Обсуждение: Install of Postgres 8.4 on Win Server 2k3 w SP2 Error


Install of Postgres 8.4 on Win Server 2k3 w SP2 Error

"Jonathan Schindler"



We currently run a Postgres 8.3 database on a Windows Server 2k3 with Service Pack 2.  I went to upgrade to 8.4 and ran into some problems.  At first I did not have the local user postgres’s password, it was automatically generated when 8.3 was installed and no one remembered what it was.  I did some research and found that I would be able to remove the user and let 8.4 create the user with a password of my choosing.  This worked all fine and dandy.  While installing, when the initial database was to be created there was an error that occurred.  The error was:

Exception Processing Message c0000135 Parameters 75a851d8 75a851d8 75a851d8 75a851d8

At first I believed it to be a permissions error, Server 2k3 can be quirky sometimes.  I uninstalled, ensured that the postgres user had full control of the folder (and all sub folders) that the database is place in and installed.  Again I had the same error.  I did some searching and found some others that had the same error.  The resolution to their problem was to use the initdb executable manually.  While trying this I again received the same error.  I am unsure of what this error means and would greatly appreciate anyone’s insight and help.


Thank you


Jonathan Schindler

Re: Install of Postgres 8.4 on Win Server 2k3 w SP2 Error

"Massa, Harald Armin"
Hello Jonathan,

I had some challenges with the 8.4.1 windows one click installer,
especially as in some environments I am not "allowed" to use a local
postgres account. So to install 8.4.1 on various windows machines I
use the following process:

a) download the "binaries only" distribuion
b) create <program files>\PostgreSQL\ by hand
c) extract the "pgsql"-subdir from the binaries-zip and put it into
<program files>\PostgreSQL\
d) rename <program files>\PostgreSQL\pgsql to <program files>\PostgreSQL\8.4
e) add <program files>\PostgreSQL\8.4 to the system path
f) give the following commandos:

initdb --pgdata=d:\ghum\data84 --encoding=UTF-8
--locale=German_Germany.1252 --username=postgres
cacls data84 /G postgreswindowsuser:F /E /T
pg_ctl register -N pgsql-8.4 -D d:\ghum\data84 -U postgreswindowsuser
-P postgreswindowsuserpassword

that works for me on a variety of Windows Versions (Windows 7, XP, Server 2003),

maybe it can help you too in situations when the one-click-installer
is not suitable or leads to challenges.

(BTW: did you check in your situation that there are NO 8.3 binaries
within the System Path?)

Best wishes,


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Spielberger Straße 49
70435 Stuttgart
no fx, no carrier pigeon
%s is too gigantic of an industry to bend to the whims of reality