Обсуждение: Re: Oracle on Linux


Re: Oracle on Linux

Hannu Krosing
"Thomas G. Lockhart" <lockhart@alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:
> > Thomas - get a load of this...I argued with these guys for 2
> > years.  And now when PostgreSQL makes it irrelevant, they port.
> Well, it will be interesting to see how they do. They can't beat us on
> price, and don't have a particularly open interface, but it might be fun
> to try to interoperate with them...
> >   "In the last couple of weeks, there's been this huge groundswell for
> > Linux," the representative said.
> Two weeks??!@??

It seemed a little funny for me too. But when I started to think about
it, there really has been some kind of media awareness explosion about
linux "in last couple of weeks". It seems that there has been at least
one article per day in at least one larger newspaper for a few weeks
now ;)

Wonder what will they find next: PostgreSQL, Python, ... ? ;)

> If they hold true to form, they will announce now and take three years
> to actually port the full features from their current product.

Well, they could go Open Source and have it up and running much faster

They could make huge profits following the revenue generation model
outlined in http://www.denounce.com/deepblue.html.

Hannu Krosing