Обсуждение: Unique values on multiple tables


Unique values on multiple tables

"Sterpu Victor"
I have 2 tables and I must make asure unique values like this.
nr - integer
id_table1 - FK in Table 1
valid_from - timestamp
There must be unique values for:
- nr - from table1
- YEAR(MIN(valid_from)) from table 2
I already made this with a function but in rare cases the function fails: when the insert time is very close for 2 inserts the check will fail and I will have 2 numbers on the same year.
How should I fix this?
This is the function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION table2_check_uni_func()  RETURNS trigger AS
    currenr_nr_fo integer;
    current_id integer;
    IF( (SELECT id FROM table2 WHERE id_table1=NEW.id_table1 ORDER BY valid_from ASC LIMIT 1) = NEW.id )  THEN /*IF the first valid from is edited*/
             SELECT INTO currenr_nr_fo f.nrfo FROM table1 f WHERE f.id = NEW.id_table1;
             IF( (SELECT count(*) as nr 
                  FROM table1 f 
                  JOIN table2 fd1 ON (fd1.id_table1 = f.id AND to_char(fd1.valid_from, 'YYYY')=TO_CHAR(NEW.valid_from, 'YYYY')) 
                  LEFT JOIN table2 fd2 ON (fd2.id_table1 = f.id AND fd2.valid_from<fd1.valid_from) 
                  WHERE f.nr = currenr_nr_fo AND f.id!=NEW.id_table1 AND fd2.id IS NULL) > 0 ) THEN  RAISE EXCEPTION 'Nr % already used', currenr_nr_fo
                  RETURN NEW;
             END IF;
          RETURN NEW;  
    END IF;   
Thank you.

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Re: Unique values on multiple tables

"Sterpu Victor"
I think I fixed the problem by executing the function AFTER insert or update but I'm not sure.
Until now the execution was before insert or update.
------ Original Message ------
From: "Sterpu Victor" <victor@caido.ro>
To: "PostgreSQL General" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: 28/3/2016 9:32:17 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] Unique values on multiple tables
I have 2 tables and I must make asure unique values like this.
nr - integer
id_table1 - FK in Table 1
valid_from - timestamp
There must be unique values for:
- nr - from table1
- YEAR(MIN(valid_from)) from table 2
I already made this with a function but in rare cases the function fails: when the insert time is very close for 2 inserts the check will fail and I will have 2 numbers on the same year.
How should I fix this?
This is the function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION table2_check_uni_func()  RETURNS trigger AS
    currenr_nr_fo integer;
    current_id integer;
    IF( (SELECT id FROM table2 WHERE id_table1=NEW.id_table1 ORDER BY valid_from ASC LIMIT 1) = NEW.id )  THEN /*IF the first valid from is edited*/
             SELECT INTO currenr_nr_fo f.nrfo FROM table1 f WHERE f.id = NEW.id_table1;
             IF( (SELECT count(*) as nr 
                  FROM table1 f 
                  JOIN table2 fd1 ON (fd1.id_table1 = f.id AND to_char(fd1.valid_from, 'YYYY')=TO_CHAR(NEW.valid_from, 'YYYY')) 
                  LEFT JOIN table2 fd2 ON (fd2.id_table1 = f.id AND fd2.valid_from<fd1.valid_from) 
                  WHERE f.nr = currenr_nr_fo AND f.id!=NEW.id_table1 AND fd2.id IS NULL) > 0 ) THEN  RAISE EXCEPTION 'Nr % already used', currenr_nr_fo
                  RETURN NEW;
             END IF;
          RETURN NEW;  
    END IF;   
Thank you.

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Re: Unique values on multiple tables

Emre Hasegeli
> I have 2 tables and I must make asure unique values like this.
> table1
> id
> nr - integer
> table2
> id
> id_table1 - FK in Table 1
> valid_from - timestamp
> There must be unique values for:
> - nr - from table1
> and
> - YEAR(MIN(valid_from)) from table 2

In situations like this, I add the required column to the other table
with a foreign key.  Assuming that (id) is the primary key of table1,
you would need another unique key on (nr, id).  Than you can add nr
column to table2 by changing the foreign key to (nr, id_table1)
references table1 (nr, id).

