Обсуждение: performance tests, initial results


performance tests, initial results

dg@illustra.com (David Gould)
I have been playing a little with the performance tests found in
pgsql/src/tests/performance and have a few observations that might be of
minor interest.

The tests themselves are simple enough although the result parsing in the
driver did not work on Linux. I am enclosing a patch below to fix this. I
think it will also work better on the other systems.

A summary of results from my testing are below. Details are at the bottom
of this message.

My test system is 'leslie':

 linux 2.0.32, gcc version
 P133, HX chipset, 512K L2, 32MB mem
 NCR810 fast scsi, Quantum Atlas 2GB drive (7200 rpm).

                     Results Summary (times in seconds)

                    Single txn 8K txn    Create 8K idx 8K random Simple
Case Description    8K insert  8K insert Index  Insert Scans     Orderby
=================== ========== ========= ====== ====== ========= =======
1 From Distribution
  P90 FreeBsd -B256      39.56   1190.98   3.69  46.65     65.49    2.27

2 Running on leslie
  P133 Linux 2.0.32      15.48    326.75   2.99  20.69     35.81    1.68
  SCSI 32M

3 leslie, -o -F
  no forced writes       15.90     24.98   2.63  20.46     36.43    1.69

4 leslie, -o -F
  no ASSERTS             14.92     23.23   1.38  18.67     33.79    1.58

5 leslie, -o -F -B2048
  more buffers           21.31     42.28   2.65  25.74     42.26    1.72

6 leslie, -o -F -B2048
  more bufs, no ASSERT   20.52     39.79   1.40  24.77     39.51    1.55

                 Case to Case Difference Factors (+ is faster)

                    Single txn 8K txn    Create 8K idx 8K random Simple
Case Description    8K insert  8K insert Index  Insert Scans     Orderby
=================== ========== ========= ====== ====== ========= =======

leslie vs BSD P90.        2.56      3.65   1.23   2.25      1.83    1.35

(noflush -F) vs no -F    -1.03     13.08   1.14   1.01     -1.02    1.00

No Assert vs Assert       1.05      1.07   1.90   1.06      1.07    1.09

-B256 vs -B2048           1.34      1.69   1.01   1.26      1.16    1.02


 - leslie (P133 linux) appears to be about 1.8 times faster than the
   P90 BSD system used for the test result distributed with the source, not
   counting the 8K txn insert case which was completely disk bound.

 - SCSI disks make a big (factor of 3.6) difference. During this test the
   disk was hammering and cpu utilization was < 10%.

 - Assertion checking seems to cost about 7% except for create index where
   it costs 90%

 - the -F option to avoid flushing buffers has tremendous effect if there are
   many very small transactions. Or, another way, flushing at the end of the
   transaction is a major disaster for performance.

 - Something is very wrong with our buffer cache implementation. Going from
   256 buffers to 2048 buffers costs an average of 25%. In the 8K txn case
   it costs about 70%. I see looking at the code and profiling that in the 8K
   txn case this is in BufferSync() which examines all the buffers at commit
   time. I don't quite understand why it is so costly for the single 8K row
   txn (35%) though.

It would be nice to have some more tests. Maybe the Wisconsin stuff will
be useful.

----------------- patch to test harness. apply from pgsql ------------
*** src/test/performance/runtests.pl.orig    Sun Jun 14 11:34:04 1998

Differences %

----------------- patch to test harness. apply from pgsql ------------
*** src/test/performance/runtests.pl.orig    Sun Jun 14 11:34:04 1998
--- src/test/performance/runtests.pl    Sun Jun 14 12:07:30 1998
*** 84,123 ****
  open (STDERR, ">$TmpFile") or die;
  select (STDERR); $| = 1;

! for ($i = 0; $i <= $#perftests; $i++)
! {
      $test = $perftests[$i];
      ($test, $XACTBLOCK) = split (/ /, $test);
      $runtest = $test;
!     if ( $test =~ /\.ntm/ )
!     {
!         #
          # No timing for this queries
-         #
          close (STDERR);        # close $TmpFile
          open (STDERR, ">/dev/null") or die;
          $runtest =~ s/\.ntm//;
!     else
!     {
          close (STDOUT);
          open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT");
          print STDOUT "\nRunning: $perftests[$i+1] ...";
          close (STDOUT);
          open (STDOUT, ">/dev/null") or die;
          select (STDERR); $| = 1;
!         printf "$perftests[$i+1]: ";

      do "sqls/$runtest";

