Обсуждение: corrupted lock table (fwd)


corrupted lock table (fwd)

Hakan Kalyoncu
Hi all,

After a postmaster crash during the vacuum operation, I was unable
to use my database. I always get the following messages whenever I
try to use my database:
  LockRelease: locktable lookup failed, no lock  LockRelease: find xid, table corrupted

Is there a way to get rid of the above messages. Or shoul I forgot 
my old data and start over from the scrach?

Is there a way to increase the maximum number of locks?

By the way, I searched the mailin list archives and found that same
problem was previously posted for several times, but I could not find any
solutions to the problem through the archives.

Platform info:

OS: IRIX 6.5
HW: SGI Origin 2000 (4 CPU)
Compiler used: MIPSPro C
Version: PostgreSQL-6-3-2

Thanks in advance

Hakan Kalyoncu