Обсуждение: PostgreSQL consulting companies in the Bay Area


PostgreSQL consulting companies in the Bay Area

Richard Price
Hi everyone,

I'm the founder and CEO of Academia.edu, which is a social networking site for researchers. We have about 2.5 million monthly unique visitors and about 9 million monthly page views. 

We use PostgreSQL on Amazon EC2, and currently our engineering team is 4 people. We're well aware that there may be some optimizations we could make to our PostgreSQL set-up that we aren't aware of, as we aren't deeply experienced with PostgreSQL. We are looking to bring in an expert PostgreSQL consultant for a day or two to look through our PostgreSQL set-up, and give us some tips on how to optimize it. 

Does anyone know any companies/individuals in the Bay Area who offer PostgreSQL consulting services? Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


CEO, Academia.edu

tel: 415 829 2341

Re: PostgreSQL consulting companies in the Bay Area

John DeSoi
On Oct 6, 2011, at 7:48 PM, Richard Price wrote:

> Does anyone know any companies/individuals in the Bay Area who offer PostgreSQL consulting services? Any tips or
suggestionswould be greatly appreciated! 

Looks like you have a few options here:



John DeSoi, Ph.D.

Re: PostgreSQL consulting companies in the Bay Area

Steve Crawford
On 10/06/2011 04:48 PM, Richard Price wrote:
> ...
> Does anyone know any companies/individuals in the Bay Area who offer
> PostgreSQL consulting services? Any tips or suggestions would be
> greatly appreciated!...

Check out the San Francisco Bay Area PostgreSQL Meetup:
http://www.meetup.com/postgresql-1/ featuring several of the PostgreSQL
core members. Start coming to meetings and you will learn things you
didn't even know you didn't know. :)

Next meeting is in a week. You can get a lot of info over beer after the
meeting. If you need more, you will also meet plenty of good consultants
who are either presenting or learning at the meetups.