Obviously, its not an efficient solution.  It requires an additional
unique key and more storage on the referencing table.  Though, I
believe it is a safe one.  It doesn't allow the duplicated column to
be inconsistent.  There are many things that can go wrong under
concurrency with a trigger like you posted.

Re: Unique values on multiple tables

"Sterpu Victor"
------ Original Message ------
From: "Emre Hasegeli" <emre@hasegeli.com>
To: "Sterpu Victor" <victor@caido.ro>
Cc: "PostgreSQL General" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: 28/3/2016 12:06:23 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Unique values on multiple tables

>>  I have 2 tables and I must make asure unique values like this.
>>  table1
>>  id
>>  nr - integer
>>  table2
>>  id
>>  id_table1 - FK in Table 1
>>  valid_from - timestamp
>>  There must be unique values for:
>>  - nr - from table1
>>  and
>>  - YEAR(MIN(valid_from)) from table 2
>In situations like this, I add the required column to the other table
>with a foreign key. Assuming that (id) is the primary key of table1,
>you would need another unique key on (nr, id). Than you can add nr
>column to table2 by changing the foreign key to (nr, id_table1)
>references table1 (nr, id).
>Obviously, its not an efficient solution. It requires an additional
>unique key and more storage on the referencing table. Though, I
>believe it is a safe one. It doesn't allow the duplicated column to
>be inconsistent. There are many things that can go wrong under
>concurrency with a trigger like you posted.

This wouldn't work in my case because I need unique values only for the
smallest valid_from.
- table1 has row id=1, nr=100
- table2 has row1 id=5, id_table1=1, valid_from=2015-12-01
                   row2 id=6, id_table1=1, valid_from=2016-01-01
Then unique values must be assured only for (100, 2015-12-01), ignorig
the second valid_from(2016-01-01)

I changed the execution time of the function from BEFORE to AFTER and I
hope this will solve the problem.
I don't know how postgres works behind this code but I hope that this
will solve the problem.
Could I use lock tables to fix this? Is postgres automaticaly locking a
table while running a trigger on that table?

Re: Unique values on multiple tables

Emre Hasegeli
> Could I use lock tables to fix this? Is postgres automaticaly locking a
> table while running a trigger on that table?

You can use LOCK TABLE. See the documentation:


Re: Unique values on multiple tables

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais
Le Mon, 28 Mar 2016 12:44:51 +0200,
Emre Hasegeli <emre@hasegeli.com> a écrit :

> > Could I use lock tables to fix this? Is postgres automaticaly locking a
> > table while running a trigger on that table?
> You can use LOCK TABLE. See the documentation:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/explicit-locking.html

Use advisory locks for better performance. See the following article (at
least the two lasts chapters) for some examples:



Re: Unique values on multiple tables

John Turner
On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 2:32 AM, Sterpu Victor <victor@caido.ro> wrote:
nr - integer
id_table1 - FK in Table 1
valid_from - timestamp
There must be unique values for:
- nr - from table1
- YEAR(MIN(valid_from)) from table 2
Just trying to understand your goal here -

Is 'nr' supposed to be a count of records from table2 by 'id_table1' column?
And every single value for 'nr' within table1 must be unique - i.e., you need a table of unique counts?

I think I fixed the problem by executing the function AFTER insert or update but I'm not sure.
Until now the execution was before insert or update.

That doesn't sound right, I believe you would want to stick with execution of the DML to your presumable 'fact' table (table2) using a BEFORE trigger, *especially* if it's intended to enforce constraints.

It would be helpful if you could:
  • clarify/elaborate on how these 2 tables are supposed to relate to each other
  • post your actual trigger
  • provide us with some example inserts/updates
- John