Обсуждение: Select ranges based on sequential breaks


Select ranges based on sequential breaks

Mike Toews

I'm having difficulty constructing a query that will find breaks where
data change in a time-series. I've done some searching for this too, but
I haven't found anything.

Here is my example situation, consider my source table:
date     bin
2009-01-01     red
2009-01-02     red
2009-01-03     blue
2009-01-04     blue
2009-01-05     blue
2009-01-06     red
2009-01-07     blue
2009-01-08     blue
2009-01-09     red
2009-01-10     red

I would like to get the first and last of each consecutive series based
on column "bin". My result for the table would look like:
first     last     bin
2009-01-01     2009-01-02     red
2009-01-03     2009-01-05     blue
2009-01-06     2009-01-06     red
2009-01-07     2009-01-08     blue
2009-01-09     2009-01-10     red

This is easy to compute using a spreadsheet or in R, but how would I do
this with SQL? I'm using 8.3. Advice is appreciated.



Re: Select ranges based on sequential breaks

David Wilson
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:23 PM, Mike Toews<mwtoews@sfu.ca> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having difficulty constructing a query that will find breaks where data
> change in a time-series. I've done some searching for this too, but I
> haven't found anything.
> Here is my example situation, consider my source table:
> date    bin
> 2009-01-01      red
> 2009-01-02      red
> 2009-01-03      blue
> 2009-01-04      blue
> 2009-01-05      blue
> 2009-01-06      red
> 2009-01-07      blue
> 2009-01-08      blue
> 2009-01-09      red
> 2009-01-10      red
> I would like to get the first and last of each consecutive series based on
> column "bin". My result for the table would look like:
> first   last    bin
> 2009-01-01      2009-01-02      red
> 2009-01-03      2009-01-05      blue
> 2009-01-06      2009-01-06      red
> 2009-01-07      2009-01-08      blue
> 2009-01-09      2009-01-10      red
> This is easy to compute using a spreadsheet or in R, but how would I do this
> with SQL? I'm using 8.3. Advice is appreciated.

(Written in email and untested- also, someone will probably provide a
better way, I hope, but this should at least work)

select date as first,
(select date from table t3 where t3.date<(select date from table t5
where t5.date>t1.date and t5.bin<>t1.bin order by date asc limit 1)
order by date desc limit 1) as last,
from table t1 where (select bin from table t2 where t2.date<t1.order
order by date desc limit 1)<>t1.bin;

Ugly, and I'm pretty sure there's a much better way, but my brain is
failing me right now- hopefully this'll at least get you started,

- David T. Wilson

Re: Select ranges based on sequential breaks

Joel Nothman
Hi Mike,

I happened upon your query, which is related to some stuff I've been
playing with.

Firstly, David's solution below doesn't work. I haven't yet tried to work
out why.

Secondly, I was hoping to be able to solve your problem nicely with
Postgres 8.4's window functions [1,2], which can provide access to
data in sequentially-related rows.

Given the following setup:
CREATE TABLE foo (dt date, bin varchar(4));
INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('2009-01-01', 'red'), ('2009-01-02', 'red'),
('2009-01-03', 'blue'), ('2009-01-04', 'blue'), ('2009-01-05', 'blue'),
('2009-01-06', 'red'), ('2009-01-07', 'blue'), ('2009-01-08', 'blue'),
('2009-01-09', 'red'), ('2009-01-10', 'red');

I had hoped the following would suffice:
SELECT first_value(dt) OVER w, last_value(dt) OVER w, bin FROM foo WINDOW

Apparently, this is bad syntax. ORDER BY cannot precede PARTITION BY in a
WINDOW declaration, and yet I wanted a grouping of date-consecutive bins,
which (PARTITION BY bin ORDER BY dt) would not give me.

