Обсуждение: PostgreSQL TCL extension - Redhat 5


PostgreSQL TCL extension - Redhat 5

Oscar Calderon
Hi to everybody, this is my first email in this list. I wanna ask you this because i couldn't find accurated information in google about it. Currently our company gives maintenance service to another company in postgresql. They have a redhat 5 server of 64 bits with postgresql 9.1.1 . The server has TCL 8.4 installed.

So, they asked for help to install the extension of TCL in postgresql because they developed a procedure written in TCL to send an email with data extracted from the database. In development they easily installed PostgreSQL 9.2 in a virtual machine centos from the repositories from http://yum.postgresql.org/. But in the server, we have a problem, because when i tried to install the extension for redhat 5, if i update the repos, it asked me to install postgresql91, postgresql91-libs because the version that it requires to work as i think.

So i searched for an older version and i found this:

I had installed it without problems, and it appears when i execute SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions; but when i try to install it, it gives me error because it looks for the .so file of tcl 8.5, and the server has tcl 8.4 . And because i'm not responsible of maintenance on the redhat server (that's another company task), they notified us that that's the maximum version of TCL that they can upgrade, so my doubt is if there's a version of postgresql tcl extension that works with tcl 8.4 or if there's another way to solve it.


Oscar Calderon
Analista de Sistemas
Soluciones Aplicativas S.A. de C.V.
Cel. (503) 7741 7850

Re: PostgreSQL TCL extension - Redhat 5

John R Pierce
On 5/14/2013 5:02 PM, Oscar Calderon wrote:
> So i searched for an older version and i found this:
> http://yum.postgresql.org/8.4/redhat/rhel-5-x86_64/postgresql-tcl-1.6.2-1PGDG.rhel5.x86_64.rpm
> I had installed it without problems, and it appears when i execute
> SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions; but when i try to install it,
> it gives me error because it looks for the .so file of tcl 8.5, and
> the server has tcl 8.4 . And because i'm not responsible of
> maintenance on the redhat server (that's another company task), they
> notified us that that's the maximum version of TCL that they can
> upgrade, so my doubt is if there's a version of postgresql tcl
> extension that works with tcl 8.4 or if there's another way to solve it.

that file is for postgresql 8.4, not 9.1

you want the postgresql91-pltcl package most likely.   I just checked
the one for RHEL5 with Postgres 9.2, and its linked to libtcl8.4.so

# rpm -ql postgresql92-pltcl

# ldd /usr/pgsql-9.2/lib/pltcl.so
         linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0x40000000)
         libtcl8.4.so => /usr/lib/libtcl8.4.so (0x40018000)
         libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x400d8000)
         libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x400dd000)
         libm.so.6 => /lib/libm.so.6 (0x400f7000)
         libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x40121000)
         /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x0035d000)

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

Re: PostgreSQL TCL extension - Redhat 5

John R Pierce
On 5/14/2013 5:38 PM, ocalderon@solucionesaplicativas.com wrote:
> Can you provide me the link to that rpm please? Because I tried some rpms of postgres91 tcl that requires 8.5
version.Also I had the problem that also those packages that I tried asked me to install dependencies postgresql91 and
postgre91-libs,like i wouldnkt have an instance of postgresql installed. 

I got it from yum.postgresql.com via the yum command.

     yum install postgresql91-pltcl

it WILL want to install a newer 9.1 sub-release, you said you're running
9.1.1 which is like 2 years worth of patches behind.   The current
supported 9.1 release is 9.1.9... in particular, there's a data
corruption bug in 9.1.5 and earlier, which can lead to corrupt
indexes.   you should reindex after upgrading to 9.1.6+

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast