Обсуждение: Re: [PATCHES] Re: pg_dump -z [Please don't apply this]


Re: [PATCHES] Re: pg_dump -z [Please don't apply this]

"Thomas G. Lockhart"
> I want to get OUTER JOINs into
> the server for v6.4, to give me some major functionality that I'm
> currently missing, and to finally force myself to get into the
> internals :)  Someone want to recommend how to start on this?  My
> constant fear with doing anything is never knowing how to start *sigh*

My strategy for this last time was to cajole Vadim into doing the hard
work :) But, I promised him to make up for it by helping with his
projects in the future when he wanted. I'm not sure what is on his list
for v6.4. Outer joins would sure be nice though...

                    - Tom