Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] Who is everyone?


Re: [HACKERS] Who is everyone?

Zeugswetter Andreas SARZ
> I have been working with many of you for over a year, and would like to
> know more details about you.

I am currently 27, to be honest 28 tomorrow. I studied Business Informatics
at the TU Wien,
after a technically oriented high school. I work for an IT Company for
banks, actually "the" IT in Austria
soon called IT Austria (we are supposed to be proud to be one of the biggest
in Europe).
I am the System Expert for Informix and recently also Oracle on UNIX and NT
Platforms here.
We run ~1 Terra byte of Informix DB's here for SAP, Datawarehousing, Image
Scanning with OCR and the like.
I (well actually my wife Maria) am expecting my first child in September,
and looking forward to it.
We live 1/2 h south of Vienna, Austria. I also lived in New Canaan,
Connecticut for 2 years when I was 14.
I am writing a diploma paper on "Integration of Neural Nets into the
PostgreSQL Database System".
Actually the program "quelnns" can already learn from a select statement,
and then give answers
to input that is not in the training select. My biggest problem now is to
return the answer as a tuple from
a C function, right now I return text. The software uses postgresql, pvm3
and SNNS.
I like skiing, hiking, horses, swimming and travelling around the world
(or should I already say I liked the recent?).

Yours sincerely