Обсуждение: Alpha initdb fixed!


Alpha initdb fixed!

Dwayne Bailey

I've gotten 6.3 initdb to run to a successful completion on my
Alpha running OSF/1 V3.2c.  Forget the change that I sent in
earlier.  While I still think that there's something funky with
that code, it doesn not need to be modifed.  Actually, the
modifications are miniscule.  The only files that need to be
changed are backend/main/main.c and template/alpha.

The real trick is to add -Dalpha to the CFLAGS setting.  The
changes to main.c are only to add some extra includes to support
some code that's suddenly being used.

The #define ASSEMBLER is to prevent most of the code of
sys/proc.h from being included, as it ends up conflicting with
some of the postgresql definitions.  This may or may not work on
other versions of Digital Unix.

As far as I'm concerned, this is a hack fix.  There's still some
underlying 32/64 bit assumtions that this is masking.  Perhaps
I'll make that my pet project.

Here are the diffs for the two files that I modified:

*** backend/main/main.c    Mon Mar 16 15:53:26 1998
- --- backend/main/main.c.orig    Mon Mar 16 16:05:07 1998
*** 15,28 ****
  #include <string.h>
  #include <unistd.h>

- - #ifdef alpha
- - #include <sys/sysinfo.h>
- - #include <machine/hal_sysinfo.h>
- - #define ASSEMBLER
- - #include <sys/proc.h>
- - #undef ASSEMBLER
- - #endif
- -
  #include "postgres.h"
  #ifdef USE_LOCALE
  #include <locale.h>
- --- 15,20 ----

*** template/alpha    Mon Mar 16 16:06:08 1998
- --- template/alpha.orig    Mon Mar 16 16:11:25 1998
*** 5,11 ****
  # This is defined here because a bunch of clients include tmp/c.h,
  # which is where the work is done on HP-UX.  It only affects the
  # backend on Ultrix and OSF/1.
- --- 5,11 ----
  # This is defined here because a bunch of clients include tmp/c.h,
  # which is where the work is done on HP-UX.  It only affects the
  # backend on Ultrix and OSF/1.

- --
Dwayne Bailey                   + WHAT is your name? Sir Galahad
MIKA Systems, Bingham Farms, MI + WHAT is your quest? I Seek the Holy Grail
dwayne@mika.com                 + What is your favorite color?
http://www.mika.com/~dwayne     +    Blue ... no, Yelloooooooooooooooooow
            finger dwayne@mika20.mika.com for PGP Public Key

Version: 2.6.2


Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!

"Pedro J. Lobo"
On Mon, 16 Mar 1998, Dwayne Bailey wrote:

>I've gotten 6.3 initdb to run to a successful completion on my
>Alpha running OSF/1 V3.2c.  Forget the change that I sent in
>earlier.  While I still think that there's something funky with
>that code, it doesn not need to be modifed.  Actually, the
>modifications are miniscule.  The only files that need to be
>changed are backend/main/main.c and template/alpha.
>The real trick is to add -Dalpha to the CFLAGS setting.  The
>changes to main.c are only to add some extra includes to support
>some code that's suddenly being used.
>The #define ASSEMBLER is to prevent most of the code of
>sys/proc.h from being included, as it ends up conflicting with
>some of the postgresql definitions.  This may or may not work on
>other versions of Digital Unix.

I'll try it immediately, but I have a suggestion. On my DU 3.2c system, cc
defines automatically the symbols "__osf__" and "__alpha", and gcc defines
"__osf__", "__alpha" and "__alpha__". I think it would be easier to change
every "#ifdef alpha" to "#ifdef __alpha", and stop worrying about it in
the Makefiles.

Can any of the linux-alpha folks try out which symbols does the compiler
define? And someone who has DU 4.0x installed?

Pedro José Lobo Perea                   Tel:    +34 1 336 78 19
Centro de Cálculo                       Fax:    +34 1 331 92 29
EUIT Telecomunicación - UPM             e-mail: pjlobo@euitt.upm.es

Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!

