Обсуждение: pitr errors


pitr errors

Louis Fridkis

I am testing PITR, following the instructions in: "23.3.3. Recovering with
an On-line Backup." In step 9 I inspect the database and find that it is
working perfectly. All the data from the original is present and I am able
to create a new table and insert rows. The problem is that there are errors
in the log as follows:

2009-09-23 13:32:32 PDT::@[11675]:LOG:  restored log file
"00000003000000EF000000A5" from archive
cp: cannot stat
No such file or directory
2009-09-23 13:32:32 PDT::@[11675]:LOG:  record with zero length at
2009-09-23 13:32:32 PDT::@[11675]:LOG:  redo done at EF/A6000530
2009-09-23 13:32:32 PDT::@[11675]:LOG:  last completed transaction was at
log time 2009-09-23 13:32:51.364195-07
cp: cannot stat
No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat
No such file or directory
2009-09-23 13:32:32 PDT::@[11675]:LOG:  selected new timeline ID: 4
2009-09-23 13:32:32 PDT::@[11675]:LOG:  restored log file "00000003.history"
from archive
2009-09-23 13:32:32 PDT::@[11675]:LOG:  archive recovery complete
2009-09-23 13:32:32 PDT::@[11675]:LOG:  checkpoint starting: shutdown
2009-09-23 13:32:33 PDT::@[11675]:LOG:  checkpoint complete: wrote 824
buffers (2.5%); 0 transaction log file(s) added, 0 removed, 0 recycled;
write=0.010 s, sync=0.336 s, total=0.356 s
2009-09-23 13:32:33 PDT::@[11759]:LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
2009-09-23 13:32:33 PDT::@[11673]:LOG:  database system is ready to accept

When I check the WAL file directories I find that all is in order. The file
00000004.history does not exist, but it is not supposed to exist. The file
00000003000000EF000000A6 is not in the backup archive (archive_log) because
it had not been moved there yet at the time I did the pitr. It is in the
current archive (pg_xlog), where it should be. Here is a listing of those

> ls archive_log/
00000003000000EE00000097                  00000003000000EF000000A2
00000003000000EE00000098                  00000003000000EF000000A3
00000003000000EE00000099                  00000003000000EF000000A4
00000003000000EE0000009A                  00000003000000EF000000A5
00000003000000EE0000009B                  00000003.history
ls ../archive_log/*history
../archive_log/00000002.history  ../archive_log/00000003.history
> ls ../pg_xlog/
00000002.history                          00000003000000EF000000A6
00000003000000EF000000A9  00000003000000EF000000AC
00000003000000EF0000005D.000000D8.backup  00000003000000EF000000A7
00000003000000EF000000AA  00000003.history
00000003000000EF000000A5                  00000003000000EF000000A8
00000003000000EF000000AB  archive_status
> ls ../pg_xlog/*
../pg_xlog/00000003000000EF000000A7  ../pg_xlog/00000003000000EF000000AB
../pg_xlog/00000003000000EF000000A8  ../pg_xlog/00000003000000EF000000AC
../pg_xlog/00000003000000EF000000A9  ../pg_xlog/00000003.history

00000002.history.done  00000003000000EF0000005D.000000D8.backup.done
00000003000000EF000000A5.done  00000003.history.done
So, my question is, can I ignore these error messages and assume that the
pitr worked and all is fine?

Lou ...




Lou ... x69925


Re: pitr errors

Greg Smith
On Tue, 29 Sep 2009, Louis Fridkis wrote:

> When I check the WAL file directories I find that all is in order. The file
> 00000004.history does not exist, but it is not supposed to exist. The file
> 00000003000000EF000000A6 is not in the backup archive (archive_log) because
> it had not been moved there yet at the time I did the pitr.

If you look at the current docs, it addresses all this.  Your message
suggests you might be looking at the docs from an earlier version but I
wasn't sure which, this might not have been as clear then.


"It is important that the [restore] command return nonzero exit status on
failure. The command will be asked for files that are not present in the
archive; it must return nonzero when so asked. This is not an error
condition. Not all of the requested files will be WAL segment files; you
should also expect requests for files with a suffix of .backup or
.history...Normally, recovery will proceed through all available WAL
segments, thereby restoring the database to the current point in time (or
as close as we can get given the available WAL segments). So a normal
recovery will end with a "file not found" message, the exact text of the
error message depending upon your choice of restore_command. You may also
see an error message at the start of recovery for a file named something
like 00000001.history. This is also normal and does not indicate a problem
in simple recovery situations. See Section 24.3.4 for discussion."

Are you using pg_standby for your restore_command?  If not, you probably
should be.  Not sure if all of the error messages you showed would go away
if you switched to it, but the specific "cp" errors you showed suggest
you're using the simple restore_command example from the manual there,
which is really not a production quality solution there.

* Greg Smith gsmith@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD