Обсуждение: hstore problem with UNION?


hstore problem with UNION?

Ivan Voras
I've encountered the following problem:

ivoras=# create table htest2(id integer, t hstore);

ivoras=# create table htest3(id integer, t2 hstore);

ivoras=# select id, t from htest2 union select id,t2 as t from htest3;
ERROR:  could not identify an ordering operator for type hstore
HINT:  Use an explicit ordering operator or modify the query.

I think it has something to do with UNION being the type of operation
that could, as a variation, include DISTINCT, which would require
sorting, but still... UNION by itself doesn't.

How to get around this? I really don't care how hstores get sorted and
more, would like to avoid sorting them at all as they could get big.

Re: hstore problem with UNION?

Jayadevan M
> How to get around this? I really don't care how hstores get sorted and
> more, would like to avoid sorting them at all as they could get big.

union all
seems to work. Would that serve the purpose?


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Re: hstore problem with UNION?

Jayadevan M
When we do a union, the database has to get rid of duplicates and get distinct values. To achieve this, probably it does a sort. Just guesswork....


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Re: hstore problem with UNION?

Ivan Voras
On 05/10/10 14:10, Jayadevan M wrote:
> When we do a union, the database has to get rid of duplicates and get
> distinct values. To achieve this, probably it does a sort. Just
> guesswork....

You are right, it looks like I have inverted the logic of UNION and
UNION ALL - I actually needed "UNION ALL" here, thanks!