Обсуждение: [QUESTION] backend closed the channel ... after crash usr prog, how can I fix?


[QUESTION] backend closed the channel ... after crash usr prog, how can I fix?

"Park, Chul-Su"
Hi all,

    When I try testlo.c with some modifications, I hit "Ctrl-C" key
sometimes OR program crash abnormally I got messages when I try to
connect a db , see below.  But all other db seems to be working,
in such case is there any way to revive server without "restarting" by
kill -TERM xxx and restart the postmaster?  Because the other db is very
frequently used by other people!  I guess that such problem is
due to the "large object" or locks(I tried to remove pg_vlock, vacuum

    The only way is restarting the postmaster?


After crashing "testlo.c" with incorrect treatment on a large object

> psql -h xxx testdb
testdb=> \dt
PQexec() -- Request was sent to backend, but backend closed the channel
before responding.
        This probably means the backend terminated abnormally before or
while processing the request.

and I could not see any tables... but usual sql queris was possible! on
testdb such as create table, select...
after crashing my program(testlo.c try to connect "testdb")

> psql -h xxx testdb
testdb=> \dt
PQexec() -- Request was sent to backend, but backend closed the channel
before responding.
        This probably means the backend terminated abnormally before or
while processing the request.
testdb=>create table t (i int4);
PQexec() -- There is no connection to the backend.
testdb=>\c testdb    <- reconnect
testdb=>select * from t where int4mul(1,i) > 4;
(0 rows)
PQexec() -- Request was sent to backend, but backend closed the channel
before responding.
        This probably means the backend terminated abnormally before or
while processing the request.