Обсуждение: Re: [QUESTIONS] libpg - segmentation fault


Re: [QUESTIONS] libpg - segmentation fault

"Thomas G. Lockhart"
> > I just installed 6.3.1 and am still encountering the same
> > problem in 6.2.1 .. that is... libpq can't manage large query
> > results - -is always returning a segmentation fault . :(
> > select * from foo, bar;
> > - - where foo has 73000 records and bar 22000 records,
> >   both with two fields of char(6) each;
> >   this kind of query (when issued using 'psql') will crash and
> >   returns a 'segmentation fault (core dumped)'
> Holy sh*t, Batman...this is going to return 1.6 _BILLION_ rows!!!!!
> And you're complaining that it dumps core?!?!?!?!?
> Not trying to be _too_ sarcastic, but if you _were_ able to process
> the results for this query at 1000 rows per second around the clock,
> it would take almost three weeks to finish?!?

That's funny :)

                   - Tom