Обсуждение: Fighting the autovacuumer (to prevent wraparound)


Fighting the autovacuumer (to prevent wraparound)

Michael Graham
Hi all,

We partition the data in postgres in a per-month basis and run a script
to delete old partitions.  Sometimes this script fails and the delete
doesn't happen because of a deadlock, today I noticed that it was the
autovacuumer that fighting with the script.

Is it possible to stop the autovacuumer temporarily (and cancel any on
going autovacuum) so that my script can remove the table that the
autovacuumer wants to vacuum?

I'm on 9.1.4 if it matter.

Michael Graham <mgraham@bloxx.com>

Re: Fighting the autovacuumer (to prevent wraparound)


On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Michael Graham <mgraham@bloxx.com> wrote:
Hi all,

We partition the data in postgres in a per-month basis and run a script
to delete old partitions.

Does "delete" = "drop"?
 Sometimes this script fails and the delete
doesn't happen because of a deadlock, today I noticed that it was the
autovacuumer that fighting with the script.

Are you uninheriting the partition before attempting to get rid of it?
ALTER TABLE your_partition NO INHERIT the_parent_table;

Re: Fighting the autovacuumer (to prevent wraparound)

Michael Graham
On Thu, 2013-10-03 at 11:53 -0700, bricklen wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 11:48 AM, Michael Graham <mgraham@bloxx.com>
> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         We partition the data in postgres in a per-month basis and run
>         a script
>         to delete old partitions.
> Does "delete" = "drop"?

No I'm truncating the tables for that partition (sorry I should have
made that clear in my original message).

>          Sometimes this script fails and the delete
>         doesn't happen because of a deadlock, today I noticed that it
>         was the
>         autovacuumer that fighting with the script.
> Are you uninheriting the partition before attempting to get rid of it?
> Eg.
> ALTER TABLE your_partition NO INHERIT the_parent_table;

I'm not no, will that help?  I see that the autovacuumer is vacuuming
the actual partition that I want to truncate to the parent but I do do
an analyse on the parent table after the truncate but in the same

Michael Graham <mgraham@bloxx.com>

Re: Fighting the autovacuumer (to prevent wraparound)

John R Pierce
On 10/3/2013 11:53 AM, bricklen wrote:
> Are you uninheriting the partition before attempting to get rid of it?
> Eg.
> ALTER TABLE your_partition NO INHERIT the_parent_table;

in a completely different but similar scenario, we've tried this, but NO
INHERIT also blocks and and can deadlock if there's locks on the parent
table, which in our case has nearly continuous OLTP style insert,
update, and select queries running

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast