Обсуждение: Sorting rows by a column and storing a row number


Sorting rows by a column and storing a row number

Alexander Farber

I have a card game for each I'd like to introduce weekly tournaments.
I'm going to save the score (virtual money) won by each player into:

        create table pref_money (
                id varchar(32) references pref_users,
                yw char(7) default to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-WW'),
                money real
        create index pref_money_yw_index on pref_money(yw);

This way I don't have to perform any special calculations at the end
of a week to find the weekly winner - just select all records for the
current year-week, sort them by "money" column and take the 1st one.

But I wonder, if there is a nice way in SQL to tell an interested user
his current rank in the table? I.e. given a user "id", sort all records
by the "money" column and then let him know his rank.

I'm sure I can implement this in Perl, but then this will have to be
a cronjob, because I'll have to perform somewhat complex
calculations for each user "id" and store them into another table.

But a cronjob isn't nice, because it won't show the rank in "real time".

Is there maybe an elegant and quick way for this in SQL?

Thank you for any ideas

P.S.: Using postgresql-8.4.5-1PGDG.rhel5 with CentOS 5.5

Re: Sorting rows by a column and storing a row number

Darren Duncan
Use the Postgres window functions like rank(); this is what they're for.


-- Darren Duncan

Alexander Farber wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a card game for each I'd like to introduce weekly tournaments.
> I'm going to save the score (virtual money) won by each player into:
>         create table pref_money (
>                 id varchar(32) references pref_users,
>                 yw char(7) default to_char(current_timestamp, 'YYYY-WW'),
>                 money real
>         );
>         create index pref_money_yw_index on pref_money(yw);
> This way I don't have to perform any special calculations at the end
> of a week to find the weekly winner - just select all records for the
> current year-week, sort them by "money" column and take the 1st one.
> But I wonder, if there is a nice way in SQL to tell an interested user
> his current rank in the table? I.e. given a user "id", sort all records
> by the "money" column and then let him know his rank.
> I'm sure I can implement this in Perl, but then this will have to be
> a cronjob, because I'll have to perform somewhat complex
> calculations for each user "id" and store them into another table.
> But a cronjob isn't nice, because it won't show the rank in "real time".
> Is there maybe an elegant and quick way for this in SQL?
> Thank you for any ideas
> Alex
> P.S.: Using postgresql-8.4.5-1PGDG.rhel5 with CentOS 5.5