type.  Ideally, I'd like to select 1 row from the
table, but return a query row for each item in the array.

For example, if one row contains the array {"a", "b", "c"}
I'd like the query to return 3 rows, one for each of these elements.

Any idea if this is possible?

Not sure exactly what you want, but this should get you in the ball park
SELECT f.my_field[i] AS value, 
(array['I am one','I am two','I am three'])[i] AS description
FROM my_func(foo) f
JOIN generate_series(1,3) i ON 1=1

Postgres 8.4 will has an unpack() function to convert an array to a set. Pavel has a write up about doing this in 8.3 and lower here:

I've got some examples of pulling data ouf of arrays here:

Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
why complicate so much ? this is a single sql query. It really shocks
me, how people easily lean on plpgsql and for/loops - which are times
slower than simple sql query:

CREATE FUNCTION unnest(anyarray) RETURNS SETOF anyelement AS
 SELECT ($1)[i] FROM generate_series(array_lower($1,1),array_upper($1,1)) i;

Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Adam Ruth
Always test your performance assumptions. The plpgsql function is
faster than the sql function, a lot faster on smaller arrays.

unnest - 10 element array - 100,000 times: 6701.746 ms
unnest - 100 element array - 100,000 times: 11847.933 ms
unnest - 1000 element array - 100,000 times: 59472.691 ms

explode - 10 element array - 100,000 times: 1941.942 ms
explode - 100 element array - 100,000 times: 8521.289 ms
explode - 1000 element array - 100,000 times: 44980.048 ms

On 29/05/2009, at 8:55 PM, Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz wrote:

> why complicate so much ? this is a single sql query. It really shocks
> me, how people easily lean on plpgsql and for/loops - which are times
> slower than simple sql query:
> CREATE FUNCTION unnest(anyarray) RETURNS SETOF anyelement AS
> $_$
> SELECT ($1)[i] FROM
> generate_series(array_lower($1,1),array_upper($1,1)) i;
> $_$

Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
2009/5/29 Adam Ruth <adamruth@mac.com>:
> Always test your performance assumptions. The plpgsql function is faster
> than the sql function, a lot faster on smaller arrays.
> unnest - 10 element array - 100,000 times: 6701.746 ms
> unnest - 100 element array - 100,000 times: 11847.933 ms
> unnest - 1000 element array - 100,000 times: 59472.691 ms
> explode - 10 element array - 100,000 times: 1941.942 ms
> explode - 100 element array - 100,000 times: 8521.289 ms
> explode - 1000 element array - 100,000 times: 44980.048 ms



Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Osvaldo Kussama
2009/5/29 Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz <gryzman@gmail.com>:
> 2009/5/29 Adam Ruth <adamruth@mac.com>:
>> Always test your performance assumptions. The plpgsql function is faster
>> than the sql function, a lot faster on smaller arrays.
>> unnest - 10 element array - 100,000 times: 6701.746 ms
>> unnest - 100 element array - 100,000 times: 11847.933 ms
>> unnest - 1000 element array - 100,000 times: 59472.691 ms
>> explode - 10 element array - 100,000 times: 1941.942 ms
>> explode - 100 element array - 100,000 times: 8521.289 ms
>> explode - 1000 element array - 100,000 times: 44980.048 ms

Version 8.4 has an internal function unnest(anyarray):


Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Tom Lane
Adam Ruth <adamruth@mac.com> writes:
> I needed to do this just the other day, here's what I did:

> create or replace function explode(_a anyarray) returns setof
> anyelement as $$

You'd be well advised to call this unnest(), because that's what the
equivalent built-in function in 8.4 is called ;-)

            regards, tom lane

Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION explode(_a anyarray) returns setof anyelement AS
  RAISE NOTICE 'poof... just kidding... kabooom';
  RETURN unnest(_a);
$_$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'


seriously, the 8.4 version is written in C, so I will be really
surprised if it under performs plpgsql one .)


Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Tom Lane
Adam Ruth <adamruth@mac.com> writes:
> Always test your performance assumptions. The plpgsql function is
> faster than the sql function, a lot faster on smaller arrays.

And, of course, it also pays to be precise about what you're testing
and on what.  Set-returning SQL functions got a lot faster in 8.4.
Using CVS HEAD on a not-very-fast machine, I get these timings for
the attached script (10000 loop iterations in all cases)

            10 elements    100 elements    1000 elements

built-in unnest        2.44        6.52        47.96
SQL function        2.52        6.50        46.71
plpgsql function    3.63        12.47        101.68

So at least in this specific test condition, there's not much
perceptible difference between the SQL function and the builtin,
while plpgsql lags behind.

            regards, tom lane

create or replace function testit(n int, l int) returns float8 as $$
declare arr int[];
  st timestamptz;
  et timestamptz;
  arr := '{}';
  for i in 1 .. n loop
    arr[i] = i;
  end loop;
  st := clock_timestamp();
  for i in 1 .. l loop
    perform count(*) from unnest(arr); -- or unnest_sql or unnest_plpgsql
  end loop;
  et := clock_timestamp();
  return extract(epoch from et - st);
end $$ language plpgsql;

CREATE or replace FUNCTION unnest_sql(anyarray) RETURNS SETOF anyelement AS
 SELECT ($1)[i] FROM generate_series(array_lower($1,1),array_upper($1,1)) i;

create or replace function unnest_plpgsql(_a anyarray) returns setof
anyelement as $$
    for i in array_lower(_a,1) .. array_upper(_a,1) loop
        return next _a[i];
    end loop;
$$ language plpgsql strict immutable;

Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Adam Ruth
Good point, I should have specified 8.3.7.