"Pedro J. Lobo"
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Pedro J. Lobo wrote:

>On Mon, 16 Mar 1998, Dwayne Bailey wrote:
>>I've gotten 6.3 initdb to run to a successful completion on my
>>Alpha running OSF/1 V3.2c.  Forget the change that I sent in
>>earlier.  While I still think that there's something funky with
>>that code, it doesn not need to be modifed.  Actually, the
>>modifications are miniscule.  The only files that need to be
>>changed are backend/main/main.c and template/alpha.
>>The real trick is to add -Dalpha to the CFLAGS setting.  The
>>changes to main.c are only to add some extra includes to support
>>some code that's suddenly being used.
>>The #define ASSEMBLER is to prevent most of the code of
>>sys/proc.h from being included, as it ends up conflicting with
>>some of the postgresql definitions.  This may or may not work on
>>other versions of Digital Unix.
>I'll try it immediately, but I have a suggestion. On my DU 3.2c system, cc
>defines automatically the symbols "__osf__" and "__alpha", and gcc defines
>"__osf__", "__alpha" and "__alpha__". I think it would be easier to change
>every "#ifdef alpha" to "#ifdef __alpha", and stop worrying about it in
>the Makefiles.

I've just tried it, and it works partially. The initdb works fine, so I've
tried to run the regression tests. Here is the output:

boolean ..  ok
char ..  ok
char2 ..  ok
char4 ..  ok
char8 ..  ok
char16 ..  ok
varchar ..  ok
text ..  ok
strings ..  ok
int2 ..  failed
int4 ..  failed
oid ..  ok
oidint2 ..  failed
oidint4 ..  failed
oidname ..  failed

All tests after oid fail, because the postmaster dies with this message:

ERROR:  pg_atoi: error reading "123456": Result too large
ERROR:  pg_atoi: error in "asdfasd": can't parse "asdfasd"
semget: No space left on device
This type of error is usually caused by improper
shared memory or System V IPC semaphore configuration.
See the FAQ for more detailed information
FATAL 1:  AttachSLockMemory: could not attach segment

Running the regression test after starting the postmaster with "-d 2"

/usr/local/pgsql.beta/bin/postmaster child[0]:
execv(/usr/local/pgsql.beta/bin/postgres, -p, -d2, -P4, -F, -e, -B, 256, -v 65536, regression, )
/usr/local/pgsql.beta/bin/postmaster: BackendStartup: pid 6011 user pgbeta
db regression socket 4
FindBackend: found "/usr/local/pgsql.beta/bin/postgres" using argv[0]
binding ShmemCreate(key=0, size=2414376)
semget: No space left on device
This type of error is usually caused by improper
shared memory or System V IPC semaphore configuration.
See the FAQ for more detailed information
        ---debug info---
        Quiet =        f
        Noversion =    f
        timings   =    f
        dates     =    European
        bufsize   =    256
        sortmem   =    512
        query echo =   f
        DatabaseName = [regression]

/usr/local/pgsql.beta/bin/postmaster: reaping dead processes...
/usr/local/pgsql.beta/bin/postmaster: CleanupProc: pid 6011 exited with
status 768
/usr/local/pgsql.beta/bin/postmaster: CleanupProc: reinitializing shared
memory and semaphores
FATAL 1:  AttachSLockMemory: could not attach segment

I am using these options (they worked fine with 6.2.1 and 6.2.1p6):

postmaster -d 2 -o '-F -e' -B 256 -D/usr/local/pgsql.beta/data

Also, after the postmaster dies I have to manually remove (using ipcrm) 15
semaphores and one shared memory area. Since there is one more semaphore
owned by root, there are 16 semaphores allocated when the postmaster dies.
I have looked at my system configuration, and that's the system limit. I
can raise it to, say, 32, but the 6.2.1 system worked fine with my current
configuration. I suspect that the postmaster is allocating semaphores and
never releasing them.

Any hints?