      # Restore STDERR to $TmpFile
!     if ( $test =~ /\.ntm/ )
!     {
          close (STDERR);
          open (STDERR, ">>$TmpFile") or die;
      select (STDERR); $| = 1;
--- 84,116 ----
  open (STDERR, ">$TmpFile") or die;
  select (STDERR); $| = 1;

! for ($i = 0; $i <= $#perftests; $i++) {
      $test = $perftests[$i];
      ($test, $XACTBLOCK) = split (/ /, $test);
      $runtest = $test;
!     if ( $test =~ /\.ntm/ ) {
          # No timing for this queries
          close (STDERR);        # close $TmpFile
          open (STDERR, ">/dev/null") or die;
          $runtest =~ s/\.ntm//;
!     else {
          close (STDOUT);
          open(STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT");
          print STDOUT "\nRunning: $perftests[$i+1] ...";
          close (STDOUT);
          open (STDOUT, ">/dev/null") or die;
          select (STDERR); $| = 1;
!         print "$perftests[$i+1]: ";

      do "sqls/$runtest";

      # Restore STDERR to $TmpFile
!     if ( $test =~ /\.ntm/ ) {
          close (STDERR);
          open (STDERR, ">>$TmpFile") or die;
      select (STDERR); $| = 1;
*** 128,138 ****
  open (TMPF, "<$TmpFile") or die;
  open (RESF, ">$ResFile") or die;

! while (<TMPF>)
! {
!     $str = $_;
!     ($test, $rtime) = split (/:/, $str);
!     ($tmp, $rtime, $rest) = split (/[     ]+/, $rtime);
!     print RESF "$test: $rtime\n";

--- 121,130 ----
  open (TMPF, "<$TmpFile") or die;
  open (RESF, ">$ResFile") or die;

! while (<TMPF>) {
!         if (m/^(.*: ).* ([0-9:.]+) *elapsed/) {
!         ($test, $rtime) = ($1, $2);
!          print RESF $test, $rtime, "\n";
!         }


------------------------- testcase detail --------------------------

1. from distribution
   DBMS:        PostgreSQL 6.2b10
   OS:        FreeBSD 2.1.5-RELEASE
   HardWare:    i586/90, 24M RAM, IDE
   StartUp:    postmaster -B 256 '-o -S 2048' -S
   Compiler:    gcc 2.6.3
   Compiled:    -O, without CASSERT checking, with
           -DTBL_FREE_CMD_MEMORY (to free memory
           if BEGIN/END after each query execution)
   DB connection startup: 0.20
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (1 xact): 39.58
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (8192 xacts): 1190.98
   Create INDEX on SIMPLE: 3.69
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE with INDEX (1 xact): 46.65
   8192 random INDEX scans on SIMPLE (1 xact): 65.49

2. run on leslie with asserts
   DBMS:        PostgreSQL 6.3.2 (plus changes to 98/06/01)
   OS:        Linux 2.0.32 leslie
   HardWare:    i586/133 HX 512, 32M RAM, fast SCSI, 7200rpm
   StartUp:    postmaster -B 256 '-o -S 2048' -S
   Compiler:    gcc
   Compiled:    -O, WITH CASSERT checking, with
           -DTBL_FREE_CMD_MEMORY (to free memory
           if BEGIN/END after each query execution)
   DB connection startup: 0.10
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (1 xact): 15.48
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (8192 xacts): 326.75
   Create INDEX on SIMPLE: 2.99
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE with INDEX (1 xact): 20.69
   8192 random INDEX scans on SIMPLE (1 xact): 35.81

