Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] initdb problem again


Re: [HACKERS] initdb problem again

Keith Parks
Hi all,

initdb seems to run without problems on my system but after starting
the postmaster I start to see some problems.

A simple "select * from pg_user;" gives an error:-

    ERROR:  Relation pg_user does not have attribute usename

OK pg_user is a VIEW/RULE but it is interesting that initdb
creates a table in the process of creating the view.

If I try to create a table myself the backend dies as before
with a SIGSEGV. (see thread [HACKERS] Broken PostgreSQL (latest CVS) )

Here's what's happening with the select from pg_user.


Program received signal SIGHUP, Hangup.
0xe00f4f20 in __kill ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0xe00f4f20 in __kill ()
#1  0xd4bd0 in elog (lev=-1,
    fmt=0xefffac50 "ERROR:  Relation pg_user does not have attribute usename\n")
    at elog.c:181
#2  0x92428 in make_var (pstate=0x1, relid=17184, refname=0x15baf0 "pg_user",
    attrname=0x15b330 "usename") at parse_node.c:232
#3  0x939c0 in expandAll (pstate=0x159690, relname=0x15b330 "usename",
    refname=0x15baf0 "pg_user", this_resno=0x159690) at parse_relation.c:267
#4  0x95690 in ExpandAllTables (pstate=0x159690) at parse_target.c:816
#5  0x94e84 in transformTargetList (pstate=0x159690, targetlist=0x15bbd0)
    at parse_target.c:347
#6  0x8838c in transformSelectStmt (pstate=0x159690, stmt=0x1596d0) at
#7  0x876b0 in transformStmt (pstate=0x159690, parseTree=0x1596d0) at
#8  0x8740c in parse_analyze (pl=0x15bb30, parentParseState=0x0) at analyze.c:76
#9  0x8e624 in parser (str=0x0, typev=0x0, nargs=0) at parser.c:64
#10 0xaea24 in pg_parse_and_plan (
    query_string=0xefffd1a0 " select * from pg_user;", typev=0x0, nargs=0,
    queryListP=0xefffd0bc, dest=Remote) at postgres.c:401
#11 0xaee08 in pg_exec_query_dest (
    query_string=0xefffd1a0 " select * from pg_user;", dest=Remote)
    at postgres.c:617
#12 0xaede4 in pg_exec_query (query_string=0xefffd1a0 " select * from pg_user;")
    at postgres.c:602
#13 0xafd70 in PostgresMain (argc=1159168, argv=0xeffff1a0, real_argc=10,
    real_argv=0xeffffd84) at postgres.c:1429
#14 0x98c54 in DoBackend (port=0xfd400) at postmaster.c:1412
#15 0x98690 in BackendStartup (port=0x15cc00) at postmaster.c:1191
#16 0x97cbc in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:725
#17 0x97814 in PostmasterMain (argc=0, argv=0xeffffd84) at postmaster.c:534
#18 0x6c214 in main (argc=10, argv=0xeffffd84) at main.c:93
(gdb) list parse_node.c:232
228             vnum = refnameRangeTablePosn(pstate, refname, &sublevels_up);
230             attid = get_attnum(relid, attrname);
231             if (attid == InvalidAttrNumber)
232                     elog(ERROR, "Relation %s does not have attribute %s",
233                              refname, attrname);
234             vartypeid = get_atttype(relid, attid);
235             type_mod = get_atttypmod(relid, attid);

Bruce Momjian <maillist@candle.pha.pa.us>
> What bugs me is how the initdb and regression tests can run fine on
> BSDI, but fail other places.

Re: [HACKERS] initdb problem again

Bruce Momjian
> Hi all,
> initdb seems to run without problems on my system but after starting
> the postmaster I start to see some problems.
> A simple "select * from pg_user;" gives an error:-
>     ERROR:  Relation pg_user does not have attribute usename
> OK pg_user is a VIEW/RULE but it is interesting that initdb
> creates a table in the process of creating the view.
> If I try to create a table myself the backend dies as before
> with a SIGSEGV. (see thread [HACKERS] Broken PostgreSQL (latest CVS) )
> Here's what's happening with the select from pg_user.
> Keith.

OK, I am committing a fix for index destruction.  That may help some

Not sure why the initdb is behaving differently on different platforms,
especially when it works here.  I will keep looking.

Bruce Momjian                          |  830 Blythe Avenue
maillist@candle.pha.pa.us              |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  (610) 353-9879(w)
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  (610) 853-3000(h)