Pedro José Lobo Perea                   Tel:    +34 1 336 78 19
Centro de Cálculo                       Fax:    +34 1 331 92 29
EUIT Telecomunicación - UPM             e-mail: pjlobo@euitt.upm.es

Unix Domain Sockets error (was Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!)

"Pedro J. Lobo"
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Pedro J. Lobo wrote:

>On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Pedro J. Lobo wrote:
>I've just tried it, and it works partially. The initdb works fine, so I've
>tried to run the regression tests. Here is the output:
>boolean ..  ok
>char ..  ok
>char2 ..  ok
>char4 ..  ok
>char8 ..  ok
>char16 ..  ok
>varchar ..  ok
>text ..  ok
>strings ..  ok
>int2 ..  failed
>int4 ..  failed
>oid ..  ok
>oidint2 ..  failed
>oidint4 ..  failed
>oidname ..  failed

I've done more tests. The problem is that if you start the postmaster
without the '-p' option and without assigning a value to the PGPORT
environment variable, then all the ipc stuff is messed up. No shared
memory regions are created, and the semaphores are created but never
freed. When a port number is specified, the sempahores (and the shared
memory regions) have a 'key' value that contains the port number. Without
port number, there is no shared memory and the sempahores have 0 as the
key value.

I don't know if this behaviour is due to the use of a non-standard port
(5440), but since it's been specified in configure (--with-pgport=5440) it
should work. shouldn't it?

These are the regression tests when a port number is specified (note that
you *must* assign a value to PGPORT before running the tests):

boolean ..  ok
char ..  ok
char2 ..  ok
char4 ..  ok
char8 ..  ok
char16 ..  ok
varchar ..  ok
text ..  ok
strings ..  ok
int2 ..  failed
int4 ..  failed
oid ..  ok
oidint2 ..  failed
oidint4 ..  failed
oidname ..  ok
float4 ..  ok
float8 ..  failed
numerology ..  ok
point ..  ok
lseg ..  ok
box ..  ok
path ..  ok
polygon ..  ok
circle ..  ok
geometry ..  failed
timespan ..  ok
datetime ..  failed
reltime ..  ok
abstime ..  failed
tinterval ..  failed
horology ..  failed
comments ..  ok
create_function_1 ..  ok
create_type ..  ok
create_table ..  ok
create_function_2 ..  ok
constraints ..  ok
triggers ..  ok
copy ..  ok
create_misc ..  ok
create_aggregate ..  ok
create_operator ..  ok
create_view ..  ok
create_index ..  ok
sanity_check ..  ok
errors ..  ok
select ..  ok
select_into ..  ok
select_distinct ..  ok
select_distinct_on ..  ok
subselect ..  ok
aggregates ..  ok
transactions ..  ok
random ..  failed
portals ..  ok
misc ..  ok
arrays ..  ok
btree_index ..  ok
hash_index ..  ok
select_views ..  ok
alter_table ..  ok
portals_p2 ..  ok

Some of them fail (most notably int2, int4 and float8), but anyway it's
better than before :-)

Pedro José Lobo Perea                   Tel:    +34 1 336 78 19
Centro de Cálculo                       Fax:    +34 1 331 92 29
EUIT Telecomunicación - UPM             e-mail: pjlobo@euitt.upm.es

Re: Unix Domain Sockets error (was Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!)

Dwayne Bailey

On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Pedro J. Lobo wrote:

> I've done more tests. The problem is that if you start the postmaster
> without the '-p' option and without assigning a value to the PGPORT
> environment variable, then all the ipc stuff is messed up. No shared
> memory regions are created, and the semaphores are created but never
> freed. When a port number is specified, the sempahores (and the shared
> memory regions) have a 'key' value that contains the port number. Without
> port number, there is no shared memory and the sempahores have 0 as the
> key value.
> I don't know if this behaviour is due to the use of a non-standard port
> (5440), but since it's been specified in configure (--with-pgport=5440) it
> should work. shouldn't it?

I got the same results that you did.  I was planning on
investigating this morning, but it looks like you beat me to it.
I ALSO built 6.3 with a non-standard port, so that I could keep
my current database live while I work on this.

