Обсуждение: Trigger help - updates to column data with null values


Trigger help - updates to column data with null values

Greg Fischer
Hello all!
I do my best to read and google my way around issues, but I seem to be missing something. Probably simple too.

So I have a trigger function, in which I'd like to check if a particular column has changed.  It works great, unless either the OLD or NEW values are NULL.  The purpose is to create a audit/log of the record.  I prefer to only test for certain columns, not the whole table.

  RETURNS trigger AS
if (new.trainingdate <> old.trainingdate) then
insert into log_employees (employeeid,
source, datecreated,
createdby, oldvalue,newvalue)
cast(old.codetrainingdate as varchar),
cast(new.codetrainingdate as varchar));
end if;
  COST 100;

I tried playing with "coalesce" and "nullif" but didn't get anywhere with those.  I think the "if" expression is not right.

Thanks for any help!

Greg Fischer

Re: Trigger help - updates to column data with null values

Craig Ringer
Greg Fischer wrote:
> Hello all!
> I do my best to read and google my way around issues, but I seem to be
> missing something. Probably simple too.
> So I have a trigger function, in which I'd like to check if a particular
> column has changed.  It works great, unless either the OLD or NEW values
> are NULL.  The purpose is to create a audit/log of the record.  I prefer
> to only test for certain columns, not the whole table.
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tr_employees_bu()
>   RETURNS trigger AS
> $BODY$
> begin
> if (new.trainingdate <> old.trainingdate) then

Instead, try the test:

   new.trainingdate IS DISTINCT FROM old.trainingdate

See the manual for 'IS DISTINCT FROM'.

Craig Ringer

Re: Trigger help - updates to column data with null values

Greg Fischer
NICE!!! Worked beautifully! I figured NULL's were not evaluating as a value, but I didn't have the correct operators:

these constructs effectively act as though null were a normal data value, rather than “unknown”.

I guess I wasn't reading the right part of the manuals! LOL!  Thanks so much!

Greg Fischer

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Craig Ringer <craig@postnewspapers.com.au> wrote:
Greg Fischer wrote:
> Hello all!
> I do my best to read and google my way around issues, but I seem to be
> missing something. Probably simple too.
> So I have a trigger function, in which I'd like to check if a particular
> column has changed.  It works great, unless either the OLD or NEW values
> are NULL.  The purpose is to create a audit/log of the record.  I prefer
> to only test for certain columns, not the whole table.
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tr_employees_bu()
>   RETURNS trigger AS
> $BODY$
> begin
> if (new.trainingdate <> old.trainingdate) then

Instead, try the test:

  new.trainingdate IS DISTINCT FROM old.trainingdate

See the manual for 'IS DISTINCT FROM'.

Craig Ringer