Обсуждение: Re: upgrade from postgres 8.x to 9.x problem


Re: upgrade from postgres 8.x to 9.x problem

On Nov 17, 8:42 pm, Ray <rui.va...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a table column name is called begin, tried to move it to
> postgresql9 from postgresql8.4. the function failed to call
> New.begin.
> here is a quick test.
> CREATE TABLE test(id serial primary key not null, begin timestamp
> without time zone not null);
> CREATE TABLE test2(id bigint not null, begin timestamp without time
> zone not null);
> create or replace function my_test() returns "trigger"
> as $$
> begin
>     insert into test2 values (
>         new.id,
>         new.begin);
>     return null;
> end
> $$
> language plpgsql;
> create trigger my_trigger after insert on test for each row execute
> procedure my_test();
> after create everything, run
> INSERT INTO test values (default, now());
> on postgresql 8.4
>  INSERT INTO test values (default, now());
> INSERT 0 1
> on postgresql 9
> INSERT INTO test values (default, now());
> ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table "new"
> LINE 3:         new.begin)
>                 ^
> QUERY:  insert into test2 values (
>         new.id,
>         new.begin)
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "my_test" line 2 at SQL statement
> thanks for any help!

figured out. the begin is keyword and need to double quoted.

Re: upgrade from postgres 8.x to 9.x problem

Robert Gravsjö

On 2010-11-18 03.57, Ray wrote:
> On Nov 17, 8:42 pm, Ray<rui.va...@gmail.com>  wrote:

-- snip ---

> figured out. the begin is keyword and need to double quoted.

This is one strong reason why you should avoid using keywords as object
names. Better to fix that early in the design since names has a tendency
to stick with you a long time.

Robert "roppert" Gravsjö