Обсуждение: Re: SQL package (fwd)


Re: SQL package (fwd)

The Hermit Hacker
Its not a rave review or anything like that, but its nice that we're
recognized as finding standards compliance a priority :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 16:27:25 +0200
From: Johann Visagie <wjv@cityip.co.za>
To: Jack Freelander <jack@cs.cs.miami.edu>,
Subject: Re: SQL package

On Tue, 01 Sep 1998 at 13:06 SAT, Jack Freelander wrote:
> which of the database packages would you recommend?  I'm looking for
> something as close as possible to the official SQL standard, but I don't
> want to sacrifice performance or stability if I don't have to.
> Is there one best overall package?

Not really.

If you're looking for free/open source, your primary choices are probably:

MySQL        - http://www.tcx.se/
MiniSQL        - http://www.hughes.com.au/
PostgreSQL    - http://www.postgresql.org/

Not one of them yet cover the entire ANSI spec, but if standards compliance
is a priority, PostgreSQL is probably your best bet.  It's also the only one
of the three completely unencumbered by a quasi-commercial licence.

-- V

Johann Visagie | Email: wjv@CityIP.co.za | Tel: +27 21 419-7878

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