Обсуждение: which software to replicate a database on windows xp/vista is the best???


which software to replicate a database on windows xp/vista is the best???

hi !

While  i'm searching on google  :-P , to find  a software to replicate
a postgres database,  i love read your suggestion about  the
replication, so  i can shrink my  research, no matter if the replication
software   isn't free,  by the way the  version of postgres  is 8.2.

i  don't  want  start a flame war ,  just want  names of software
replication and  read about your experience   with that software.

see you.

Re: which software to replicate a database on windows xp/vista is the best???

Greg Smith
There's an introduction to PostgreSQL replication at
and a work in progress to provide more up to date information about each
of them at http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Clustering I'd suggest
starting with.  Replication is a complicated topic, and you need to
carefully match the software used with your business goals.  There is no
such thing as a generic replication package that works for all
situations.  If you shared a bit more about what you're trying to
accomplish, you might get a more focused recommendations for where you
can find it.

Greg Smith    2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support
greg@2ndQuadrant.com  www.2ndQuadrant.com