3. with -F to avoid forced i/o
   DBMS:        PostgreSQL 6.3.2 (plus changes to 98/06/01)
   OS:        Linux 2.0.32 leslie
   HardWare:    i586/133 HX 512, 32M RAM, fast SCSI, 7200rpm
   StartUp:    postmaster -B 256 '-o -S 2048 -F' -S
   Compiler:    gcc
   Compiled:    -O, WITH CASSERT checking, with
           -DTBL_FREE_CMD_MEMORY (to free memory
           if BEGIN/END after each query execution)
   DB connection startup: 0.10
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (1 xact): 15.90
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (8192 xacts): 24.98
   Create INDEX on SIMPLE: 2.63
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE with INDEX (1 xact): 20.46
   8192 random INDEX scans on SIMPLE (1 xact): 36.43

4. no asserts, -F to avoid forced I/O
   DBMS:        PostgreSQL 6.3.2 (plus changes to 98/06/01)
   OS:        Linux 2.0.32 leslie
   HardWare:    i586/133 HX 512, 32M RAM, fast SCSI, 7200rpm
   StartUp:    postmaster -B 256 '-o -S 2048' -S
   Compiler:    gcc
   Compiled:    -O, No CASSERT checking, with
           -DTBL_FREE_CMD_MEMORY (to free memory
           if BEGIN/END after each query execution)
   DB connection startup: 0.10
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (1 xact): 14.92
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (8192 xacts): 23.23
   Create INDEX on SIMPLE: 1.38
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE with INDEX (1 xact): 18.67
   8192 random INDEX scans on SIMPLE (1 xact): 33.79

5. with more buffers (2048 vs 256) and -F to avoid forced i/o
   DBMS:        PostgreSQL 6.3.2 (plus changes to 98/06/01)
   OS:        Linux 2.0.32 leslie
   HardWare:    i586/133 HX 512, 32M RAM, fast SCSI, 7200rpm
   StartUp:    postmaster -B 2048 '-o -S 2048 -F' -S
   Compiler:    gcc
   Compiled:    -O, WITH CASSERT checking, with
           -DTBL_FREE_CMD_MEMORY (to free memory
           if BEGIN/END after each query execution)
   DB connection startup: 0.11
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (1 xact): 21.31
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (8192 xacts): 42.28
   Create INDEX on SIMPLE: 2.65
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE with INDEX (1 xact): 25.74
   8192 random INDEX scans on SIMPLE (1 xact): 42.26

6. No Asserts, more buffers (2048 vs 256) and -F to avoid forced i/o
   DBMS:        PostgreSQL 6.3.2 (plus changes to 98/06/01)
   OS:        Linux 2.0.32 leslie
   HardWare:    i586/133 HX 512, 32M RAM, fast SCSI, 7200rpm
   StartUp:    postmaster -B 2048 '-o -S 2048 -F' -S
   Compiler:    gcc
   Compiled:    -O, No CASSERT checking, with
           -DTBL_FREE_CMD_MEMORY (to free memory
           if BEGIN/END after each query execution)
   DB connection startup: 0.11
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (1 xact): 20.52
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE (8192 xacts): 39.79
   Create INDEX on SIMPLE: 1.40
   8192 INSERTs INTO SIMPLE with INDEX (1 xact): 24.77
   8192 random INDEX scans on SIMPLE (1 xact): 39.51


David Gould            dg@illustra.com           510.628.3783 or 510.305.9468
Informix Software  (No, really)         300 Lakeside Drive  Oakland, CA 94612
"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas.  If your ideas are any
 good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats." -- Howard Aiken

Re: [HACKERS] performance tests, initial results

Vadim Mikheev
First, thanks for fixing runtests.pl, David (I'm not so cool perl
programmer as I would like to be -:)

>  - Assertion checking seems to cost about 7% except for create index where
>    it costs 90%

Wow! This should be discovered!

>  - Something is very wrong with our buffer cache implementation. Going from
>    256 buffers to 2048 buffers costs an average of 25%. In the 8K txn case
>    it costs about 70%. I see looking at the code and profiling that in the 8K
>    txn case this is in BufferSync() which examines all the buffers at commit
>    time. I don't quite understand why it is so costly for the single 8K row
>    txn (35%) though.

This one is in my plans for 1 - 1.5 year :)
