Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] Linux Journal article on PostgreSQL


Re: [HACKERS] Linux Journal article on PostgreSQL

Andrew Martin
> Got my Linux Journal today and the first featured article is entitled
>   "PostgreSQL - The Linux of Databases"
> Now scrappy, before you get bent out of joint, they mean this in a nice
> way ;-)
> The author is Rolf Herzog from Germany. It seems like a good article,
> with a few factual errors but on the whole complimentary without
> ignoring the weak points (yes Bruce, subselects are mentioned).
Haven't seen it yet - guess my copy will arrive any day. It does seem
a shame that an article like this came from someone who isn't active on
any of these lists (AFAIK). Maybe he could have posted the article here
so any factual errors could have been pointed out before it went
to LJ.

LJ have featured PG/SQL on a couple of previous occassions --- it really
is a very good Unix magazine; an awful lot of it is far from Linux

Best Wishes,


Dr. Andrew C.R. Martin                             University College London
EMAIL: (Work) martin@biochem.ucl.ac.uk    (Home) andrew@stagleys.demon.co.uk
URL:   http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/~martin
Tel:   (Work) +44(0)171 419 3890                    (Home) +44(0)1372 275775

Re: [HACKERS] Linux Journal article on PostgreSQL

The Hermit Hacker
On Fri, 16 Jan 1998, Andrew Martin wrote:

> > Got my Linux Journal today and the first featured article is entitled
> >
> >   "PostgreSQL - The Linux of Databases"
> >
> > Now scrappy, before you get bent out of joint, they mean this in a nice
> > way ;-)
> >
> > The author is Rolf Herzog from Germany. It seems like a good article,
> > with a few factual errors but on the whole complimentary without
> > ignoring the weak points (yes Bruce, subselects are mentioned).
> >
> Haven't seen it yet - guess my copy will arrive any day. It does seem
> a shame that an article like this came from someone who isn't active on
> any of these lists (AFAIK). Maybe he could have posted the article here
> so any factual errors could have been pointed out before it went
> to LJ.

    I'm borrowing a copy from one of the profs here at the University,
but from Thomas' "review", sounds like he was pretty accurate :)

Re: [HACKERS] Linux Journal article on PostgreSQL

"Thomas G. Lockhart"
> > Got my Linux Journal today and the first featured article is entitled
> >   "PostgreSQL - The Linux of Databases"
> Haven't seen it yet - guess my copy will arrive any day. It does seem
> a shame that an article like this came from someone who isn't active on
> any of these lists (AFAIK). Maybe he could have posted the article here
> so any factual errors could have been pointed out before it went
> to LJ.

Yes, that was my initial reaction too. However, to look at it another way, it
is great that someone, who is not as wrapped up in Postgres as those of us
active on the lists seem to be, can look at it, use it, and say nice things
about it. I have _never_ seen an article written about something with which I
am familiar which seemed to be 100% correct, except (perhaps :) in refereed

                                                          - Tom