Обсуждение: mod_auth_pgsql and Apache 2.4


mod_auth_pgsql and Apache 2.4

Glen Eustace
Just wondering if anyone has had a go at updating the mod_auth_pgsql authentication module to the new access/authentication provider framework ?

I have had a quick look and can't seem to decide which standard module I should try to base the modifications on.

I appreciate that this is really an httpd query rather than a postgreSQL one but there is a bit of overlap :-)

Glen and Rosanne Eustace,
GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.,
P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 4446
Ph: +64 6 357 8168, Fax: +64 6 357 8165, Mob: +64 27 542 4015

"Specialising in providing low-cost professional Internet Services since 1997"

Re: mod_auth_pgsql and Apache 2.4

Glen Eustace
Back in Dec 2012, I asked whether anyone had already updated mod_auth_pgsql to work with the new authentication framework in Apache 2.3+  I didn't get any replies so went ahead and made sufficient changes to get it working in our environment.

I approached the maintainer/author about adding my patches (which I supplied) and releasing a new version which he said he would do but to date hasn't done so, so I have decided to make what I did available to anyone who wants it.

I don't claim it is complete but it works fine with httpd 2.4 in the manner we use it so may work as is for others as well.

Glen and Rosanne Eustace,
GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.,
P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 4446
Ph: +64 6 357 8168, Fax: +64 6 357 8165, Mob: +64 27 542 4015

"Specialising in providing low-cost professional Internet Services since 1997"