Just one more reason to anxiously anticipate upgrading to 8.4.

On 30/05/2009, at 2:56 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

> Adam Ruth <adamruth@mac.com> writes:
>> Always test your performance assumptions. The plpgsql function is
>> faster than the sql function, a lot faster on smaller arrays.
> And, of course, it also pays to be precise about what you're testing
> and on what.  Set-returning SQL functions got a lot faster in 8.4.
> Using CVS HEAD on a not-very-fast machine, I get these timings for
> the attached script (10000 loop iterations in all cases)
>             10 elements    100 elements    1000 elements
> built-in unnest        2.44        6.52        47.96
> SQL function        2.52        6.50        46.71
> plpgsql function    3.63        12.47        101.68
> So at least in this specific test condition, there's not much
> perceptible difference between the SQL function and the builtin,
> while plpgsql lags behind.
>             regards, tom lane
> create or replace function testit(n int, l int) returns float8 as $$
> declare arr int[];
>  st timestamptz;
>  et timestamptz;
> begin
>  arr := '{}';
>  for i in 1 .. n loop
>    arr[i] = i;
>  end loop;
>  st := clock_timestamp();
>  for i in 1 .. l loop
>    perform count(*) from unnest(arr); -- or unnest_sql or
> unnest_plpgsql
>  end loop;
>  et := clock_timestamp();
>  return extract(epoch from et - st);
> end $$ language plpgsql;
> CREATE or replace FUNCTION unnest_sql(anyarray) RETURNS SETOF
> anyelement AS
> $_$
> SELECT ($1)[i] FROM
> generate_series(array_lower($1,1),array_upper($1,1)) i;
> $_$
> create or replace function unnest_plpgsql(_a anyarray) returns setof
> anyelement as $$
> begin
>     for i in array_lower(_a,1) .. array_upper(_a,1) loop
>         return next _a[i];
>     end loop;
>     return;
> end;
> $$ language plpgsql strict immutable;

Re: Converting each item in array to a query result row

Postgres User
Thanks for all the replies.  I'm going to post the results of using
the recommended approach in another thread.

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Adam Ruth <adamruth@mac.com> wrote:
> Good point, I should have specified 8.3.7.
> Just one more reason to anxiously anticipate upgrading to 8.4.
> On 30/05/2009, at 2:56 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Adam Ruth <adamruth@mac.com> writes:
>>> Always test your performance assumptions. The plpgsql function is
>>> faster than the sql function, a lot faster on smaller arrays.
>> And, of course, it also pays to be precise about what you're testing
>> and on what.  Set-returning SQL functions got a lot faster in 8.4.
>> Using CVS HEAD on a not-very-fast machine, I get these timings for
>> the attached script (10000 loop iterations in all cases)
>>                        10 elements     100 elements    1000 elements
>> built-in unnest         2.44            6.52            47.96
>> SQL function            2.52            6.50            46.71
>> plpgsql function        3.63            12.47           101.68
>> So at least in this specific test condition, there's not much
>> perceptible difference between the SQL function and the builtin,
>> while plpgsql lags behind.
>>                        regards, tom lane
>> create or replace function testit(n int, l int) returns float8 as $$
>> declare arr int[];
>>  st timestamptz;
>>  et timestamptz;
>> begin
>>  arr := '{}';
>>  for i in 1 .. n loop
>>   arr[i] = i;
>>  end loop;
>>  st := clock_timestamp();
>>  for i in 1 .. l loop
>>   perform count(*) from unnest(arr); -- or unnest_sql or unnest_plpgsql
>>  end loop;
>>  et := clock_timestamp();
>>  return extract(epoch from et - st);
>> end $$ language plpgsql;
>> CREATE or replace FUNCTION unnest_sql(anyarray) RETURNS SETOF anyelement
>> AS
>> $_$
>> SELECT ($1)[i] FROM generate_series(array_lower($1,1),array_upper($1,1))
>> i;
>> $_$
>> create or replace function unnest_plpgsql(_a anyarray) returns setof
>> anyelement as $$
>> begin
>>        for i in array_lower(_a,1) .. array_upper(_a,1) loop
>>                return next _a[i];
>>        end loop;
>>        return;
>> end;
>> $$ language plpgsql strict immutable;