Обсуждение: Re: Cluster recovery - FATAL: database files are incompatible with server. Different PG_CONTROL_VERSION for cluster and server.

No the new test cluster isn't running anymore: I deleted it right
after I deleted my main one.

Re the error messages: I was calling pg_ctl with the option -D

2014-04-18 8:44 GMT-04:00 droletguillaume <droletguillaume@gmail.com>:
> Sent from Samsung Mobile
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Adrian Klaver
> Date:04-17-2014 20:36 (GMT-05:00)
> To: Guillaume Drolet ,pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Cluster recovery - FATAL: database files are
> incompatible with server. Different PG_CONTROL_VERSION for cluster and
> server.
> On 04/17/2014 01:29 PM, Guillaume Drolet wrote:
>> Dear list users,
>> For some tests, I installed a new cluster with different parameters
>> than the ones I had used a while ago to create the cluster I use for
>> my day-to-day activities (let's call it my main cluster). I used
>> initdb --no-locale -E UTF8 -D <new_data_dir>. Then I used pg_ctl -D
>> <new_data_dir> to start my new cluster. So far so good.
>> Then, I realized that I wanted to add a database superuser with the
>> option -U to initdb so I decided to delete the newly created cluster.
>> Instead, I mistakenly deleted the data directory of my main cluster
>> (doh!), using Shift-Delete. I recovered the deleted data directory
>> using Panda Recovery Tool and copied it back into its location (the
>> location pointed to by $PGDATA).
>> Now for the real problems: if I go in pgAdmin and try to connect to my
>> cluster, I get the "server not listening" message. I also tried going
>> to the Services and restarting postgresql but it says it is already
>> stopped and if I try to start it, I get a message that it has started
>> but then stopped because it was unused.
>> If I try pg_ctl start, I get this message (my translation from
>> French):  FATAL: database files are incompatible with server. DETAIL:
>> Database cluster was initialized with a PG_CONTROL_VERSION ? 16795209
>> while the server was compiled with a PG_CONTROL_VERSION ? 937. HINT:
>> Looks like you need initdb.
> More thoughts.
> What happened to the new cluster?
> Is it still running?
> When you got the error messages where you pointing at the old or new
> cluster?
>> I really don't know what to do and would appreciate any help, if
>> anything can be done to recover my databases. My PG version is 9.3.3
>> on a Windows 7 64-bit OS.
>> Best regards and many thanks for your advice,
>> Guillaume
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.klaver@aklaver.com