Обсуждение: PostgreXL



Trupti Padiya
Hello all,

I am new to postgreXL and I want to perform the following:

1) I have set of tables which i want to put on server/coordinator
2) Out of those tables, I want to put few tables on node 1, and few on node 2 and few on both nodes.

Say for e.g. I have tables: Table1, Table2, Table3, Table4, and Table5

Now I want to put Table1 and Table3 on Node1 and Table2 and Table4 on Node2 and replicate Table5 on both the Nodes.

Is the above thing possible using PostgreXL??? How??

I would appreciate all sorts of help.

Thanks in advance.


Re: PostgreXL

Michael Paquier
On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:30 PM, Trupti Padiya <truptipadiya25@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am new to postgreXL and I want to perform the following:
> 1) I have set of tables which i want to put on server/coordinator
> 2) Out of those tables, I want to put few tables on node 1, and few on node
> 2 and few on both nodes.
> Say for e.g. I have tables: Table1, Table2, Table3, Table4, and Table5
> Now I want to put Table1 and Table3 on Node1 and Table2 and Table4 on Node2
> and replicate Table5 on both the Nodes.
> Is the above thing possible using PostgreXL??? How??

Yes, you can do that (I wrote the node list stuff for Postgres-XC, on
which Postgres-XL is based on), and documentation is your friend:
What you need to do is call CREATE TABLE ... TO NODE (node1, node2);
For the distribution, you need to use DISTRIBUTE BY, DISTRIBUTED or DISTSTYLE.

By the way, note that the mailing lists of Postrges-XL are here: