Обсуждение: Re: [NOVICE] Problems with ñ and tildes / CSV import problems in PostgreSQL 9.1


Re: [NOVICE] Problems with ñ and tildes / CSV import problems in PostgreSQL 9.1

Gavan Schneider
On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 11:56,
2jt6w5k7mt@sneakemail.com (Zach Seaman znseaman-at-gmail.com
|pg-gts/Basic|) wrote:

>This a similar question to this one
>so I have encoded a database with LATIN-1 as suggested
>but can't copy a CSV file into a table within the database.
I may have missed something here... why would anyone suggest
LATIN-1 in modern times?

UTF-8 will do all of LATIN-1 and everything else as well. Except
for legacy support why would anyone use anything other than
UTF-8? (Of course there are those where UTF-16 is a better
choice for their dominant language use, e.g. chinese.)

Suggest you use UTF-8 database encoding and if there are no
problems importing the .csv stay with UTF-8. OTOH if there are
still problems when using UTF-8, stay with UTF-8 while you work
out what it is in the .csv file that's causing the problem.