I was able to produce the required result with:

SELECT MIN(dt) AS first, MAX(dt) AS last, MAX(bin) AS bin
      FROM (SELECT dt, bin,
                   CASE WHEN newbin IS NULL
                   THEN 0
                   ELSE SUM(newbin) OVER (ORDER BY dt)
                   END AS binno
              FROM (SELECT *,
                           (bin !=3D lag(bin, 1) OVER (ORDER BY dt))::int A=
                      FROM foo
                   ) AS newbins
              ) AS binnos
GROUP BY binno
ORDER BY first;

This relies on a middle step in which I create an enumeration of the bins
in sequence:
SELECT dt, bin, CASE WHEN newbin IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE sum(newbin) OVER
(ORDER BY dt) END AS binno FROM (SELECT *, (bin !=3D lag(bin, 1) OVER (ORDE=
BY dt))::int AS newbin FROM foo) AS newbins;
         dt     | bin  | binno
     2009-01-01 | red  |     0
     2009-01-02 | red  |     0
     2009-01-03 | blue |     1
     2009-01-04 | blue |     1
     2009-01-05 | blue |     1
     2009-01-06 | red  |     2
     2009-01-07 | blue |     3
     2009-01-08 | blue |     3
     2009-01-09 | red  |     4
     2009-01-10 | red  |     4

I would hope there is a neater way to do this with window functions.

The best way to solve your problem may be with PL/SQL, which is also good
at dealing with sequences (it's not as complicated as it looks!):

CREATE TYPE bindates AS (first date, last date, bin varchar(5));
AS $$
      row record;
      res bindates;
      FOR row IN SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY dt
        IF res.bin IS NULL OR res.bin !=3D row.bin THEN
          IF res.bin IS NOT NULL THEN
            RETURN NEXT res;
          END IF;
          res.bin :=3D row.bin;
          res.first :=3D row.dt;
        END IF;
        res.last :=3D row.dt;
      END LOOP;
      IF res.bin IS NOT NULL THEN
        RETURN NEXT res;
      END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Finally, I'll try to sort out David's solution. Once we correct his typo
(t1.order -> t1.date) and add an 'ORDER BY first' to the end, we get:
       first    |    last    | bin
     2009-01-03 | 2009-01-05 | blue
     2009-01-06 | 2009-01-06 | red
     2009-01-07 | 2009-01-08 | blue
     2009-01-09 |            | red

This includes correct output, but it fails on both edge cases. The
non-appearance of the first row is due to the WHERE clause on the main
SELECT statement:
           FROM foo t2
           WHERE t2.dt < t1.dt
           ORDER BY dt DESC LIMIT 1) <> t1.bin

If we drop this WHERE clause, we get:
       first    |    last    | bin
     2009-01-01 | 2009-01-02 | red
     2009-01-02 | 2009-01-02 | red
     2009-01-03 | 2009-01-05 | blue
     2009-01-04 | 2009-01-05 | blue
     2009-01-05 | 2009-01-05 | blue
     2009-01-06 | 2009-01-06 | red
     2009-01-07 | 2009-01-08 | blue
     2009-01-08 | 2009-01-08 | blue
     2009-01-09 |            | red
     2009-01-10 |            | red

We can therefore get the result including the first row by selecting from
this table with 'GROUP BY last, bin'.

And we can hack in a value for those final NULLs as a special case. The
following statement works:

SELECT MIN(first),
           CASE WHEN last IS NULL THEN (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM foo) ELSE last
    FROM (
      SELECT dt AS first,
             (SELECT dt
              FROM foo t3
              WHERE t3.dt < (
                  SELECT dt
                  FROM foo t5
                  WHERE t5.dt > t1.dt
                    AND t5.bin <> t1.bin
                  ORDER BY dt ASC
                  LIMIT 1)
              ORDER BY dt DESC
              LIMIT 1) AS last,
      FROM foo t1
) t0
GROUP BY last, bin
ORDER BY last;

Finally, what's efficient? With 1,000,000 random rows, we get:
Enumeration: 13s
PL/SQL: 12s
Modified David: minutes.

[I used the following to create test data:
import random
for i in xrange(n):
      m =3D random.randint(1,12)
      d =3D random.randint(1,28)
      b =3D random.choice(('red', 'blue'))
      yield '2009-%d-%d' % (m, d), b
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
DELETE FROM foo; INSERT INTO foo (SELECT * FROM make_random(1000000));]

I hope that helps you in considering various approaches to the problem.

