Обсуждение: 9.4+ partial log-shipping possible?


9.4+ partial log-shipping possible?

Sven Geggus

I have a question regarding log-shipping replication, but let me first
explain what I currently do.

Usually Openstreetmap Tile Servers are currently set up using a
PostgreSQL/Postgis Database which stores the data need for rendering raster

After the initial import of a complete OSM dataset it is possible to
replicate changes to this database using cyclic calls to openstreetmaps own
tool called osm2pgsql.

Unfortunately there is one major drawback with this approach:

We need to somehow save the state of the osm database to be able to apply
future changes.  This is currently done using a few tables in the target
database.  However these tables are not needed for map rendering and are
consuming by far the most disk space (still somewhat expensive on SSD)!

So here is my question:

Would it be possible to have a setup, where one master data database will
act in the above matter (still running osm2pgsl) but will also provide
publicly availabe data for log-shipping standby servers?

We would need to be able to explicitely specify the tables to be replicated
or the other way round explicitely exclude a couple of them. If this helps
it would be possible to separate them by tablespaces.



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/me is giggls@ircnet, http://sven.gegg.us/ on the Web

Re: 9.4+ partial log-shipping possible?

Andreas Kretschmer
Sven Geggus <lists@fuchsschwanzdomain.de> wrote:

> So here is my question:
> Would it be possible to have a setup, where one master data database will
> act in the above matter (still running osm2pgsl) but will also provide
> publicly availabe data for log-shipping standby servers?
> We would need to be able to explicitely specify the tables to be replicated
> or the other way round explicitely exclude a couple of them. If this helps
> it would be possible to separate them by tablespaces.

you can use logical replication slots, but afaik there are no
ready-to-use solution available.

Read more:

i think, this (logical replication) are still under construction...

Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
"If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly."   (unknown)
Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

Re: 9.4+ partial log-shipping possible?

No idea if this is an option for you or not, but if you make tables
unlogged they won't generate WAL and therefore won't be replicated:


Of course unlogged tables have several drawbacks to carefully consider.

On 03/26/2015 08:32 AM, Sven Geggus wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question regarding log-shipping replication, but let me first
> explain what I currently do.
> Usually Openstreetmap Tile Servers are currently set up using a
> PostgreSQL/Postgis Database which stores the data need for rendering raster
> map-tiles.
> After the initial import of a complete OSM dataset it is possible to
> replicate changes to this database using cyclic calls to openstreetmaps own
> tool called osm2pgsql.
> Unfortunately there is one major drawback with this approach:
> We need to somehow save the state of the osm database to be able to apply
> future changes.  This is currently done using a few tables in the target
> database.  However these tables are not needed for map rendering and are
> consuming by far the most disk space (still somewhat expensive on SSD)!
> So here is my question:
> Would it be possible to have a setup, where one master data database will
> act in the above matter (still running osm2pgsl) but will also provide
> publicly availabe data for log-shipping standby servers?
> We would need to be able to explicitely specify the tables to be replicated
> or the other way round explicitely exclude a couple of them. If this helps
> it would be possible to separate them by tablespaces.
> Regards
> Sven


Re: 9.4+ partial log-shipping possible?

Andrew Sullivan
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 04:32:00PM +0100, Sven Geggus wrote:
> We need to somehow save the state of the osm database to be able to apply
> future changes.  This is currently done using a few tables in the target
> database.  However these tables are not needed for map rendering and are
> consuming by far the most disk space (still somewhat expensive on SSD)!

This doesn't actually solve your problem, but you could mitigate the
cost by putting those tables on spinning-rust disks using tablespaces
or symlinks or whatever.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan