Обсуждение: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint


Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus

We use PG 8.3. We use pg_dump and pg_restore overnight to create
copies of main database for reporting etc. One dump/restore runs at 9
PM, another at 11 PM.

Today I discovered that the restore at 11 PM failed to recreate a
foreign key constraint, because one row from master table was missing.
It is also missing from main database, but not from the 9 PM dump.

The main database is in curious state: The row from master table is
missing, the row referencing it from slave table is present, and
finally the FK constraint on slave is in place.

Do you have any ideas on how it could possibly happen? What research
could help find the root cause and fix the database?


Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
One more bit of information. The master table has exactly 3 rows
missing. They were all inserted half a year ago within one minute and
no other rows have been inserted in between them.

Is it possible that we lost a consistent piece of data (like a block
or a page)? What can I do to track it down?

I suspect it is a bug in PostgreSQL. Does it resemble an already
submitted issue?

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

"Albe Laurenz"
Konrad Garus wrote:
> We use PG 8.3. We use pg_dump and pg_restore overnight to create
> copies of main database for reporting etc. One dump/restore runs at 9
> PM, another at 11 PM.
> Today I discovered that the restore at 11 PM failed to recreate a
> foreign key constraint, because one row from master table was missing.
> It is also missing from main database, but not from the 9 PM dump.
> The main database is in curious state: The row from master table is
> missing, the row referencing it from slave table is present, and
> finally the FK constraint on slave is in place.
> Do you have any ideas on how it could possibly happen? What research
> could help find the root cause and fix the database?

If that's really the case, it sounds like curruption.

Is there anything in the server logs?

Laurenz Albe

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/7 Albe Laurenz <laurenz.albe@wien.gv.at>:

> If that's really the case, it sounds like curruption.
> Is there anything in the server logs?

I'm pretty sure it is corruption. With FK in place I don't see any
other way how it would be possible.

The log is too large to read through, but I haven't spotted anything
suspicious (searching by table name, grepping for error and vacuum,
quick scan from when the state was consistent until when it was not).

Also, reindex on the master table did not help.

Is there anything I could do on logs or the database that could help
diagnose the issue?

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Guillaume Lelarge
Le 07/01/2010 11:12, Konrad Garus a écrit :
> Hello,
> We use PG 8.3. We use pg_dump and pg_restore overnight to create
> copies of main database for reporting etc. One dump/restore runs at 9
> PM, another at 11 PM.
> Today I discovered that the restore at 11 PM failed to recreate a
> foreign key constraint, because one row from master table was missing.
> It is also missing from main database, but not from the 9 PM dump.
> The main database is in curious state: The row from master table is
> missing, the row referencing it from slave table is present, and
> finally the FK constraint on slave is in place.
> Do you have any ideas on how it could possibly happen?

Disabling trigger does this. Here is a quick (but long) example:

guillaume@laptop:~$ createdb b1

guillaume@laptop:~$ LANG=C psql b1
psql (8.5devel)
Type "help" for help.

b1=# create table t1 (c1 integer primary key, c2 integer);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "t1_pkey"
for table "t1"

b1=# create table t2 (c1 integer, c1_t1 integer references t1(c1));

b1=# \d t1
      Table "public.t1"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 c1     | integer | not null
 c2     | integer |
    "t1_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (c1)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "t2" CONSTRAINT "t2_c1_t1_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (c1_t1) REFERENCES

b1=# \d t2
      Table "public.t2"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers
 c1     | integer |
 c1_t1  | integer |
Foreign-key constraints:
    "t2_c1_t1_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (c1_t1) REFERENCES t1(c1)

b1=# insert into t1 values (1, 100);

b1=# insert into t1 values (2, 200);

b1=# insert into t2 values (1, 1);

b1=# insert into t2 values (1, 2);

b1=# insert into t2 values (1, 3);
ERROR:  insert or update on table "t2" violates foreign key constraint
DÉTAIL : Key (c1_t1)=(3) is not present in table "t1".

Which is right. Now, we disable triggers:

b1=# alter table t2 disable trigger all;
b1=# insert into t2 values (1, 3);

The INSERT now works. The FK is not checked.

b1=# alter table t2 enable trigger all;

Reenabling triggers won't alert you. Rows are inserted and will stay
that way.

b1=# select * from t1;
 c1 | c2
  1 | 100
  2 | 200
(2 lines)

b1=# select * from t2;
 c1 | c1_t1
  1 |     1
  1 |     2
  1 |     3
(3 lines)

Despite my examples are on 8.5dev, you have the same issue with 8.3. See
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/sql-altertable.html for
more details.

So, question is: did you disable triggers sometime on the referenced table?


Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
> So, question is: did you disable triggers sometime on the referenced table?

No, at least not intentionally. More information:

 1. Missing are 3 rows added quickly one after another over half a
year ago. They were lost this week. That is the only corruption I am
aware of.

 2. The problem is rows that were present in master table and are
gone, not superfluous rows in slave table.

 3. The master table has this rule preventing DELETE on it:

    master_table_no_delete AS
    ON DELETE TO master_table DO INSTEAD  SELECT no_delete() AS no_delete

Where no_delete is:

         raise exception 'Cannot remove rows from the table.';

I am pretty confident it was not caused by us or our software. The
data is relatively old, the missing piece is small and the no_delete
rule is in place.

Can it be a side effect of some PG job, such as vacuum etc?

Let me know what other information could be helpful.

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Alban Hertroys
On 7 Jan 2010, at 11:12, Konrad Garus wrote:

> Hello,
> We use PG 8.3. We use pg_dump and pg_restore overnight to create
> ...

You seem to have lost the actual data, not the index entries pointing to it, or a sequential scan (eg. pg_dump) would
stillhave found your rows. 

> Do you have any ideas on how it could possibly happen? What research
> could help find the root cause and fix the database?

What kind of file-system is the affected table on? - and while we're at it, what OS/Distribution and version? Is your
dataon some kind of RAID array? If so, what type (hardware/software, RAID type)? 

I get the impression the data you lost and the data around it hasn't been written to in a long time; it wouldn't
surpriseme if your problem would have been caused by a bad sector on a disk, but that depends on how reliable your
storageis set up to be. 

Bad memory is another typical cause of corruption, but not likely in your case.

And of course there could be a bug in PG; are you up to date on the minor versions?

Alban Hertroys

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.


Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Alban Hertroys <dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl>:

> You seem to have lost the actual data, not the index entries pointing to it, or a sequential scan (eg. pg_dump) would
stillhave found your rows. 

I agree.

> What kind of file-system is the affected table on? - and while we're at it, what OS/Distribution and version? Is your
dataon some kind of RAID array? If so, what type (hardware/software, RAID type)? 

It's ext3 on a hardware RAID1. The array is in perfect condition,
according to its diag tool. The OS is Ubuntu 8.04. The exact PG
version is 8.3.8.

> I get the impression the data you lost and the data around it hasn't been written to in a long time; it wouldn't
surpriseme if your problem would have been caused by a bad sector on a disk, but that depends on how reliable your
storageis set up to be. 

You are correct about the first point. It's a write-only table with
thousands of inserts daily, and the lost rows were written 7 months

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
Konrad Garus <konrad.garus@gmail.com> writes:
> 2010/1/8 Alban Hertroys <dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl>:
>> I get the impression the data you lost and the data around it hasn't been written to in a long time; it wouldn't
surpriseme if your problem would have been caused by a bad sector on a disk, but that depends on how reliable your
storageis set up to be. 

> You are correct about the first point. It's a write-only table with
> thousands of inserts daily, and the lost rows were written 7 months
> ago.

Do you know that the rows disappeared recently?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:

> Do you know that the rows disappeared recently?

Yes. They are present in dump from 9 PM and missing from dump from 1
AM. It must've happened within this 4-hour window.

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
Konrad Garus <konrad.garus@gmail.com> writes:
> 2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
>> Do you know that the rows disappeared recently?

> Yes. They are present in dump from 9 PM and missing from dump from 1
> AM. It must've happened within this 4-hour window.

Hm.  It would be interesting to see if you can find the place where the
rows had been and dump it with pg_filedump
You can look at the ctid column of the rows that are adjacent to the
missing ones according to your older dump, and then dump out those
blocks (I recommend -i -f style).

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
How shall I do it? Is this correct:

1. Run:

select ctid, * from attachment where ...

on the table with such a WHERE clause that includes rows around the
missing ones. ctid around missing rows seems to be (603712,78) and
(603714,1). Note that 603713 is missing.

2. Run:

select relfilenode from pg_class where relname = 'attachment';"

(returns 922494)

3. Run:

pg_filedump -i -f -R 603712 603714
/var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main/base/922438/922494 > myfile

I'm unsure about it, because the resulting file does not seem to have
the rows I saw listed for block 603712 or 603714. I checked by text in
VARCHAR columns.

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Konrad Garus <konrad.garus@gmail.com>:

> I'm unsure about it, because the resulting file does not seem to have
> the rows I saw listed for block 603712 or 603714. I checked by text in
> VARCHAR columns.

I must've done something wrong.

I found that row listed at:

Block 603712 ********************************************************
(header etc.)
 Item  15 -- Length:  184  Offset: 5496 (0x1578)  Flags: NORMAL
  XMIN: 8124  XMAX: 0  CID|XVAC: 0
  Block Id: 79424  linp Index: 15   Attributes: 19   Size: 32
  t_bits: [0]: 0xff [1]: 0x79 [2]: 0x07

Has ctid equal (79424,15).

How do I run pg_filedump for rows with ctid between (603712,78) and (603714,1)?

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
OK, I got it. Attached is the dump of the missing block.

Konrad Garus


Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
Konrad Garus <konrad.garus@gmail.com> writes:
> OK, I got it. Attached is the dump of the missing block.

So which of these rows are invisible?  According to the flags
items 1, 3 and 5 should be visible while 2 and 4 are dead versions
(of 3 and 5 respectively).

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
> So which of these rows are invisible?  According to the flags
> items 1, 3 and 5 should be visible while 2 and 4 are dead versions
> (of 3 and 5 respectively).

All 3 are invisible, and at the same time they are the only 3 rows
missing from the table.

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
Konrad Garus <konrad.garus@gmail.com> writes:
> 2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
>> So which of these rows are invisible? �According to the flags
>> items 1, 3 and 5 should be visible while 2 and 4 are dead versions
>> (of 3 and 5 respectively).

> All 3 are invisible, and at the same time they are the only 3 rows
> missing from the table.

Huh.  Nothing obviously wrong with the data ... maybe an xid wraparound
issue?  What's your current XID counter?  (pg_controldata is the easiest
way to answer that)

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
I wrote:
> Huh.  Nothing obviously wrong with the data ... maybe an xid wraparound
> issue?  What's your current XID counter?  (pg_controldata is the easiest
> way to answer that)

Also, what are the XMINs of the non-missing tuples in the adjacent

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:

> Also, what are the XMINs of the non-missing tuples in the adjacent
> blocks?

# /usr/lib/postgresql/8.3/bin/pg_controldata /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main/
pg_control version number:            833
Catalog version number:               200711281
Database system identifier:           5246886698902745063
Database cluster state:               in production
pg_control last modified:             Fri 08 Jan 2010 10:20:56 AM CST
Latest checkpoint location:           1D6/186B6BA0
Prior checkpoint location:            1D6/165DAF60
Latest checkpoint's REDO location:    1D6/174C8FB8
Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID:       1
Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0/83037806
Latest checkpoint's NextOID:          142180690
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiXactId:  2250472
Latest checkpoint's NextMultiOffset:  5954794
Time of latest checkpoint:            Fri 08 Jan 2010 10:18:33 AM CST
Minimum recovery ending location:     0/0
Maximum data alignment:               8
Database block size:                  8192
Blocks per segment of large relation: 131072
WAL block size:                       8192
Bytes per WAL segment:                16777216
Maximum length of identifiers:        64
Maximum columns in an index:          32
Maximum size of a TOAST chunk:        1996
Date/time type storage:               64-bit integers
Maximum length of locale name:        128
LC_COLLATE:                           en_US.UTF-8
LC_CTYPE:                             en_US.UTF-8

2 mins around the missing rows:

    ctid     |   xmin   | attachment_id
 (603712,67) | 17140362 |      15460680
 (603712,69) | 17140363 |      15460871
 (603712,71) | 17140364 |      15460681
 (603712,73) | 17140368 |      15460872
 (603712,75) | 17140369 |      15460682
 (603712,78) | 17140373 |      15460873
 (603714,1)  | 17140379 |      15460685
 (603714,3)  | 17140380 |      15460473
 (603714,5)  | 17140381 |      15460875
 (603714,7)  | 17140382 |      15460686
 (603714,9)  | 17140383 |      15460474

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
Just a reminder - these rows are over 6 months old and were lost at
night when the system was lightly used.

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
Konrad Garus <konrad.garus@gmail.com> writes:
> Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0/83037806

So, no wraparound problem ... odder and odder.  Could we see the whole
-i -f printout for that block?  You trimmed some of it before,
particularly the block header.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
> So, no wraparound problem ... odder and odder.  Could we see the whole
> -i -f printout for that block?  You trimmed some of it before,
> particularly the block header.


Since data on disk looks correct, is it possible to diagnose it on a
higher level? Could the damage be done by vacuum?

Konrad Garus


Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Alvaro Herrera
Konrad Garus escribió:
> 2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
> > So, no wraparound problem ... odder and odder.  Could we see the whole
> > -i -f printout for that block?  You trimmed some of it before,
> > particularly the block header.
> Attached.
> Since data on disk looks correct, is it possible to diagnose it on a
> higher level? Could the damage be done by vacuum?

