Обсуждение: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1


attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Stuart Bishop
I'm running our products test suite against PostgreSQL 8.4.1. The test
suite runs fine against 8.3.7.

With 8.4.1, some of our tests are failing with the exception
'attempted to lock invisible tuple'. The failures are repeatable -
they crash every time at the same point. They crash no matter if they
are being run in isolation or as part of the larger test suite.

Anyone know what we could be doing that triggers that? Looking at our
statement logs we don't seem to be doing anything unusual. The failing
tests I've checked are running under SERIALIZABLE isolation level, and
the database will have been recreated a few instants ago using
'createdb --template test_template_db'.

One of the statement logs is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/285983/  - I
can't see anything unusual
going on but it might help diagnose the problem.

Stuart Bishop <stuart@stuartbishop.net>

Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alban Hertroys
On 5 Oct 2009, at 8:58, Stuart Bishop wrote:

> I'm running our products test suite against PostgreSQL 8.4.1. The test
> suite runs fine against 8.3.7.
> With 8.4.1, some of our tests are failing with the exception
> 'attempted to lock invisible tuple'. The failures are repeatable -
> they crash every time at the same point. They crash no matter if they
> are being run in isolation or as part of the larger test suite.
> Anyone know what we could be doing that triggers that? Looking at our
> statement logs we don't seem to be doing anything unusual. The failing
> tests I've checked are running under SERIALIZABLE isolation level, and
> the database will have been recreated a few instants ago using
> 'createdb --template test_template_db'.

A similar issue was discussed just recently here: http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2009-09/msg01219.php

That issue involved cursors though (and a serializable isolation
level, but you have that). Do you have any triggers that use cursors
on the table that the update fails for?

> One of the statement logs is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/285983/  - I
> can't see anything unusual
> going on but it might help diagnose the problem.

Alban Hertroys

Screwing up is the best way to attach something to the ceiling.


Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Stuart Bishop
On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Alban Hertroys
<dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl> wrote:
> On 5 Oct 2009, at 8:58, Stuart Bishop wrote:
>> I'm running our products test suite against PostgreSQL 8.4.1. The test
>> suite runs fine against 8.3.7.
>> With 8.4.1, some of our tests are failing with the exception
>> 'attempted to lock invisible tuple'. The failures are repeatable -
>> they crash every time at the same point. They crash no matter if they
>> are being run in isolation or as part of the larger test suite.
>> Anyone know what we could be doing that triggers that? Looking at our
>> statement logs we don't seem to be doing anything unusual. The failing
>> tests I've checked are running under SERIALIZABLE isolation level, and
>> the database will have been recreated a few instants ago using
>> 'createdb --template test_template_db'.
> A similar issue was discussed just recently here:
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2009-09/msg01219.php
> That issue involved cursors though (and a serializable isolation level, but
> you have that). Do you have any triggers that use cursors on the table that
> the update fails for?

There is a trigger on that table, and it is certainly the culprit as
can be seen here (different table, same trigger):

launchpad_dev=# begin;
launchpad_dev=# set transaction_isolation to serializable;
launchpad_dev=# update bug set name='foooz' where id=1;
ERROR:  attempted to lock invisible tuple
launchpad_dev=# abort;
launchpad_dev=# alter table bug disable trigger tsvectorupdate;
launchpad_dev=# begin;
launchpad_dev=# set transaction_isolation to serializable;
launchpad_dev=# update bug set name='foooz' where id=1;
launchpad_dev=# abort;

I haven't had luck reducing this to a test case though. I'll give it
another shot tomorrow. Here are some more details for the audience:

launchpad_dev=# \d bug
                                                            Table "public.bug"
         Column         |            Type             |

