Обсуждение: PostgreSQL and XA Distributed Transaction Protocol


PostgreSQL and XA Distributed Transaction Protocol

Christian Ferrari
Hi all,
I'm developing a new, free, XA compliant transaction manager.
One of the first resource manager I would be glad to support is PostgreSQL; after some googling I have found no information related to PostgreSQL and XA protocol support.
Can anyone give me more information related to this matter?
Thanks in advance.

Re: PostgreSQL and XA Distributed Transaction Protocol

Martin Gainty
from what i can see here autocommit is not supported
Not sure if autocommit is part of the JTA spec?

Martin Gainty
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Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 20:51:38 +0000
From: camauz@yahoo.com
Subject: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL and XA Distributed Transaction Protocol
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org

Hi all,
I'm developing a new, free, XA compliant transaction manager.
One of the first resource manager I would be glad to support is PostgreSQL; after some googling I have found no information related to PostgreSQL and XA protocol support.
Can anyone give me more information related to this matter?
Thanks in advance.

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Re: PostgreSQL and XA Distributed Transaction Protocol

"Albe Laurenz"
Christian Ferrari wrote:
> I'm developing a new, free, XA compliant transaction manager.
> One of the first resource manager I would be glad to support 
> is PostgreSQL; after some googling I have found no 
> information related to PostgreSQL and XA protocol support.
> Can anyone give me more information related to this matter?

To the best of my knowledge, the only XA interface in PostgreSQL
is SQL.

A session participating in a distributed transaction would
issue "PREPARE TRANSACTION <name>", and the transaction manager

The currently active prepared transactions cann be seen in
the pg_prepared_xacts system catalog.

That should be good enough to implement a transaction manager,

Laurenz Albe

Re: PostgreSQL and XA Distributed Transaction Protocol

Christian Ferrari
>> Writing a specific stub to wrap-up PostgreSQL is not a too
>> difficult task, but I would be sure I am not re-inventing the wheel.
>> How can I am sure the standard XA interface is not availble?
>> Do you know if there is any document about this matter?

> I searched the archives and found some confirmation that there is no such thing currently.
> I also couldn't find anything on PgFoundry.
> It might be a good idea to raise this on the pgsql-hackers list.
> I think that might be something good to add to the core distribution.
> At least it would be a good PgFoundry project!
> Yours,
> Laurenz Albe
Dear all,
now the LIXA project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lixa/) is stable enought to start the development of the XA interface for PostgreSQL and I'm going to implement it for PostgreSQL 8.3
Does anyone know if something has changed in the meantime? (Have PostgreSQL yet implemented the standard native C XA library?).
Any hints will be appreciated.
Thank you so much

Re: PostgreSQL and XA Distributed Transaction Protocol

"Albe Laurenz"
Christian Ferrari wrote:
>>> Writing a specific stub to wrap-up PostgreSQL is not a too
>>> difficult task, but I would be sure I am not re-inventing the wheel.
>>> How can I am sure the standard XA interface is not availble?
>>> Do you know if there is any document about this matter?
>> I searched the archives and found some confirmation that there is no
such thing currently.
>> I also couldn't find anything on PgFoundry.
>> It might be a good idea to raise this on the pgsql-hackers list.
>> I think that might be something good to add to the core distribution.
>> At least it would be a good PgFoundry project!
>> Yours,
>> Laurenz Albe
> Dear all,
> now the LIXA project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lixa/) is stable
enought to start the
> development of the XA interface for PostgreSQL and I'm going to
implement it for PostgreSQL 8.3
> Does anyone know if something has changed in the meantime? (Have
PostgreSQL yet implemented the
> standard native C XA library?).
> Any hints will be appreciated.

First, that question should be asked on the -hackers mailing list.
Don't start coding before your idea and design is approved there.
Furthermore, any new patch must be developed against HEAD and not an old
version of PostgreSQL.
Reading http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Submitting_a_Patch is a good
starting point!

Laurenz Albe