Обсуждение: Is there a function for Converting a Decimal into BINARY ?


Is there a function for Converting a Decimal into BINARY ?

"Ow Mun Heng"
Hi Guys,

Searching the net didn't give me much clues as to how to convert a Decimal
number into BINARY.

I have a datatype in the DB which needs to be converted.

DEC = 192
BINARY = 11000000

DEC = 197
BINARY = 11000101

Which I then need to break down into pairs to do calculations on

11 : 00 : 00 : 00
11 : 00 : 01 : 01

Some of the solutions I've seen on the Internet is based on VB and mainly
userland apps, I would like to do the conversion within PG itself.


Re: Is there a function for Converting a Decimal into BINARY ?

John R Pierce
Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Searching the net didn't give me much clues as to how to convert a Decimal
> number into BINARY.

well, a decimal number is a fixed point number stored in a modified BCD
format, which optionally can contain a decimal fractional component.

you likely would want to convert it to a INTEGER or BIGINT first,  then
cats it to BIT(n) where N is the number of bits you want.

Re: Is there a function for Converting a Decimal into BINARY ?

"Harvey, Allan AC"
> Eg:
> I have a datatype in the DB which needs to be converted.
> DEC = 192
> BINARY = 11000000

How about this....

gwmdb=> select 192::bit(16);
(1 row)

Hope that helps


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