- Joel

[1] http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/tutorial-window.html
[2] http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/functions-window.html

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 06:06:16 +1000, David Wilson
<david.t.wilson@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:23 PM, Mike Toews<mwtoews@sfu.ca> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having difficulty constructing a query that will find breaks where
>> data
>> change in a time-series. I've done some searching for this too, but I
>> haven't found anything.
>> Here is my example situation, consider my source table:
>> date =A0 =A0bin
>> 2009-01-01 =A0 =A0 =A0red
>> 2009-01-02 =A0 =A0 =A0red
>> 2009-01-03 =A0 =A0 =A0blue
>> 2009-01-04 =A0 =A0 =A0blue
>> 2009-01-05 =A0 =A0 =A0blue
>> 2009-01-06 =A0 =A0 =A0red
>> 2009-01-07 =A0 =A0 =A0blue
>> 2009-01-08 =A0 =A0 =A0blue
>> 2009-01-09 =A0 =A0 =A0red
>> 2009-01-10 =A0 =A0 =A0red
>> I would like to get the first and last of each consecutive series based
>> on
>> column "bin". My result for the table would look like:
>> first =A0 last =A0 =A0bin
>> 2009-01-01 =A0 =A0 =A02009-01-02 =A0 =A0 =A0red
>> 2009-01-03 =A0 =A0 =A02009-01-05 =A0 =A0 =A0blue
>> 2009-01-06 =A0 =A0 =A02009-01-06 =A0 =A0 =A0red
>> 2009-01-07 =A0 =A0 =A02009-01-08 =A0 =A0 =A0blue
>> 2009-01-09 =A0 =A0 =A02009-01-10 =A0 =A0 =A0red
>> This is easy to compute using a spreadsheet or in R, but how would I do
>> this
>> with SQL? I'm using 8.3. Advice is appreciated.
> (Written in email and untested- also, someone will probably provide a
> better way, I hope, but this should at least work)
> select date as first,
> (select date from table t3 where t3.date<(select date from table t5
> where t5.date>t1.date and t5.bin<>t1.bin order by date asc limit 1)
> order by date desc limit 1) as last,
> bin
> from table t1 where (select bin from table t2 where t2.date<t1.order
> order by date desc limit 1)<>t1.bin;
> Ugly, and I'm pretty sure there's a much better way, but my brain is
> failing me right now- hopefully this'll at least get you started,
> though.

Re: Select ranges based on sequential breaks

Joel Nothman
Hi Mike,

I happened upon your query, which is related to some stuff I've been
playing with.

Firstly, David's solution below doesn't work. I haven't yet tried to work
out why.

Secondly, I was hoping to be able to solve your problem nicely with
Postgres 8.4's window functions [1,2], which provide functions relating.

Given the following setup:
CREATE TABLE foo (dt date, bin varchar(4));
INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('2009-01-01', 'red'), ('2009-01-02', 'red'),
('2009-01-03', 'blue'), ('2009-01-04', 'blue'), ('2009-01-05', 'blue'),
('2009-01-06', 'red'), ('2009-01-07', 'blue'), ('2009-01-08', 'blue'),
('2009-01-09', 'red'), ('2009-01-10', 'red');

I had hoped the following would suffice:
SELECT first_value(dt) OVER w, last_value(dt) OVER w, bin FROM foo WINDOW

Apparently, this is bad syntax. ORDER BY cannot precede PARTITION BY in a
WINDOW declaration, and yet I wanted a grouping of date-consecutive bins,
which (PARTITION BY bin ORDER BY dt) would not give me.

I was able to produce the required result with:

SELECT MIN(dt) AS first, MAX(dt) AS last, MAX(bin) AS bin
      FROM (SELECT dt, bin,
                   CASE WHEN newbin IS NULL
                   THEN 0
                   ELSE SUM(newbin) OVER (ORDER BY dt)
                   END AS binno
              FROM (SELECT *,
                           (bin != lag(bin, 1) OVER (ORDER BY dt))::int AS
                      FROM foo
                   ) AS newbins
              ) AS binnos
GROUP BY binno
ORDER BY first;

This relies on a middle step in which I create an enumeration of the bins
in sequence:
SELECT dt, bin, CASE WHEN newbin IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE sum(newbin) OVER
(ORDER BY dt) END AS binno FROM (SELECT *, (bin != lag(bin, 1) OVER (ORDER
BY dt))::int AS newbin FROM foo) AS newbins;
         dt     | bin  | binno
     2009-01-01 | red  |     0
     2009-01-02 | red  |     0
     2009-01-03 | blue |     1
     2009-01-04 | blue |     1
     2009-01-05 | blue |     1
     2009-01-06 | red  |     2
     2009-01-07 | blue |     3
     2009-01-08 | blue |     3
     2009-01-09 | red  |     4
     2009-01-10 | red  |     4

I would hope there is a neater way to do this with window functions.

The best way to solve your problem may be with PL/SQL, which is also good
at dealing with sequences (it's not as complicated as it looks!):

CREATE TYPE bindates AS (first date, last date, bin varchar(5));
AS $$
      row record;
      res bindates;
      FOR row IN SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY dt
        IF res.bin IS NULL OR res.bin != row.bin THEN
          IF res.bin IS NOT NULL THEN
            RETURN NEXT res;
          END IF;
          res.bin := row.bin;
          res.first := row.dt;
        END IF;
        res.last := row.dt;
      END LOOP;
      IF res.bin IS NOT NULL THEN
        RETURN NEXT res;
      END IF;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Finally, I'll try to sort out David's solution. Once we correct his typo
(t1.order -> t1.date) and add an 'ORDER BY first' to the end, we get:
       first    |    last    | bin
     2009-01-03 | 2009-01-05 | blue
     2009-01-06 | 2009-01-06 | red
     2009-01-07 | 2009-01-08 | blue
     2009-01-09 |            | red

This includes correct output, but it fails on both edge cases. The
non-appearance of the first row is due to the WHERE clause on the main
SELECT statement:
           FROM foo t2
           WHERE t2.dt < t1.dt
           ORDER BY dt DESC LIMIT 1) <> t1.bin

If we drop this WHERE clause, we get:
       first    |    last    | bin
     2009-01-01 | 2009-01-02 | red
     2009-01-02 | 2009-01-02 | red
     2009-01-03 | 2009-01-05 | blue
     2009-01-04 | 2009-01-05 | blue
     2009-01-05 | 2009-01-05 | blue
     2009-01-06 | 2009-01-06 | red
     2009-01-07 | 2009-01-08 | blue
     2009-01-08 | 2009-01-08 | blue
     2009-01-09 |            | red
     2009-01-10 |            | red

We can therefore get the result including the first row by selecting from
this table with 'GROUP BY last, bin'.

And we can hack in a value for those final NULLs as a special case. The
following statement works:

SELECT MIN(first),
           CASE WHEN last IS NULL THEN (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM foo) ELSE last
    FROM (
      SELECT dt AS first,
             (SELECT dt
              FROM foo t3
              WHERE t3.dt < (
                  SELECT dt
                  FROM foo t5
                  WHERE t5.dt > t1.dt
                    AND t5.bin <> t1.bin
                  ORDER BY dt ASC
                  LIMIT 1)
              ORDER BY dt DESC
              LIMIT 1) AS last,
      FROM foo t1
) t0
GROUP BY last, bin
ORDER BY last;

Finally, what's efficient? With 1,000,000 random rows, we get:
Enumeration: 13s
PL/SQL: 12s
Modified David: minutes.

[I used the following to create test data:
import random
for i in xrange(n):
      m = random.randint(1,12)
      d = random.randint(1,28)
      b = random.choice(('red', 'blue'))
      yield '2009-%d-%d' % (m, d), b
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
DELETE FROM foo; INSERT INTO foo (SELECT * FROM make_random(1000000));]

I hope that helps you in considering various approaches to the problem.

- Joel

[1] http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/tutorial-window.html
[2] http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/functions-window.html

On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 06:06:16 +1000, David Wilson
<david.t.wilson@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 2:23 PM, Mike Toews<mwtoews@sfu.ca> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having difficulty constructing a query that will find breaks where
>> data
>> change in a time-series. I've done some searching for this too, but I
>> haven't found anything.
>> Here is my example situation, consider my source table:
>> date    bin
>> 2009-01-01      red
>> 2009-01-02      red
>> 2009-01-03      blue
>> 2009-01-04      blue
>> 2009-01-05      blue
>> 2009-01-06      red
>> 2009-01-07      blue
>> 2009-01-08      blue
>> 2009-01-09      red
>> 2009-01-10      red
>> I would like to get the first and last of each consecutive series based
>> on
>> column "bin". My result for the table would look like:
>> first   last    bin
>> 2009-01-01      2009-01-02      red
>> 2009-01-03      2009-01-05      blue
>> 2009-01-06      2009-01-06      red
>> 2009-01-07      2009-01-08      blue
>> 2009-01-09      2009-01-10      red
>> This is easy to compute using a spreadsheet or in R, but how would I do
>> this
>> with SQL? I'm using 8.3. Advice is appreciated.
> (Written in email and untested- also, someone will probably provide a
> better way, I hope, but this should at least work)
> select date as first,
> (select date from table t3 where t3.date<(select date from table t5
> where t5.date>t1.date and t5.bin<>t1.bin order by date asc limit 1)
> order by date desc limit 1) as last,
> bin
> from table t1 where (select bin from table t2 where t2.date<t1.order
> order by date desc limit 1)<>t1.bin;
> Ugly, and I'm pretty sure there's a much better way, but my brain is
> failing me right now- hopefully this'll at least get you started,
> though.

Re: Select ranges based on sequential breaks

Scott Marlowe
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Mike Toews<mwtoews@sfu.ca> wrote:
> This is easy to compute using a spreadsheet or in R, but how would I do this
> with SQL? I'm using 8.3. Advice is appreciated.

FYI (and I'm no expert in this area) R is available as a pl for
postgres, look for pl/R or plR

Re: Select ranges based on sequential breaks

Mike Toews
Hi Joel,

Window functions appear to be the best solution for this style of
problem, and I'm looking forward to their applications. However, I'm
sticking with 8.3 for at least a year, so I'm not able to explore this
solution yet. For now, I can only post-process the output in a non-SQL
environment. I also need to do other fun stuff, like cumulative sums,
which is also challenging with SQL, but much easier and intuitive with R.

An excellent book that I recently stumbled on is /Joe Celko's SQL for
Smarties/ (recommended by someone on this list), which is a heavy read,
but has an amazing depth to ANSI SQL. Of particular interest is "Chapter
24: Regions, Runs, Gaps, Sequences, and Series". I'm slowly digesting this.


