Обсуждение: Tuning Postgres for single user manipulating large amounts of data


Tuning Postgres for single user manipulating large amounts of data

Paul Taylor
Hi, Im using Postgres 8.3 on a Macbook Pro Labtop.
I using the database with just one db connection to build a lucene
search index from some of the data, and Im trying to improve
performance. The key thing is that I'm only a single user but
manipulating large amounts of data , i.e processing tables with upto 10
million rows in them, so I think want to configure Postgres so that it
can create large temporary tables in memory

Ive tried changes various paramters such as shared_buffers, work_mem and
checkpoint_segments but I don't really understand what they values are,
and the documentation seems to be aimed towards configuring for multiple
users, and my changes make things worse. For example my machine has 2GB
of memory and I read if using as a dedicated server you should set
shared memory to 40% of total memory, but when I increase to more than
30MB Postgres will not start complaining about my SHMMAX limit.


Re: Tuning Postgres for single user manipulating large amounts of data

> Hi, Im using Postgres 8.3 on a Macbook Pro Labtop.
> I using the database with just one db connection to build a lucene
> search index from some of the data, and Im trying to improve
> performance. The key thing is that I'm only a single user but
> manipulating large amounts of data , i.e processing tables with upto 10
> million rows in them, so I think want to configure Postgres so that it
> can create large temporary tables in memory

I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "manipulating data" - does that mean
reading or writing?

I'd definitely increase shared_buffers, work_mem (don't be afraid to set
work_mem to say 32MB or 64MB - this should be safe with a single
connection, although it depends on the queries). To improve writes,
increase checkpoint_segments etc.

If you really don't need extra safety - e.g. if you have all the data
backed up and just need to run some ad-hoc analysis (and it does not
matter if it crashes as you can recover it from backup), you can disable
fsync. This will make writes much faster, but it won't be safe in case of


But as you're runninng the app on your laptop, I guess you can live with
frync=off. You'll loose the consistency but you'll get better performance.

> Ive tried changes various paramters such as shared_buffers, work_mem and
> checkpoint_segments but I don't really understand what they values are,
> and the documentation seems to be aimed towards configuring for multiple
> users, and my changes make things worse. For example my machine has 2GB
> of memory and I read if using as a dedicated server you should set
> shared memory to 40% of total memory, but when I increase to more than
> 30MB Postgres will not start complaining about my SHMMAX limit.

You're heading in the right direction I think, but you're hitting kernel
limits. A process can't allocate more shared memory (shared buffers) than
SHMMAX limit, so you need to bump this up.

See this - http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/kernel-resources.html
There's even a section for MacOS X (which is the OS you're running, I


Re: Tuning Postgres for single user manipulating large amounts of data

Paul Taylor
On 09/12/2010 15:51, tv@fuzzy.cz wrote:
>> Hi, Im using Postgres 8.3 on a Macbook Pro Labtop.
>> I using the database with just one db connection to build a lucene
>> search index from some of the data, and Im trying to improve
>> performance. The key thing is that I'm only a single user but
>> manipulating large amounts of data , i.e processing tables with upto 10
>> million rows in them, so I think want to configure Postgres so that it
>> can create large temporary tables in memory
> I'm not sure what exactly you mean by "manipulating data" - does that mean
> reading or writing?
> I'd definitely increase shared_buffers, work_mem (don't be afraid to set
> work_mem to say 32MB or 64MB - this should be safe with a single
> connection, although it depends on the queries). To improve writes,
> increase checkpoint_segments etc.
> If you really don't need extra safety - e.g. if you have all the data
> backed up and just need to run some ad-hoc analysis (and it does not
> matter if it crashes as you can recover it from backup), you can disable
> fsync. This will make writes much faster, but it won't be safe in case of
> crash.
> But as you're runninng the app on your laptop, I guess you can live with
> frync=off. You'll loose the consistency but you'll get better performance.
Hi ( sorry for the double posting, thought Id use the wrong email
address but both have been posted anyway).
As far as the db is concerned Im just reading data then writing the data
to a lucene search index (which is outside of the database) , but my
labtop is jut a test machine I want to run the same code on production.
Why would work_mem not be safe at 64MB if I have 2GB of memory - what
have I got to be careful of.


Re: Tuning Postgres for single user manipulating large amounts of data

"Reid Thompson"

On Thu, 2010-12-09 at 17:40 +0000, Paul Taylor wrote:
> what
> have I got to be careful of.

I think that was in reference to turning fsync off, not work_mem values.

Re: Tuning Postgres for single user manipulating large amounts of data

> Hi ( sorry for the double posting, thought Id use the wrong email
> address but both have been posted anyway). As far as the db is concerned
> Im just reading data then writing the data to a lucene search index (which
> is outside of the database) , but my labtop is jut a test machine I want
> to run the same code on production. Why would work_mem not be safe at 64MB
> if I have 2GB of memory - what have I got to be careful of.
> Paul

Well, the problem with work_mem is that it's 'per operation' so a query
may actually need several work_mem segments. And it's not just sorting, a
query containing a hash join, hash aggregate and a sort may consume up to
3x work_mem memory.

And if you have a lot of concurrent users running such queries, you may
easily run out of memory - in that case the feared OOM killer comes and
kills one of the processes (usually postmaster, which means the database
goes bottoms up). Not sure how OOM works on MacOS.

But as you said there will be single user running queries on the database,
you can set the work_mem limit pretty high. Depends on the queries though
- a complicated query may consume a lot of memory.
