Обсуждение: Newest Source ...


Newest Source ...

The Hermit Hacker
It hangs at the following error, CVSup'd and built as of this morning:

Script started on Mon 19 Jan 1998 10:16:17 AM AST
%./initdb --pglbib=/loc/pgsql/lib --pgdata=/loc/pgsql/data
initdb: using /loc/pgsql/lib/local1_template1.bki.source as input to create the template database.
initdb: using /loc/pgsql/lib/global1.bki.source as input to create the global classes.
initdb: using /loc/pgsql/lib/pg_hba.conf.sample as the host-based authentication control file.

We are initializing the database system with username marc (uid=100).
This user will own all the files and must also own the server process.

Creating Postgres database system directory /loc/pgsql/data

Creating Postgres database system directory /loc/pgsql/data/base

initdb: creating template database in /loc/pgsql/data/base/template1
Running: postgres -boot -C -F -D/loc/pgsql/data -Q template1
ERROR:  heap_modifytuple: repl is \-62
ERROR:  heap_modifytuple: repl is \-62
script done on Mon 19 Jan 1998 10:17:38 AM AST

Re: [HACKERS] Newest Source ...

Bruce Momjian
> It hangs at the following error, CVSup'd and built as of this morning:
> Script started on Mon 19 Jan 1998 10:16:17 AM AST
> %./initdb --pglbib=/loc/pgsql/lib --pgdata=/loc/pgsql/data
> initdb: using /loc/pgsql/lib/local1_template1.bki.source as input to create the template database.
> initdb: using /loc/pgsql/lib/global1.bki.source as input to create the global classes.

I cvsup'ed last night, and initdb was working fine.
Bruce Momjian