 id                     | integer                     | not null
default nextval('bug_id_seq'::regclass)
 datecreated            | timestamp without time zone | not null
default timezone('UTC'::text, ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time
 name                   | text                        |
 title                  | text                        | not null
 description            | text                        | not null
 owner                  | integer                     | not null
 duplicateof            | integer                     |
 fti                    | ts2.tsvector                |
 private                | boolean                     | not null default false
 security_related       | boolean                     | not null default false
 date_last_updated      | timestamp without time zone | not null
default timezone('UTC'::text, now())
 date_made_private      | timestamp without time zone |
 who_made_private       | integer                     |
 date_last_message      | timestamp without time zone |
 number_of_duplicates   | integer                     | not null default 0
 message_count          | integer                     | not null default 0
 users_affected_count   | integer                     | default 0
 users_unaffected_count | integer                     | default 0
 hotness                | integer                     | not null default 0
    "bug_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "bug_name_key" UNIQUE, btree (name)
    "bug__date_last_message__idx" btree (date_last_message)
    "bug__date_last_updated__idx" btree (date_last_updated) CLUSTER
    "bug__datecreated__idx" btree (datecreated)
    "bug__hotness__idx" btree (hotness)
    "bug__users_affected_count__idx" btree (users_affected_count)
    "bug__users_unaffected_count__idx" btree (users_unaffected_count)
    "bug__who_made_private__idx" btree (who_made_private) WHERE
who_made_private IS NOT NULL
    "bug_duplicateof_idx" btree (duplicateof)
    "bug_fti" gist (fti)
    "bug_owner_idx" btree (owner)
Check constraints:
    "notduplicateofself" CHECK (NOT id = duplicateof)
    "sane_description" CHECK (ltrim(description) <> ''::text AND
char_length(description) <= 50000)
    "valid_bug_name" CHECK (valid_bug_name(name))
Foreign-key constraints:
    "bug__who_made_private__fk" FOREIGN KEY (who_made_private)
REFERENCES person(id)
    "bug_duplicateof_fk" FOREIGN KEY (duplicateof) REFERENCES bug(id)
    "bug_owner_fk" FOREIGN KEY (owner) REFERENCES person(id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "bugactivity" CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bugsubscription" CONSTRAINT "$2" FOREIGN KEY (bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bug" CONSTRAINT "bug_duplicateof_fk" FOREIGN KEY
(duplicateof) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bugaffectsperson" CONSTRAINT "bugaffectsperson_bug_fkey"
    TABLE "bugattachment" CONSTRAINT "bugattachment_bug_fk" FOREIGN
KEY (bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bugbranch" CONSTRAINT "bugbranch_bug_fkey" FOREIGN KEY
(bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bugcve" CONSTRAINT "bugcve_bug_fk" FOREIGN KEY (bug)
    TABLE "bugmessage" CONSTRAINT "bugmessage__bug__fk" FOREIGN KEY
(bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bugnomination" CONSTRAINT "bugnomination__bug__fk" FOREIGN
KEY (bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bugnotification" CONSTRAINT "bugnotification_bug_fkey"
    TABLE "bugnotificationarchive" CONSTRAINT
"bugnotificationarchive__bug__fk" FOREIGN KEY (bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bugpackageinfestation" CONSTRAINT
"bugpackageinfestation_bug_fk" FOREIGN KEY (bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bugproductinfestation" CONSTRAINT
"bugproductinfestation_bug_fk" FOREIGN KEY (bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "bugtask" CONSTRAINT "bugtask__bug__fk" FOREIGN KEY (bug)
    TABLE "bugwatch" CONSTRAINT "bugwatch_bug_fk" FOREIGN KEY (bug)
    TABLE "hwsubmissionbug" CONSTRAINT "hwsubmissionbug_bug_fkey"
    TABLE "mentoringoffer" CONSTRAINT "mentoringoffer_bug_fkey"
    TABLE "questionbug" CONSTRAINT "questionbug__bug__fk" FOREIGN KEY
(bug) REFERENCES bug(id)
    TABLE "specificationbug" CONSTRAINT "specificationbug_bug_fk"
    set_bug_number_of_duplicates_t AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON
bug FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE set_bug_number_of_duplicates()
Disabled triggers:
PROCEDURE ts2.ftiupdate('name', 'a', 'title', 'b', 'description', 'd')

launchpad_dev=# \df+ ts2.ftiupdate
List of functions
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Schema              | ts2
Name                | ftiupdate
Result data type    | trigger
Argument data types |
Type                | trigger
Volatility          | volatile
Owner               | stub
Language            | plpythonu
Source code         |
                    :             new = TD["new"]
                    :             args = TD["args"][:]
                    :             # Short circuit if none of the
relevant columns have been
                    :             # modified and fti is not being set
to NULL (setting the fti
                    :             # column to NULL is thus how we can
force a rebuild of the fti
                    :             # column).
                    :             if TD["event"] == "UPDATE" and
new["fti"] != None:
                    :                 old = TD["old"]
                    :                 relevant_modification = False
                    :                 for column_name in args[::2]:
                    :                     if new[column_name] !=
                    :                         relevant_modification = True
                    :                         break
                    :                 if not relevant_modification:
                    :                     return "OK"
                    :             # Generate an SQL statement that
turns the requested
                    :             # column values into a weighted tsvector
                    :             sql = []
                    :             for i in range(0, len(args), 2):
                    :                 sql.append(
"ts2.setweight(ts2.to_tsvector('default', coalesce("
                    :                         "substring(ltrim($%d)
from 1 for 2500),'')),"
                    :                         "CAST($%d AS \"char\"))"
% (i + 1, i + 2))
                    :                 args[i] = new[args[i]]
                    :             sql = "SELECT %s AS fti" % "||".join(sql)
                    :             # Execute and store in the fti column
                    :             plan = plpy.prepare(sql, ["text",
"char"] * (len(args)/2))
                    :             new["fti"] = plpy.execute(plan,
args, 1)[0]["fti"]
                    :             # Tell PostgreSQL we have modified the data
                    :             return "MODIFY"
Description         | Trigger function that keeps the fti tsvector
column up to date.

