Обсуждение: recommendations on storage, fairly low-end


recommendations on storage, fairly low-end

Scott Ribe
- RAID 1 with fairly ordinary (7200RPM) SATA drives has been working fine performance-wise (helped by the
battery-backedcache on the RAID controller) and it will continue to be fine for the growth we expect. 

- The RAID card's driver bugs & battery conditioning glitches have been problematic though, and we need to bump storage
from2TB total to 3TB total, and the RAID card does not support that. 

- Server is Mac OS X, which limits some choices because of drivers... But I'll take all suggestions and filter them as
neededto find something that I can use here. 

- Obviously, experience regarding particular brands of RAID cards is appreciated.

- Also, external RAID boxes with eSATA connections could be considered.

- There is the possibility of iSCSI to some managed enterprise storage, but here I would want to know about write order
&sync issues--what questions to ask regarding this and/or what brands/buzzwords to look for. 

Any and all advice and links appreciated ;-)

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice