Обсуждение: I want to make an example of using parameterized path


I want to make an example of using parameterized path




I  have some questions about parameterized path.

I have heard that it is a new feature in PG9.2.

I digged for information of parameterized path, but found few(maybe my method is not right).


My FIRST question is:

What is "parameterized path " for?

Is the following a correct example of activating "parameterized path" being created?


I found an example by googling. I tried it:

--making data:

postgres=# create table tst01(id integer);




postgres=# insert into tst01 values(generate_series(1,100000));

INSERT 0 100000



postgres=# create index idx_tst01_id on tst01(id);





postgres=# prepare s(int) as select * from tst01 t where id < $1;
postgres=# explain execute s(2);
                                   QUERY PLAN                                    
 Index Only Scan using idx_tst01_id on tst01 t  (cost=0.00..8.38 rows=1 width=4)
   Index Cond: (id < 2)
(2 rows)

postgres=# explain execute s(100000);
                          QUERY PLAN                           
 Seq Scan on tst01 t  (cost=0.00..1693.00 rows=100000 width=4)
   Filter: (id < 100000)
(2 rows)


When I just send sql of  " select * from tst01 t where id <2" , it will also produce index only scan plan.

When I just send sql of  " select * from tst01 t where id < 100000", it will also produce seq scan plan.


So I think that  the above example can not show that "parameterized path" has been created.



"parameterized path" is special method to do something for  a parse tree's plan in ahead I think,

In order to  improve  prepared statement's planning and executing speed more.

Is this understanding right?


My SECOND question is:


For the above example I used,

I found that as if "parameterized path" is not created.


For my above example,

I can find calling relationship of the following:





The set_plain_rel_pathlist calls  create_seqscan_path  via  add_path function's parameter.

Then In create_seqscan_path function , get_baserel_parampathlist function returned  null.

As following:

pathnode->param_info = get_baserel_parampathinfo(root, rel,required_outer);


So I got no param_info .  Does that mean :  parameteried path is not created ?


If so, Is there any option to let the parameterized path being created? And how to observe it?



Re: I want to make an example of using parameterized path

Jeff Janes
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 2:09 AM, 高健 <luckyjackgao@gmail.com> wrote:


 postgres=# explain execute s(2);

                                   QUERY PLAN                                    
 Index Only Scan using idx_tst01_id on tst01 t  (cost=0.00..8.38 rows=1 width=4)
   Index Cond: (id < 2)
(2 rows)

postgres=# explain execute s(100000);
                          QUERY PLAN                           
 Seq Scan on tst01 t  (cost=0.00..1693.00 rows=100000 width=4)
   Filter: (id < 100000)
(2 rows)


When I just send sql of  " select * from tst01 t where id <2" , it will also produce index only scan plan.

When I just send sql of  " select * from tst01 t where id < 100000", it will also produce seq scan plan.


So I think that  the above example can not show that "parameterized path" has been created.

But if you try the PREPAREd sets in versions before 9.2, you will find they use the same plan as each other.  Allowing them to differ based on the parameter they are executed with, just like the non-PREPARE ones differ, is what parameterized paths is all about.



Re: I want to make an example of using parameterized path


Thank you Jeff


I tried on PostgreSQL 9.1.0, and found the running result is:


postgres=# explain execute s(2);

                                   QUERY PLAN                                  




 Bitmap Heap Scan on tst01 t  (cost=626.59..1486.25 rows=33333 width=4)

   Recheck Cond: (id < $1)

   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tst01_id  (cost=0.00..618.26 rows=33333 width=0)

         Index Cond: (id < $1)

(4 rows)


postgres=# explain execute s(10000);

                                   QUERY PLAN                                  




 Bitmap Heap Scan on tst01 t  (cost=626.59..1486.25 rows=33333 width=4)

   Recheck Cond: (id < $1)

   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tst01_id  (cost=0.00..618.26 rows=33333 width=0)

         Index Cond: (id < $1)

(4 rows)




I want to know some internal about the "parameterized path".

I guess that  Before PG9.2,

     After I called  prepare command, the path and plan is already created and done.

     The plan is based on average estimation of all kinds of paths.

      So even when I put different parameter, it just  execute the same finished plan.

2013/6/19 Jeff Janes <jeff.janes@gmail.com>
On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 2:09 AM, 高健 <luckyjackgao@gmail.com> wrote:


 postgres=# explain execute s(2);

                                   QUERY PLAN                                    
 Index Only Scan using idx_tst01_id on tst01 t  (cost=0.00..8.38 rows=1 width=4)
   Index Cond: (id < 2)
(2 rows)

postgres=# explain execute s(100000);
                          QUERY PLAN                           
 Seq Scan on tst01 t  (cost=0.00..1693.00 rows=100000 width=4)
   Filter: (id < 100000)
(2 rows)


When I just send sql of  " select * from tst01 t where id <2" , it will also produce index only scan plan.

When I just send sql of  " select * from tst01 t where id < 100000", it will also produce seq scan plan.


So I think that  the above example can not show that "parameterized path" has been created.

But if you try the PREPAREd sets in versions before 9.2, you will find they use the same plan as each other.  Allowing them to differ based on the parameter they are executed with, just like the non-PREPARE ones differ, is what parameterized paths is all about.



Re: I want to make an example of using parameterized path

Tom Lane
=?UTF-8?B?6auY5YGl?= <luckyjackgao@gmail.com> writes:
>>> So I think that  the above example can not show that "parameterized path"
>>> has been created.

>> But if you try the PREPAREd sets in versions before 9.2, you will find
>> they use the same plan as each other.  Allowing them to differ based on the
>> parameter they are executed with, just like the non-PREPARE ones differ, is
>> what parameterized paths is all about.

No, actually, parameterized paths have nothing to do with parameterized
queries.  Here's a trivial example:

regression=# create table sml as select generate_series(1,1000000,100000) as x;
regression=# analyze sml;
regression=# create table big as select generate_series(1,1000000) as y;
SELECT 1000000
regression=# alter table big add primary key(y);
regression=# analyze big;
regression=# explain select * from sml, big where x=y;
                                  QUERY PLAN
 Nested Loop  (cost=0.42..85.65 rows=10 width=8)
   ->  Seq Scan on sml  (cost=0.00..1.10 rows=10 width=4)
   ->  Index Only Scan using big_pkey on big  (cost=0.42..8.45 rows=1 width=4)
         Index Cond: (y = sml.x)
(4 rows)

The indexscan on "big" is a parameterized path (or was when it was still
inside the planner, anyway).  It's parameterized by "sml.x", which is a
value that is not available from the "big" table so it has to be passed
in from the current outer row of a nestloop join.

Now, pre-9.2 PG versions were perfectly capable of generating plans that
looked just like that one, but the planner's method for doing so was a lot
more ad-hoc back then.  The main practical benefit that we got from the
parameterized-path rewrite is that the planner can now generate plans
that require pushing an outer-row value down through more than one level
of join.  For instance, consider this rather artificial example:

regression=# explain select * from sml left join (sml s2 join big on s2.x <= y) on big.y = sml.x;
                                     QUERY PLAN
 Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.42..98.08 rows=33 width=12)
   ->  Seq Scan on sml  (cost=0.00..1.10 rows=10 width=4)
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.42..9.67 rows=3 width=8)
         Join Filter: (s2.x <= big.y)
         ->  Index Only Scan using big_pkey on big  (cost=0.42..8.44 rows=1 width=4)
               Index Cond: (y = sml.x)
         ->  Seq Scan on sml s2  (cost=0.00..1.10 rows=10 width=4)
(7 rows)

The joins have to be done in that order because the leftjoin and inner
join don't commute.  So "sml.x" is being passed down through the inner
nestloop join.  Pre-9.2 could not have found that plan, and would have
had to do something involving a full-table scan of "big".

            regards, tom lane