Stuart Bishop <stuart@stuartbishop.net>

Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alvaro Herrera
Stuart Bishop wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Alban Hertroys
> <dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl> wrote:

> > A similar issue was discussed just recently here:
> > http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2009-09/msg01219.php
> >
> > That issue involved cursors though (and a serializable isolation level, but
> > you have that). Do you have any triggers that use cursors on the table that
> > the update fails for?
> There is a trigger on that table, and it is certainly the culprit as
> can be seen here (different table, same trigger):

I don't think the committed patch touches anything involved in what
you're testing, but if you could grab CVS tip from the 8.4 branch (or
the snapshot from ftp.postgresql.org:/pub/snapshot/stable/8.4 ) and give
it a try, that'd be great.

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Stuart Bishop

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> Stuart Bishop wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Alban Hertroys
>> <dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl> wrote:
>> > A similar issue was discussed just recently here:
>> > http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2009-09/msg01219.php
>> >
>> > That issue involved cursors though (and a serializable isolation level, but
>> > you have that). Do you have any triggers that use cursors on the table that
>> > the update fails for?
>> There is a trigger on that table, and it is certainly the culprit as
>> can be seen here (different table, same trigger):
> I don't think the committed patch touches anything involved in what
> you're testing, but if you could grab CVS tip from the 8.4 branch (or
> the snapshot from ftp.postgresql.org:/pub/snapshot/stable/8.4 ) and give
> it a try, that'd be great.

I trigger the same error with a freshly built snapshot.

Stuart Bishop <stuart@stuartbishop.net>


Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alvaro Herrera
Stuart Bishop wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> >Stuart Bishop wrote:
> >>On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Alban Hertroys
> >><dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl> wrote:
> >
> >>> A similar issue was discussed just recently here:
> >>> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2009-09/msg01219.php
> >>>
> >>> That issue involved cursors though (and a serializable isolation level, but
> >>> you have that). Do you have any triggers that use cursors on the table that
> >>> the update fails for?
> >>
> >>There is a trigger on that table, and it is certainly the culprit as
> >>can be seen here (different table, same trigger):
> >
> >I don't think the committed patch touches anything involved in what
> >you're testing, but if you could grab CVS tip from the 8.4 branch (or
> >the snapshot from ftp.postgresql.org:/pub/snapshot/stable/8.4 ) and give
> >it a try, that'd be great.
> I trigger the same error with a freshly built snapshot.

mmkay.  So, any luck in constructing a test case?

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Stuart Bishop
On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Alvaro Herrera
<alvherre@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> Stuart Bishop wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com> wrote:
>> >Stuart Bishop wrote:
>> >>On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Alban Hertroys
>> >><dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl> wrote:
>> >
>> >>> A similar issue was discussed just recently here:
>> >>> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2009-09/msg01219.php
>> >>>
>> >>> That issue involved cursors though (and a serializable isolation level, but
>> >>> you have that). Do you have any triggers that use cursors on the table that
>> >>> the update fails for?
>> >>
>> >>There is a trigger on that table, and it is certainly the culprit as
>> >>can be seen here (different table, same trigger):
>> >
>> >I don't think the committed patch touches anything involved in what
>> >you're testing, but if you could grab CVS tip from the 8.4 branch (or
>> >the snapshot from ftp.postgresql.org:/pub/snapshot/stable/8.4 ) and give
>> >it a try, that'd be great.
>> I trigger the same error with a freshly built snapshot.
> mmkay.  So, any luck in constructing a test case?

Yes. Just no luck getting it sent to the mailing list - seems to
silently drop emails with attachments on me :-P

I've managed to get a self contained test case assembled.  I'm not
sure what to make of this. The test case builds a small database from
a dump (one table), and triggers the 'invisible tuple' error. If I
touch the table though, such as ALTER TABLE or just updating some data
in in, the problem disappears.

$ sh invisible.sh
ERROR:  attempted to lock invisible tuple

The test case (invisible.sh) and required dump (foodump.sql - 60k) are
at http://www.stuartbishop.net/invisible/

Stuart Bishop <stuart@stuartbishop.net>

Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alvaro Herrera
Stuart Bishop wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Alvaro Herrera
> <alvherre@commandprompt.com> wrote:

> > mmkay.  So, any luck in constructing a test case?
> Yes. Just no luck getting it sent to the mailing list - seems to
> silently drop emails with attachments on me :-P


> The test case (invisible.sh) and required dump (foodump.sql - 60k) are
> at http://www.stuartbishop.net/invisible/

Got it, thanks, looking.

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alvaro Herrera
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Stuart Bishop wrote:

> > The test case (invisible.sh) and required dump (foodump.sql - 60k) are
> > at http://www.stuartbishop.net/invisible/
> Got it, thanks, looking.

Here's a slightly smaller test case; basically I removed the tsearch2
cruft and extra columns in the table.  One thing of note is that if the
COPY commands is reduced to occupy less than one page in the target
table, the problem does not occur.

To reproduce, restore the attached file and run
SET transaction_isolation TO SERIALIZABLE;
UPDATE Bug2 SET name='foobar' WHERE id=1;

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.


Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alvaro Herrera
Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> Here's a slightly smaller test case; basically I removed the tsearch2
> cruft and extra columns in the table.  One thing of note is that if the
> COPY commands is reduced to occupy less than one page in the target
> table, the problem does not occur.

And here's an even smaller one that doesn't involve plpython.

create or replace function upd() returns trigger language plpgsql as
        rec record;
        new.description = 'updated in trigger';
        return new;

create table onetest (
        id int,
        filler  text,
        description text

create trigger onetest_t before update on onetest for each row
        execute procedure upd();

insert into onetest select a, repeat('xyzxz', 100), 'new' from generate_series(1, 50) a;

SET transaction isolation level SERIALIZABLE;
UPDATE onetest SET description = 'no no', id = 1 where id = 1;

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alvaro Herrera
I think the previous patch to snapmgr.c was mistaken.  Instead of fixing
a single trouble spot, we're better off fixing PushActiveSnapshot so
that any use of it that involves a snapshot that's subject to a future
command counter update should create a new copy.

This is correct because the 8.3 code used to do CopySnapshot anytime it
was setting ActiveSnapshot.  So we're not disrupting any behavior here
-- we're merely restoring what was the previous customary behavior.

The attached patch implements this idea.  It reverts the code changes
done in the previous patch, because they're obviously no longer
necessary.  The new regression test that it added still passes with this
new patch.  I will add a new one for this new problem.

(This new patch restores CopySnapshot as a static function too).

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.


Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alvaro Herrera
Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> create trigger onetest_t before update on onetest for each row
>         execute procedure upd();
> insert into onetest select a, repeat('xyzxz', 100), 'new' from generate_series(1, 50) a;
> SET transaction isolation level SERIALIZABLE;
> UPDATE onetest SET description = 'no no', id = 1 where id = 1;
> commit;

What I don't understand is why this works when the update uses the same
target page.

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alvaro Herrera
Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> I think the previous patch to snapmgr.c was mistaken.  Instead of fixing
> a single trouble spot, we're better off fixing PushActiveSnapshot so
> that any use of it that involves a snapshot that's subject to a future
> command counter update should create a new copy.

For a while I was thinking this was useless, because surely
CurrentSnapshot would always be pointing to static storage, no?
However I realized that this is not the case in serializable
transactions, because such transaction need to register the current
snapshot and thus it creates a copy of it.  So the problem is that in a
serializable snapshot, ActiveSnapshot may be pointing to the exact same
copy that a CommandCounterIncrement would modify.

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Alvaro Herrera
Stuart Bishop wrote:

> >I don't think the committed patch touches anything involved in what
> >you're testing, but if you could grab CVS tip from the 8.4 branch (or
> >the snapshot from ftp.postgresql.org:/pub/snapshot/stable/8.4 ) and give
> >it a try, that'd be great.
> I trigger the same error with a freshly built snapshot.

If you're up for a bit of patching, please test with the attached patch

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.


Re: attempted to lock invisible tuple - PG 8.4.1

Stuart Bishop
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 3:09 AM, Alvaro Herrera
<alvherre@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> Stuart Bishop wrote:
>> >I don't think the committed patch touches anything involved in what
>> >you're testing, but if you could grab CVS tip from the 8.4 branch (or
>> >the snapshot from ftp.postgresql.org:/pub/snapshot/stable/8.4 ) and give
>> >it a try, that'd be great.
>> I trigger the same error with a freshly built snapshot.
> If you're up for a bit of patching, please test with the attached patch
> applied.

The patch is working. I am no longer able to trigger the 'attempted to
lock invisible tuple' error.

Thanks :-)

Stuart Bishop <stuart@stuartbishop.net>