I'll try your suggestion, but I'll also try rebuilding using the
standard port, to see if it makes any difference.

Re: your suggestion to use __alpha and not worry about the
makefile, I'm a little uncomfortable with that.  DEC's cc will
actually output different symbols, depending on the use of the
- -std flag.  I'd rather have something that we have explicit
control over, rather than relying on the compiler like this.  I'm
not violently opposed to useing __alpha or anything, it's just a
preference against it.

- --
Dwayne Bailey                   + WHAT is your name? Sir Galahad
MIKA Systems, Bingham Farms, MI + WHAT is your quest? I Seek the Holy Grail
dwayne@mika.com                 + What is your favorite color?
http://www.mika.com/~dwayne     +    Blue ... no, Yelloooooooooooooooooow
            finger dwayne@mika20.mika.com for PGP Public Key

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Unix Domain Sockets error (was Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!)

The Hermit Hacker
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Pedro J. Lobo wrote:

> I don't know if this behaviour is due to the use of a non-standard port
> (5440), but since it's been specified in configure (--with-pgport=5440) it
> should work. shouldn't it?

    Yes, and there was a fix submitted and applied for this...its miss
defined in configure...

Re: Unix Domain Sockets error (was Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!)

Bruce Momjian
> I've done more tests. The problem is that if you start the postmaster
> without the '-p' option and without assigning a value to the PGPORT
> environment variable, then all the ipc stuff is messed up. No shared
> memory regions are created, and the semaphores are created but never
> freed. When a port number is specified, the sempahores (and the shared
> memory regions) have a 'key' value that contains the port number. Without
> port number, there is no shared memory and the sempahores have 0 as the
> key value.
> I don't know if this behaviour is due to the use of a non-standard port
> (5440), but since it's been specified in configure (--with-pgport=5440) it
> should work. shouldn't it?
> These are the regression tests when a port number is specified (note that
> you *must* assign a value to PGPORT before running the tests):

Let's get a patch for this alpha fix.  Not sure about the pgport problem.

Bruce Momjian                          |  830 Blythe Avenue
maillist@candle.pha.pa.us              |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  (610) 353-9879(w)
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  (610) 853-3000(h)

Re: Unix Domain Sockets error (was Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!)

Bruce Momjian
> I've done more tests. The problem is that if you start the postmaster
> without the '-p' option and without assigning a value to the PGPORT
> environment variable, then all the ipc stuff is messed up. No shared
> memory regions are created, and the semaphores are created but never
> freed. When a port number is specified, the sempahores (and the shared
> memory regions) have a 'key' value that contains the port number. Without
> port number, there is no shared memory and the sempahores have 0 as the
> key value.
> I don't know if this behaviour is due to the use of a non-standard port
> (5440), but since it's been specified in configure (--with-pgport=5440) it
> should work. shouldn't it?
> These are the regression tests when a port number is specified (note that
> you *must* assign a value to PGPORT before running the tests):

Let's get a patch for this alpha fix.  Not sure about the pgport problem.

Bruce Momjian                          |  830 Blythe Avenue
maillist@candle.pha.pa.us              |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  (610) 353-9879(w)
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  (610) 853-3000(h)

Re: Unix Domain Sockets error (was Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!)

Dwayne Bailey

On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Let's get a patch for this alpha fix.  Not sure about the pgport problem.

I included a diff in my original report.  I can resend it to the
patches list, if required.  However, I would prefer to hear that
somebody tested it on DU 4.0.  Thus far, AFAIK, only 3.2 has been

I'm confident that the patched template/alpha file will be fine,
but the corresponding changes to backend/main/main.c leave me
less comfortable.  There's a #define ASSEMBLER there to prevent
the loading of wholesale portions of sys/proc.h.  I'd like to
know if that works as expected on other versions of DU.

The pgport problem has been identified as a problem with
configure, which had been previously reported.  (A report that I
must have missed.)

- --
Dwayne Bailey                   + WHAT is your name? Sir Galahad
MIKA Systems, Bingham Farms, MI + WHAT is your quest? I Seek the Holy Grail
dwayne@mika.com                 + What is your favorite color?
http://www.mika.com/~dwayne     +    Blue ... no, Yelloooooooooooooooooow
            finger dwayne@mika20.mika.com for PGP Public Key

Version: 2.6.2


Re: Unix Domain Sockets error (was Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!)

The Hermit Hacker
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Bruce Momjian wrote:

> > I've done more tests. The problem is that if you start the postmaster
> > without the '-p' option and without assigning a value to the PGPORT
> > environment variable, then all the ipc stuff is messed up. No shared
> > memory regions are created, and the semaphores are created but never
> > freed. When a port number is specified, the sempahores (and the shared
> > memory regions) have a 'key' value that contains the port number. Without
> > port number, there is no shared memory and the sempahores have 0 as the
> > key value.
> >
> > I don't know if this behaviour is due to the use of a non-standard port
> > (5440), but since it's been specified in configure (--with-pgport=5440) it
> > should work. shouldn't it?
> >
> > These are the regression tests when a port number is specified (note that
> > you *must* assign a value to PGPORT before running the tests):
> Let's get a patch for this alpha fix.  Not sure about the pgport problem.

    The pgport problem, I *think*, is the one that was configure
related, where the port is set wrong by default.

    Try this:

Index: pgsql/src/configure
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/configure,v
retrieving revision 1.132
retrieving revision 1.134
diff -r1.132 -r1.134
< #define DEF_PGPORT "${DEF_PGPORT}"
> #define DEF_PGPORT "${withval}"

Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!

Ryan Kirkpatrick
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Pedro J. Lobo wrote:

> I'll try it immediately, but I have a suggestion. On my DU 3.2c system, cc
> defines automatically the symbols "__osf__" and "__alpha", and gcc defines
> "__osf__", "__alpha" and "__alpha__". I think it would be easier to change
> every "#ifdef alpha" to "#ifdef __alpha", and stop worrying about it in
> the Makefiles.
> Can any of the linux-alpha folks try out which symbols does the compiler
> define? And someone who has DU 4.0x installed?

    Linux/Alpha provides the following useful/relavent symbols:

    I had gone through the pgsql 6.2.1 source trying to fix/replace
all instances of 'linuxalpha' and such used as defines with '(defined
__alpha__) && (defined __linux__)'. But I hit a few snags in testing (i.e.
lack of time), and by the time I got things about sorted out, 6.3 came out
and changed so much I need to go through again and do it all anew. The
baisc problem it looks like you hit as well, is that non-standard define
names were used, and then never included in the platform specific defines.
This was the reason Linux/Alpha couldn't even get initdb to run (probably
same for you). Of course, the regression tests are still not perfect, and
there is a good deal of cleanup on the Linux/Alpha end of things as well.
It will be a while, but things are moving.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                     |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)    |
|  Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  | rkirkpat@nag.cs.colorado.edu  |
|               http://www-ugrad.cs.colorado.edu/~rkirkpat/                |

Re: Unix Domain Sockets error (was Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!)

"Pedro J. Lobo"
On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Dwayne Bailey wrote:

>Re: your suggestion to use __alpha and not worry about the
>makefile, I'm a little uncomfortable with that.  DEC's cc will
>actually output different symbols, depending on the use of the
>- -std flag.  I'd rather have something that we have explicit
>control over, rather than relying on the compiler like this.  I'm
>not violently opposed to useing __alpha or anything, it's just a
>preference against it.

Here's an extract from the DEC's cc man page:

  The following table shows which macros are defined for each of the -std

  Macro                   std0        std   std1
  LANGUAGE_C              yes         no    no
  __LANGUAGE_C__          yes         yes   yes
  unix                    yes         no    no
  __unix__                yes         yes   yes
  __osf__                 yes         yes   yes
  __alpha                 yes         yes   yes
  SYSTYPE_BSD             yes         no    no
  _SYSTYPE_BSD            yes         yes   yes
  LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY       yes         yes   yes
  __LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY__   yes         yes   yes

As you can see, __alpha and __osf__ are always defined. However, I
understand your point. If we define 'alpha' in the template file, we are
protected from mind-changing vendors that define __alpha in DU 3.2 and
__alpha__ in DU 4.0 and alpha__ in DU 5.0 (just an example). From this
point of view, the current approach is better. And, it's always easier
(and safer) to leave things untouched.

Pedro José Lobo Perea                   Tel:    +34 1 336 78 19
Centro de Cálculo                       Fax:    +34 1 331 92 29
EUIT Telecomunicación - UPM             e-mail: pjlobo@euitt.upm.es

Re: Unix Domain Sockets error (was Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!)

"Thomas G. Lockhart"
> These are the regression tests when a port number is specified (note that
> you *must* assign a value to PGPORT before running the tests):
> ===============================================================
> boolean ..  ok
> char ..  ok
> char2 ..  ok
> char4 ..  ok
> char8 ..  ok
> char16 ..  ok
> varchar ..  ok
> text ..  ok
> strings ..  ok
> int2 ..  failed
> int4 ..  failed
> oid ..  ok
> oidint2 ..  failed
> oidint4 ..  failed
> oidname ..  ok
> float4 ..  ok
> float8 ..  failed
> numerology ..  ok
> point ..  ok
> lseg ..  ok
> box ..  ok
> path ..  ok
> polygon ..  ok
> circle ..  ok
> geometry ..  failed
> timespan ..  ok
> datetime ..  failed
> reltime ..  ok
> abstime ..  failed
> tinterval ..  failed
> horology ..  failed
> comments ..  ok
> create_function_1 ..  ok
> create_type ..  ok
> create_table ..  ok
> create_function_2 ..  ok
> constraints ..  ok
> triggers ..  ok
> copy ..  ok
> create_misc ..  ok
> create_aggregate ..  ok
> create_operator ..  ok
> create_view ..  ok
> create_index ..  ok
> sanity_check ..  ok
> errors ..  ok
> select ..  ok
> select_into ..  ok
> select_distinct ..  ok
> select_distinct_on ..  ok
> subselect ..  ok
> aggregates ..  ok
> transactions ..  ok
> random ..  failed
> portals ..  ok
> misc ..  ok
> arrays ..  ok
> btree_index ..  ok
> hash_index ..  ok
> select_views ..  ok
> alter_table ..  ok
> portals_p2 ..  ok
> ==========================================
> Some of them fail (most notably int2, int4 and float8), but anyway it's
> better than before :-)

Oooh. I think you might have a running system now! Those int2, int4,
float8 "failures" are probably just error message differences and are
expected. The date and time stuff may or may not be a problem, and the
geometry stuff is probably OK (rounding trouble in the math libraries).

Make sure your date/time stuff looks OK, at least for simple tests; it
may be, for example, that your timezone database is just different for
dates before 1960...

                       - Tom

Re: [HACKERS] Alpha initdb fixed!

Bruce Momjian

> I've gotten 6.3 initdb to run to a successful completion on my
> Alpha running OSF/1 V3.2c.  Forget the change that I sent in
> earlier.  While I still think that there's something funky with
> that code, it doesn not need to be modifed.  Actually, the
> modifications are miniscule.  The only files that need to be
> changed are backend/main/main.c and template/alpha.
> The real trick is to add -Dalpha to the CFLAGS setting.  The
> changes to main.c are only to add some extra includes to support
> some code that's suddenly being used.
> The #define ASSEMBLER is to prevent most of the code of
> sys/proc.h from being included, as it ends up conflicting with
> some of the postgresql definitions.  This may or may not work on
> other versions of Digital Unix.
> As far as I'm concerned, this is a hack fix.  There's still some
> underlying 32/64 bit assumtions that this is masking.  Perhaps

Bruce Momjian                          |  830 Blythe Avenue
maillist@candle.pha.pa.us              |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  (610) 353-9879(w)
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  (610) 853-3000(h)