Обсуждение: Exception in select IN with index


Exception in select IN with index

Keith Parks

Can anyone else reproduce this problem?
(Maybe a signal handling problem on S/Linux??)

Using the regression database...


regression=> select * from person where age in (38,68);
name   |age|location
teresa | 38|(7.7,1.8)
leah   | 68|(0.6,3.37)
liza   | 38|(9.76,6.9)
jenifer| 38|(6.6,23.3)
sumi   | 38|(1.15,0.6)
paula  | 68|(0.5,0.5)
julie  | 68|(3.6,7.2)
belinda| 38|(8.9,1.7)
sandy  | 38|(3.8,0.2)
velma  | 68|(8.8,8.9)
(10 rows)

regression=> create index p_age_idx on person (age);
regression=> select * from person where age in (38,68);
ERROR:  floating point exception! The last floating point operation either
exceeded legal ranges or was a divide by zero
regression=> drop index p_age_idx;
regression=> select * from person where age in (38,68);
name   |age|location
teresa | 38|(7.7,1.8)
leah   | 68|(0.6,3.37)
liza   | 38|(9.76,6.9)
jenifer| 38|(6.6,23.3)
sumi   | 38|(1.15,0.6)
paula  | 68|(0.5,0.5)
julie  | 68|(3.6,7.2)
belinda| 38|(8.9,1.7)
sandy  | 38|(3.8,0.2)
velma  | 68|(8.8,8.9)
(10 rows)


Here's a trace.

Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
0x931c4 in create_or_index_paths (root=0x1d7d10, rel=0x1efb90, clauses=0x1f9270)
at orindxpath.c:128
128                                     t_list = lappend(t_list, pathnode);
(gdb) bt
#0  0x931c4 in create_or_index_paths (root=0x1d7d10, rel=0x1efb90,
clauses=0x1f9270) at orindxpath.c:128
#1  0x8f0fc in find_rel_paths (root=0x1d7d10, rels=0x1f9510) at allpaths.c:130
#2  0x8f06c in find_paths (root=0x1d7d10, rels=0x1f9510) at allpaths.c:77
#3  0x94d48 in subplanner (root=0x1d7d10, flat_tlist=0x1f96f0, qual=0x1f9950) at
#4  0x94c30 in query_planner (root=0x1d7d10, command_type=1, tlist=0x1f43f0,
qual=0x1f9950) at planmain.c:183
#5  0x953c0 in union_planner (parse=0x1d7d10) at planner.c:151
#6  0x95228 in planner (parse=0x1d7d10) at planner.c:72
#7  0xccf1c in pg_parse_and_plan (query_string=0xefffd1a0 "select * from person
where age in (38,68);",
    typev=0x0, nargs=0, queryListP=0xefffd09c, dest=Remote, aclOverride=0
'\000') at postgres.c:626
#8  0xcd040 in pg_exec_query_dest (query_string=0xefffd1a0 "select * from person
where age in (38,68);",
    dest=Remote, aclOverride=0 '\000') at postgres.c:720
#9  0xccff4 in pg_exec_query (query_string=0xefffd1a0 "select * from person
where age in (38,68);")
    at postgres.c:697
#10 0xce2e4 in PostgresMain (argc=10, argv=0xeffff268, real_argc=10,
real_argv=0xeffffd84) at postgres.c:1611
#11 0xb1fcc in DoBackend (port=0x12d800) at postmaster.c:1528
#12 0xb1a44 in BackendStartup (port=0x190c00) at postmaster.c:1299
#13 0xb0ebc in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:757
#14 0xb0a04 in PostmasterMain (argc=0, argv=0xeffffd84) at postmaster.c:563
#15 0x83870 in main (argc=10, argv=0xeffffd84) at main.c:93
(gdb) print t_list
$1 = (List *) 0x0
(gdb) print  pathnode
$2 = (IndexPath *) 0x1ef210
(gdb) print  *pathnode
$3 = {path = {type = T_IndexPath, parent = 0x1efb90, path_cost = 4.0999999,
pathtype = T_IndexScan,
    p_ordering = {ordtype = MERGE_ORDER, ord = {sortop = 0x0, merge = 0x0}},
keys = 0x0, outerjoincost = 0,
    joinid = 0x0, locclauseinfo = 0x0}, indexid = 0x1e5dd0, indexqual =
0x1e5b90, indexkeys = 0x0}

Re: [HACKERS] Exception in select IN with index

"Thomas A. Szybist"
In message <199809121356.OAA21197@mtcc.demon.co.uk>, Keith Parks writes:
> Hi,
> Can anyone else reproduce this problem?
> (Maybe a signal handling problem on S/Linux??)
> Using the regression database...
> Keith.
> regression=> select * from person where age in (38,68);
> name   |age|location
> -------+---+----------
> teresa | 38|(7.7,1.8)
> leah   | 68|(0.6,3.37)
> liza   | 38|(9.76,6.9)
> jenifer| 38|(6.6,23.3)
> sumi   | 38|(1.15,0.6)
> paula  | 68|(0.5,0.5)
> julie  | 68|(3.6,7.2)
> belinda| 38|(8.9,1.7)
> sandy  | 38|(3.8,0.2)
> velma  | 68|(8.8,8.9)
> (10 rows)
> regression=> create index p_age_idx on person (age);
> regression=> select * from person where age in (38,68);
> ERROR:  floating point exception! The last floating point operation either
> exceeded legal ranges or was a divide by zero
> regression=> drop index p_age_idx;
> regression=> select * from person where age in (38,68);
> name   |age|location
> -------+---+----------
> teresa | 38|(7.7,1.8)
> leah   | 68|(0.6,3.37)
> liza   | 38|(9.76,6.9)
> jenifer| 38|(6.6,23.3)
> sumi   | 38|(1.15,0.6)
> paula  | 68|(0.5,0.5)
> julie  | 68|(3.6,7.2)
> belinda| 38|(8.9,1.7)
> sandy  | 38|(3.8,0.2)
> velma  | 68|(8.8,8.9)
> (10 rows)
> regression=>
> Here's a trace.
> Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
> 0x931c4 in create_or_index_paths (root=0x1d7d10, rel=0x1efb90, clauses=0x1f9270)
> at orindxpath.c:128
> 128                                     t_list = lappend(t_list, pathnode);
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x931c4 in create_or_index_paths (root=0x1d7d10, rel=0x1efb90,
> clauses=0x1f9270) at orindxpath.c:128
> #1  0x8f0fc in find_rel_paths (root=0x1d7d10, rels=0x1f9510) at allpaths.c:130
> #2  0x8f06c in find_paths (root=0x1d7d10, rels=0x1f9510) at allpaths.c:77
> #3  0x94d48 in subplanner (root=0x1d7d10, flat_tlist=0x1f96f0, qual=0x1f9950) at
> planmain.c:279
> #4  0x94c30 in query_planner (root=0x1d7d10, command_type=1, tlist=0x1f43f0,
> qual=0x1f9950) at planmain.c:183
> #5  0x953c0 in union_planner (parse=0x1d7d10) at planner.c:151
> #6  0x95228 in planner (parse=0x1d7d10) at planner.c:72
> #7  0xccf1c in pg_parse_and_plan (query_string=0xefffd1a0 "select * from person
> where age in (38,68);",
>     typev=0x0, nargs=0, queryListP=0xefffd09c, dest=Remote, aclOverride=0
> '\000') at postgres.c:626
> #8  0xcd040 in pg_exec_query_dest (query_string=0xefffd1a0 "select * from person
> where age in (38,68);",
>     dest=Remote, aclOverride=0 '\000') at postgres.c:720
> #9  0xccff4 in pg_exec_query (query_string=0xefffd1a0 "select * from person
> where age in (38,68);")
>     at postgres.c:697
> #10 0xce2e4 in PostgresMain (argc=10, argv=0xeffff268, real_argc=10,
> real_argv=0xeffffd84) at postgres.c:1611
> #11 0xb1fcc in DoBackend (port=0x12d800) at postmaster.c:1528
> #12 0xb1a44 in BackendStartup (port=0x190c00) at postmaster.c:1299
> #13 0xb0ebc in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:757
> #14 0xb0a04 in PostmasterMain (argc=0, argv=0xeffffd84) at postmaster.c:563
> #15 0x83870 in main (argc=10, argv=0xeffffd84) at main.c:93
> (gdb) print t_list
> $1 = (List *) 0x0
> (gdb) print  pathnode
> $2 = (IndexPath *) 0x1ef210
> (gdb) print  *pathnode
> $3 = {path = {type = T_IndexPath, parent = 0x1efb90, path_cost = 4.0999999,
> pathtype = T_IndexScan,
>     p_ordering = {ordtype = MERGE_ORDER, ord = {sortop = 0x0, merge = 0x0}},
> keys = 0x0, outerjoincost = 0,
>     joinid = 0x0, locclauseinfo = 0x0}, indexid = 0x1e5dd0, indexqual =
> 0x1e5b90, indexkeys = 0x0}
> (gdb)

Sorry Keith, It works on my Sparc 20 running S/Linux.  I'm using a cvs copy
from sometime on Sept 10.  It also works on my solaris 2.6 box (ultra 30).

Tom Szybist