Обсуждение: pgbouncer not finding pidfile


pgbouncer not finding pidfile

Tobias Fielitz

I am trying to start pgbouncer via upstart script. The upstart logs
(/var/log/upstart/pgbouncer.log) tell me:
/var/run/postgresql/pgbouncer.pid: No such file or directory [2]

but when starting pgbouncer from the console with:

 > sudo service pgbouncer start

it works fine and the pidfile is created.

Here is the upstart script (/etc/init/pgbouncer.conf):

start on (net-device-up and local-filesystems and runlevel [2345])
stop on runlevel [016]

setuid postgres
setgid postgres
respawn limit 10 30

exec /usr/sbin/pgbouncer /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini

The permissions for the folder seem ok:

 > ls -lsah /var/run/ | grep postgresql
0 drwxrwsr-x  2 postgres   postgres    100 Jul 29 04:18 postgresql

I have no clue whats wrong.
Any help would be appreciated.


Re: pgbouncer not finding pidfile

Adrian Klaver
On 07/28/2014 09:33 PM, Tobias Fielitz wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to start pgbouncer via upstart script. The upstart logs
> (/var/log/upstart/pgbouncer.log) tell me:
> /var/run/postgresql/pgbouncer.pid: No such file or directory [2]
> but when starting pgbouncer from the console with:
>  > sudo service pgbouncer start
> it works fine and the pidfile is created.
> Here is the upstart script (/etc/init/pgbouncer.conf):
> start on (net-device-up and local-filesystems and runlevel [2345])
> stop on runlevel [016]
> setuid postgres
> setgid postgres
> respawn limit 10 30
> exec /usr/sbin/pgbouncer /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini
> The permissions for the folder seem ok:
>  > ls -lsah /var/run/ | grep postgresql
> 0 drwxrwsr-x  2 postgres   postgres    100 Jul 29 04:18 postgresql
> I have no clue whats wrong.
> Any help would be appreciated.

I am not familiar with upstart, so I searched for some sample scripts:



Hopefully, that will give you some pointers.

> Tobi

Adrian Klaver

Re: pgbouncer not finding pidfile

Tobias Fielitz
I have played around with it a bit more, it seems adding the pre-start
section works:

pre-start script
     if [ -d /var/run/postgresql ]; then
         chmod 2775 /var/run/postgresql
         install -d -m 2775 -o postgres -g postgres /var/run/postgresql
end script

Thanks Adrian!

On 31/07/2014 12:38 am, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 07/28/2014 09:33 PM, Tobias Fielitz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to start pgbouncer via upstart script. The upstart logs
>> (/var/log/upstart/pgbouncer.log) tell me:
>> /var/run/postgresql/pgbouncer.pid: No such file or directory [2]
>> but when starting pgbouncer from the console with:
>>  > sudo service pgbouncer start
>> it works fine and the pidfile is created.
>> Here is the upstart script (/etc/init/pgbouncer.conf):
>> start on (net-device-up and local-filesystems and runlevel [2345])
>> stop on runlevel [016]
>> setuid postgres
>> setgid postgres
>> respawn limit 10 30
>> exec /usr/sbin/pgbouncer /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini
>> The permissions for the folder seem ok:
>>  > ls -lsah /var/run/ | grep postgresql
>> 0 drwxrwsr-x  2 postgres   postgres    100 Jul 29 04:18 postgresql
>> I have no clue whats wrong.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
> I am not familiar with upstart, so I searched for some sample scripts:
> http://bradleyayers.blogspot.com/2011/10/upstart-job-for-postgresql-91-on-ubuntu.html
> https://gist.github.com/haad/6020401
> Hopefully, that will give you some pointers.
>> Tobi
