Обсуждение: How to index xml type column queries effectively?


How to index xml type column queries effectively?

Denis Papathanasiou
(sorry for the possible duplication; I sent this on Friday without a
subject line, which I realized caused many email clients to mark it as

I'm storing data in an xml type field, similar to what is explained in
this article: http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/13829210385/the-durable-document-store-you-didnt-know-you-had-but

I'm also using the indexes he suggests for each xpath value; in my
case they look like this:

CREATE INDEX ind_entity_name ON forms
USING GIN ( CAST(xpath('//primaryEntity/entityName/text()', data) as TEXT[]) );

CREATE INDEX ind_prior_entity_name ON forms
USING GIN ( CAST(xpath('//primaryEntity/entityPreviousNameList/value/text()',
data) as TEXT[]) );

The first xpath -- '//primaryEntity/entityName/text()' -- has only one
possible value, so when I query it like this, the explain seems to
show that the index is being used (the forms' table has 7,085 rows):

mydb=> explain select id from forms where
(xpath('//primaryEntity/entityName/text()', data))[1]::text ~*
                                                   QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on forms  (cost=0.00..770.27 rows=11 width=16)
   Filter: (((xpath('//primaryEntity/entityName/text()'::text, data,
'{}'::text[]))[1])::text ~* '^banc'::text)
(2 rows)

But the second xpath --
'//primaryEntity/entityPreviousNameList/value/text()' -- points to
multiple possible values within the xml document, so to make sure that
I search them all, I have to write the query like this; in this case,
it seems the index is *not* being used and it's doing a full table

mydb=> explain select entity.id from (select id,
xpath(''//primaryEntity/entityPreviousNameList/value/text()', data),

data), 1) as s1                                             from
forms) as entity where entity.xpath[s1]::text ~* '^banc';
                            QUERY PLAN
 Subquery Scan on entity  (cost=0.00..876.55 rows=11 width=16)
   Filter: ((entity.xpath[entity.s1])::text ~* '^banc'::text)
   ->  Seq Scan on forms  (cost=0.00..787.99 rows=7085 width=48)
(3 rows)

So is there a way to create an index which will help the performance
of this type of query?

Or is there a way of writing the second query differently that will
used the existing index better?