I'm a bit surprised by the block numbers in the block header vs. t_self ...
I would have guessed that they come from a different segment (and
the numbers seem to match, as 603713 % 131072 = 79425), but Konrad
doesn't seem to be using the foo.4 file.

Alvaro Herrera                                http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com>:

> I'm a bit surprised by the block numbers in the block header vs. t_self ...
> I would have guessed that they come from a different segment (and
> the numbers seem to match, as 603713 % 131072 = 79425), but Konrad
> doesn't seem to be using the foo.4 file.

I am not sure I understand what you say, but the 922494 file has 12
parts (922494, 922494.1 through 922494.11). The file I gave you is,
indeed, dumped from 922494.4.

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
Konrad Garus <konrad.garus@gmail.com> writes:
> 2010/1/8 Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com>:
>> I'm a bit surprised by the block numbers in the block header vs. t_self ...
>> I would have guessed that they come from a different segment (and
>> the numbers seem to match, as 603713 % 131072 = 79425), but Konrad
>> doesn't seem to be using the foo.4 file.

> I am not sure I understand what you say, but the 922494 file has 12
> parts (922494, 922494.1 through 922494.11). The file I gave you is,
> indeed, dumped from 922494.4.

Yeah, it sounds like you did it right, and anyway the block ids prove
this is the right block --- the forward links in HOT-updated tuples
have to point to the same block.

I'm just completely baffled at this point.  The data appears perfectly
okay according to pg_filedump, and if pg_filedump can read the page
then the backend should be able to as well.

Just to confirm, if you try to select any of these rows by ctid, ie
    select * from tablename where ctid = '(603713,1)';
you get nothing?  What *should* happen is that you get the row if you
mention offset 1, 3, or 5, but nothing if you say 2 or 4.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:

> Just to confirm, if you try to select any of these rows by ctid, ie
>        select * from tablename where ctid = '(603713,1)';
> you get nothing?  What *should* happen is that you get the row if you
> mention offset 1, 3, or 5, but nothing if you say 2 or 4.

How about this?

# select attachment_id from attachment where ctid = '(603713,1)';
(1 row)

# select attachment_id from attachment where attachment_id = 15460683;
(0 rows)

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
Konrad Garus <konrad.garus@gmail.com> writes:
> 2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
>> Just to confirm, if you try to select any of these rows by ctid, ie
>> � � � �select * from tablename where ctid = '(603713,1)';
>> you get nothing? �What *should* happen is that you get the row if you
>> mention offset 1, 3, or 5, but nothing if you say 2 or 4.

> How about this?

> # select attachment_id from attachment where ctid = '(603713,1)';
>  attachment_id
> ---------------
>       15460683
> (1 row)

> # select attachment_id from attachment where attachment_id = 15460683;
>  attachment_id
> ---------------
> (0 rows)

Oh, so the row *is* there.  What the above says is that you have a
corrupt index on attachment_id, which you should be able to fix via
REINDEX.  However, I'm still a bit confused, because corrupt indexes
don't normally cause a problem for pg_dump (which is just doing SELECT *
or COPY, so the index wouldn't be consulted).  Are the dumps you are
talking about perhaps made with something other than pg_dump?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
> Oh, so the row *is* there.

Right. I'm happy to see it.

> What the above says is that you have a
> corrupt index on attachment_id, which you should be able to fix via

This is not correct. The dumps are made with pg_dump. We did reindex
on the table. I also tried looking for the row with another index and
with seq scan and could not see it.

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Adrian Klaver
On 01/08/2010 09:31 AM, Konrad Garus wrote:
> 2010/1/8 Tom Lane<tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
>> Oh, so the row *is* there.
> Right. I'm happy to see it.
>>   What the above says is that you have a
>> corrupt index on attachment_id, which you should be able to fix via
> This is not correct. The dumps are made with pg_dump. We did reindex
> on the table. I also tried looking for the row with another index and
> with seq scan and could not see it.

This looks a lot like this thread:

Could we see the schema and indexes for this table?

Adrian Klaver

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@gmail.com>:
> This looks a lot like this thread:
> http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2009-12/msg00726.php
> Could we see the schema and indexes for this table?

                         Table "public.attachment"
       Column       |            Type             | Modifiers | Description
 attachment_id      | integer                     | not null  |
 entity_kind        | character varying(15)       |           |
 entity_id          | integer                     |           |
 attached_by        | integer                     | not null  |
 when_attached      | timestamp without time zone | not null  |
 when_uploaded      | timestamp without time zone |           |
 file_name          | character varying(255)      | not null  |
 file_size          | integer                     | not null  |
 hash               | character varying(50)       |           |
 description        | character varying(300)      |           |
 thumb              | bytea                       |           |
 target_entity_kind | character varying(15)       |           |
 target_entity_id   | integer                     |           |
 file_size_enc      | bigint                      |           |
 hash_enc           | character varying(50)       |           |
 secure_key         | bytea                       |           |
 status             | character varying(50)       |           |
 width              | integer                     |           |
 height             | integer                     |           |
 lat                | numeric(10,7)               |           |
 lon                | numeric(10,7)               |           |
 created_date       | timestamp without time zone |           |
 created_time       | integer                     |           |
    "attachment_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (attachment_id)
    "attachment_by_entity" btree (entity_kind, entity_id)
    "attachment_by_entity_id" btree (entity_id)
    "attachment_by_target_entity" btree (target_entity_kind, target_entity_id)
    "attachment_by_uploaded" btree (when_uploaded)
    "attachment_by_user" btree (attached_by)
    "attachment_hash_ix" btree (hash)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "fk8af75923d38260d2" FOREIGN KEY (attached_by) REFERENCES usr(usr_id)
    attachment_no_delete AS
    ON DELETE TO attachment DO INSTEAD  SELECT no_delete() AS no_delete
Has OIDs: no

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
Konrad Garus <konrad.garus@gmail.com> writes:
> 2010/1/8 Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
>> What the above says is that you have a
>> corrupt index on attachment_id, which you should be able to fix via

> This is not correct. The dumps are made with pg_dump. We did reindex
> on the table. I also tried looking for the row with another index and
> with seq scan and could not see it.

I'm still baffled then, and am starting to think that this really needs
some investigation with a debugger.  How are you with gdb?  Or is there
a chance of letting me or another developer poke at (a copy of) your

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Alban Hertroys
On 8 Jan 2010, at 18:28, Tom Lane wrote:

>> # select attachment_id from attachment where ctid = '(603713,1)';
>> attachment_id
>> ---------------
>>      15460683
>> (1 row)
>> # select attachment_id from attachment where attachment_id = 15460683;
>> attachment_id
>> ---------------
>> (0 rows)
> Oh, so the row *is* there.  What the above says is that you have a
> corrupt index on attachment_id, which you should be able to fix via
> REINDEX.  However, I'm still a bit confused, because corrupt indexes
> don't normally cause a problem for pg_dump (which is just doing SELECT *
> or COPY, so the index wouldn't be consulted).  Are the dumps you are
> talking about perhaps made with something other than pg_dump?

Would pg_dump still not consult the index if someone sets enable_seqscan=false in the config file?

To Konrad:
Did you turn off seqscans in the postgres.conf?

Could you try a "REINDEX TABLE attachment" again in case you somehow reindexed the wrong index or table?

You seem to know what you're doing, but just in case we missed something as this is strange enough to have even the
devsscratching their heads. The rows are there, so it _has_ to be an index or a transaction visibility issue... 

Alban Hertroys

Screwing up is the best way to attach something to the ceiling.


Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Tom Lane
Alban Hertroys <dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl> writes:
> You seem to know what you're doing, but just in case we missed something as this is strange enough to have even the
devsscratching their heads. The rows are there, so it _has_ to be an index or a transaction visibility issue... 

The successful fetch-by-ctid test seems to have eliminated the
transaction-visibility-problem theory too.  The whole thing is
passing strange at this point.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus
2010/1/8 Alban Hertroys <dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl>:

> Did you turn off seqscans in the postgres.conf?

Seq scan is enabled.

> Could you try a "REINDEX TABLE attachment" again in case you somehow reindexed the wrong index or table?

How about this test?

On a dump from before the rows were gone:

# select count(*) from attachment where when_uploaded < '2010-01-01';
(1 row)

On production database:

# explain select count(*) from attachment where when_uploaded < '2010-01-01';
                                      QUERY PLAN
 Aggregate  (cost=1794931.20..1794931.21 rows=1 width=0)
   ->  Seq Scan on attachment  (cost=0.00..1738076.24 rows=22741985 width=0)
         Filter: (when_uploaded < '2010-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp
without time zone)
(3 rows)

# select count(*) from attachment where when_uploaded < '2010-01-01';
(1 row)

Konrad Garus

Re: Rows missing from table despite FK constraint

Konrad Garus

just following up on the issue...

For no apparent reason the row became visible in seq scans. After
another REINDEX everything appears to be correct. I don't know what
the issue was and I'm rather uncomfortable about how it appeared and
went away, but anyway it seems to have been resolved.

Thank you all for help.

Konrad Garus