Обсуждение: Re: proposed psqlodbc installation doc


Re: proposed psqlodbc installation doc

"Thomas G. Lockhart"
(From John Sharp, trying a Solaris installation of standalone psqlODBC)

> There are significant problems in this psqlodbc installation.  Since I
> already have a successful installation of iodbc-2.12|psqlodbc.0249, I
> haven't pursued the new installation to a sucessful conclusion yet.
> The configuation utility correctly picks solaris_sparc_gcc as a
> target, unlike postgres-6.3.2 (I had to provide that info).  However
> it maps this to the target sparc_solaris not solaris_sparc.

Is this a feature of the main Postgres configuration also? Has anyone
else had trouble or success with Sparc Solaris for the main
distribution? I'm not aware of anything different in the ODBC stuff.

> I found one compile error in socket.c.  This was because this is no
> definition for INADDR_NONE.  This compiled correction when I added
>   #define INADDR_NONE -1
> To config.h.  Note: defining this as "(inaddr_t) -1" doesn't work on
> this gcc.
> I did not look at the other files very much, except that I would still
> have to make changes to gpps.c to make it compatable with the way ini
> files are read in iodbc-2.12.

What changes? I'm running the same version of iodbc and am not aware of
any file incompatibilities, which makes it hard to guess at your

> If you make corrections to this installation, I would be willing to
> try again.  But for now, I'll stay with what is working.

Thanks for looking at it John.
                     - Tom