Joel Nothman wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I happened upon your query, which is related to some stuff I've been
> playing with.
> Firstly, David's solution below doesn't work. I haven't yet tried to work
> out why.
> Secondly, I was hoping to be able to solve your problem nicely with
> Postgres 8.4's window functions [1,2], which can provide access to
> data in sequentially-related rows.
> Given the following setup:
> CREATE TABLE foo (dt date, bin varchar(4));
> INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('2009-01-01', 'red'), ('2009-01-02', 'red'),
> ('2009-01-03', 'blue'), ('2009-01-04', 'blue'), ('2009-01-05', 'blue'),
> ('2009-01-06', 'red'), ('2009-01-07', 'blue'), ('2009-01-08', 'blue'),
> ('2009-01-09', 'red'), ('2009-01-10', 'red');
> I had hoped the following would suffice:
> SELECT first_value(dt) OVER w, last_value(dt) OVER w, bin FROM foo WINDOW
> Apparently, this is bad syntax. ORDER BY cannot precede PARTITION BY in a
> WINDOW declaration, and yet I wanted a grouping of date-consecutive bins,
> which (PARTITION BY bin ORDER BY dt) would not give me.
> I was able to produce the required result with:
> SELECT MIN(dt) AS first, MAX(dt) AS last, MAX(bin) AS bin
>       FROM (SELECT dt, bin,
>                    CASE WHEN newbin IS NULL
>                    THEN 0
>                    ELSE SUM(newbin) OVER (ORDER BY dt)
>                    END AS binno
>               FROM (SELECT *,
>                            (bin !=3D lag(bin, 1) OVER (ORDER BY dt))::int A=
> S
> newbin
>                       FROM foo
>                    ) AS newbins
>               ) AS binnos
> GROUP BY binno
> ORDER BY first;
> This relies on a middle step in which I create an enumeration of the bins
> in sequence:
> SELECT dt, bin, CASE WHEN newbin IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE sum(newbin) OVER
> (ORDER BY dt) END AS binno FROM (SELECT *, (bin !=3D lag(bin, 1) OVER (ORDE=
> R
> BY dt))::int AS newbin FROM foo) AS newbins;
>          dt     | bin  | binno
> ------------+------+-------
>      2009-01-01 | red  |     0
>      2009-01-02 | red  |     0
>      2009-01-03 | blue |     1
>      2009-01-04 | blue |     1
>      2009-01-05 | blue |     1
>      2009-01-06 | red  |     2
>      2009-01-07 | blue |     3
>      2009-01-08 | blue |     3
>      2009-01-09 | red  |     4
>      2009-01-10 | red  |     4
> I would hope there is a neater way to do this with window functions.
> The best way to solve your problem may be with PL/SQL, which is also good
> at dealing with sequences (it's not as complicated as it looks!):
> CREATE TYPE bindates AS (first date, last date, bin varchar(5));
> RETURNS SETOF bindates
> AS $$
>       row record;
>       res bindates;
>       FOR row IN SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY dt
>       LOOP
>         IF res.bin IS NULL OR res.bin !=3D row.bin THEN
>           IF res.bin IS NOT NULL THEN
>             RETURN NEXT res;
>           END IF;
>           res.bin :=3D row.bin;
>           res.first :=3D row.dt;
>         END IF;
>         res.last :=3D row.dt;
>       END LOOP;
>       IF res.bin IS NOT NULL THEN
>         RETURN NEXT res;
>       END IF;
> END;
> $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
> Finally, I'll try to sort out David's solution. Once we correct his typo
> (t1.order -> t1.date) and add an 'ORDER BY first' to the end, we get:
>        first    |    last    | bin
> ------------+------------+------
>      2009-01-03 | 2009-01-05 | blue
>      2009-01-06 | 2009-01-06 | red
>      2009-01-07 | 2009-01-08 | blue
>      2009-01-09 |            | red
> This includes correct output, but it fails on both edge cases. The
> non-appearance of the first row is due to the WHERE clause on the main
> SELECT statement:
>            FROM foo t2
>            WHERE t2.dt < t1.dt
>            ORDER BY dt DESC LIMIT 1) <> t1.bin
> If we drop this WHERE clause, we get:
>        first    |    last    | bin
> ------------+------------+------
>      2009-01-01 | 2009-01-02 | red
>      2009-01-02 | 2009-01-02 | red
>      2009-01-03 | 2009-01-05 | blue
>      2009-01-04 | 2009-01-05 | blue
>      2009-01-05 | 2009-01-05 | blue
>      2009-01-06 | 2009-01-06 | red
>      2009-01-07 | 2009-01-08 | blue
>      2009-01-08 | 2009-01-08 | blue
>      2009-01-09 |            | red
>      2009-01-10 |            | red
> We can therefore get the result including the first row by selecting from
> this table with 'GROUP BY last, bin'.
> And we can hack in a value for those final NULLs as a special case. The
> following statement works:
> SELECT MIN(first),
>            CASE WHEN last IS NULL THEN (SELECT MAX(dt) FROM foo) ELSE last
> END,
>            bin
>     FROM (
>       SELECT dt AS first,
>              (SELECT dt
>               FROM foo t3
>               WHERE t3.dt < (
>                   SELECT dt
>                   FROM foo t5
>                   WHERE t5.dt > t1.dt
>                     AND t5.bin <> t1.bin
>                   ORDER BY dt ASC
>                   LIMIT 1)
>               ORDER BY dt DESC
>               LIMIT 1) AS last,
>               bin
>       FROM foo t1
> ) t0
> GROUP BY last, bin
> ORDER BY last;
> Finally, what's efficient? With 1,000,000 random rows, we get:
> Enumeration: 13s
> PL/SQL: 12s
> Modified David: minutes.
> [I used the following to create test data:
> import random
> for i in xrange(n):
>       m =3D random.randint(1,12)
>       d =3D random.randint(1,28)
>       b =3D random.choice(('red', 'blue'))
>       yield '2009-%d-%d' % (m, d), b
> $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
> DELETE FROM foo; INSERT INTO foo (SELECT * FROM make_random(1000000));]
> I hope that helps you in considering various approaches to the problem.
> - Joel
> [1] http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/tutorial-window.html
> [2] http://developer.postgresql.org/pgdocs/postgres/functions-window.html
> On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 06:06:16 +1000, David Wilson
> <david.t.wilson@gmail.com> wrote:

Re: Select ranges based on sequential breaks

Scott Marlowe
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Mike Toews<mwtoews@sfu.ca> wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> An excellent book that I recently stumbled on is /Joe Celko's SQL for
> Smarties/ (recommended by someone on this list), which is a heavy read, but
> has an amazing depth to ANSI SQL. Of particular interest is "Chapter 24:
> Regions, Runs, Gaps, Sequences, and Series". I'm slowly digesting this.

I need to buy a fourth or fifth copy (they keep growing feet / I keep
forgetting who I loaned them to) of that book.

Re: Select ranges based on sequential breaks

Mike Toews
Scott Marlowe wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Mike Toews<mwtoews@sfu.ca> wrote:
>> This is easy to compute using a spreadsheet or in R, but how would I do this
>> with SQL? I'm using 8.3. Advice is appreciated.
> FYI (and I'm no expert in this area) R is available as a pl for
> postgres, look for pl/R or plR
FYI, here is how I implement ranges on sequential breaks in R. Sorry, I
haven't meddled with plR yet, although I'm experience with both R and
postgres. This is all R code:

# Randomly sampled bins: "red", "blue"
dat <- data.frame(date=seq(as.Date("2009-01-01"), by="days", length.out=20))
dat$bin <- factor(sample(c("red","blue"), 10, replace=TRUE,

# Determine where the rows are different; 1=different rows, 0=same rows
dat$breaks <- ifelse(dat$bin != c(TRUE,
as.character(dat$bin[-nrow(dat)])), 1, 0)

# Determine where the continuous parts are:
dat$part <- factor(cumsum(dat$breaks))

# Results vary due to random sampling

... and on the SQL side, simple aggregates like min(), max(etc) can be
used with "GROUP BY part" to determine the start/end dates, length of
duration, etc.


Re: Select ranges based on sequential breaks

"Joel Nothman"
On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 04:41:44 +1000, Mike Toews <mwtoews@sfu.ca> wrote:
> Window functions appear to be the best solution for this style of
> problem, and I'm looking forward to their applications. However, I'm
> sticking with 8.3 for at least a year, so I'm not able to explore this
> solution yet. For now, I can only post-process the output in a non-SQL
> environment. I also need to do other fun stuff, like cumulative sums,
> which is also challenging with SQL, but much easier and intuitive with R.

As a largely procedural programmer, the PL/SQL solution is quite appealing
to me, and would be similarly simple to calculate cumulative sums. The
integration of SELECT statements within PL/SQL also seems much tighter
than with other PL languages. Unfortunately, one can't send a cursor or a
set of results directly as a PL argument.

I'm having a skim through Celko's chapter 24, but it doesn't seem to be
close to my needs either.

On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 08:05:14 +1000, Mike Toews <mwtoews@sfu.ca> wrote:
> # Determine where the rows are different; 1=different rows, 0=same rows
> dat$breaks <- ifelse(dat$bin != c(TRUE,
> as.character(dat$bin[-nrow(dat)])), 1, 0)
> # Determine where the continuous parts are:
> dat$part <- factor(cumsum(dat$breaks))

Yes, as far as I can tell, this is almost identical to my WINDOW-based
solution in finding when there is a change, marking it with 0 or 1 and the
using cumulative sum to number the partitions. This could be similarly
done in PL/SQL but it seemed more sensible to just do the whole thing
rather than using GROUP BY after enumeration.

- Joel